  • 7/29/2019 13 Anul 1844 in profetie - Jeff Pippenger - Notite Tabara Porumbacu 2013


    1844 IN PROPHECY #13



    In the history of Nebuchadnezzar and

    Belshazzar, God speaks to nations of today. Weare to take to heart the lessons he sought to teachthese rebellious kings; for if Belshazzar had

    pursued a course in harmony with theinstruction given to his grandfather, he wouldhave retained not only his kingdom but his life.He disregarded the lessons, and went on inrebellion against God, committing the very sinsfor which his grandfather had been reproved and

    punished. He, too, lifted himself up in pride andexaltation, and the final judgment of God fellupon him and his house. His great sin was that,notwithstanding God had given him light, herefused to walk in the paths of righteousness.Signs of the Times, July 20, 1891.

    THE WARNING MESSAGEDaniel 5:1824

    Belshazzar had been given many opportunities

    for knowing and doing the will of God. He hadseen his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar banishedfrom the society of men. He had seen the intellectin which the proud monarch gloried taken away

    by the One who gave it. He had seen the kingdriven from his kingdom, and made thecompanion of the beasts of the field. ButBelshazzars love of amusement and self-glorification effaced the lessons he should neverhave forgotten; and he committed sins similar tothose that brought signal judgments on

    Nebuchadnezzar. He wasted the opportunitiesgraciously granted him, neglecting to use theopportunities within his reach for becomingacquainted with truth. What must I do to besaved? was a question that the great but foolishking passed by indifferently. Bible Echo, April25, 1898.

    SIGNAL: nounA sign that gives or isintended to give notice; or the notice given.

    AdjectiveEminent; remarkable; memorable;distinguished from what is ordinary. Websters1828 Dictionary.


    1844 N PROFE IE #13



    Prin istoria lui Nebucadne ar i Bel a ar

    Dumnezeu vorbe te popoarelor de azi. Trebuie slum aminte la lec iile pe care El a cutat s i nve e pe ace ti mpra i rzvrti i; cci dac Bel a ar ar fi urmat o cale care s fi fost narmonie cu instruc iunile care i-au fost date bunicului su, el i-ar fi putut pstra nu doar mpr ia ci i via a. Dar el a nesocotit nv turile, i a mers nainte n rebeliune fa de Dumnezeu, fcnd acelea i pcate pentru care

    bunicul su fusese mustrat i pedepsit. El, de asemenea, s-a nl at pe sine plin de mndrie i exaltare, i judecata final a lui Dumnezeu a czut peste el i casa lui. Marele su pcat a fost acela c, fr a ine conte de lumina pe care i-a dat-o Dumnezeu, a refuzat s umble pe crrileneprihnirii. Signs of the Times, July 20, 1891.

    SOLIA DE AVERTIZAREDaniel 5:18-24

    Bel a ar a primit multe oportunit i pentru

    a cunoa te i a face voia lui Dumnezeu. El l-avzut pe bunicul su Nebucadne ar alungat din societatea oamenilor. A vzut cum intelectul, ncare monarhul cel mndru se ncrezuse, i-a fostluat de ctre Cel care i l-a dat. El a vzut cummpratul a fost ndeprtat din mpr ie i fcut s locuiasc mpreun cu fiarele cmpului. Dardragostea lui Bel a ar pentru amuzamente i

    nl are de sine au ters din mintea lui lec ia pe care nu ar fi trebuit s-o uite niciodat; i a comis pcate asemntoare cu acelea care au adus

    judec ile remarcabile asupra lui Nebucadne ar . El a pierdut oportunit ile pline de har care i-au fost oferite, neglijnd s foloseascoportunit ile care i erau la ndemn pentru a se familiariza cu adevrul. 'Ce trebuie s fac pentru afi mntuit?' a fost o ntrebare pe lng care,mre ul dar nen eleptul mprat, a trecut cuindiferen . Bible Echo, April 25, 1898.

    SEMNAL: substantiv Un semn care dsau este conceput pentru a da o

    avertizare/n tiin are ; sau n tiin area dat. Adjectiv eminent, remarcabil, memorabil,distins de ceea ce este comun. Websters 1828



  • 7/29/2019 13 Anul 1844 in profetie - Jeff Pippenger - Notite Tabara Porumbacu 2013


    The schemes of the Babel builders ended inshame and defeat. The monument to their pridebecame the memorial of their folly. Yet men arecontinually pursuing the same coursedepending upon self, and rejecting Gods law. Itis the principle that Satan tried to carry out inheaven; the same that governed Cain in presentinghis offering.

    There are tower builders in our time.Infidels construct their theories from the supposeddeductions of sciences, and reject the revealedword of God. They presume to pass sentence uponGods moral government; they despise His lawand boast of the sufficiency of human reason.Then, because sentence against an evil work isnot executed speedily, therefore the heart of thesons of men is fully set in them to do evil.Ecclesiastes 8:11.Patriarchs and Prophets, 118123.


    Those who are unfaithful to the work of Godare lacking in principle; their motives are not of acharacter to lead them to choose the right under allcircumstances. The servants of God are to feel atall times that they are under the eye of theiremployer. He who watched the sacrilegious feastof Belshazzar is present in all our institutions, inthe counting-room of the merchant, in the privateworkshop; and the bloodless hand is as surelyrecording your neglect as it recorded the awful

    judgment of the blasphemous king.Belshazzars condemnation was written in wordsof fire, Thou art weighed in the balances, and artfound wanting; and if you fail to fulfill your God-given obligations your condemnation will be thesame.Messages to Young People, 229.


    Daniel 5:14

    When the tower had been partially completed,a portion of it was occupied as a dwelling placefor the builders; other apartments, splendidlyfurnished and adorned, were devoted to theiridols. The people rejoiced in their success, andpraised the gods of silver and gold, and set

    themselves against the Ruler of heaven and earth.Suddenly the work that had been advancing soprosperously was checked. Angels were sent tobring to naught the purpose of the builders.

    MEMORIALUL LUI NIMRODUneltirile ziditorilor Babelului au sfrit n

    ruine i nfrngere. Monumentul mndriei lor adevenit un semn de aducere aminte a nebunieilor. Cu toate acestea, oamenii continu s mearg

    pe acelai drum, ncrezndu-se n ei nii irespingnd Legea lui Dumnezeu. Este acelai

    principiu pe care Satana a cutat s-l nfptuiasc

    n ceruri; acelai principiu care l-a stpnit peCain atunci cnd i-a adus jertfa.Exist ziditori de turnuri i n zilele

    noastre. Cei necredincioi i construiesc teoriilelor pe deduciile aa-zisei tiine i respingrevelaia Cuvntului lui Dumnezeu. Ei i permits condamne autoritatea moral a lui Dumnezeu,s dispreuiasc Legea Sa i s se mndreasc cucapacitatea raiunii umane. i, pentru c nu seaduce repede la ndeplinire hotrrea datmpotriva faptelor lor rele, de aceea este plin

    inima fiilor oamenilor de dorina s fac ru(Eclesiastul 8, 11).Patriarhi i profe i , pag. 123

    MEMORIALULLUI BEL A AR Celor care sunt necredincioi n lucrarea lui

    Dumnezeu le lipsesc principiile; motivaiile lor nuprovin dintr-un caracter care s-i conduc saleag binele n orice mprejurri. Slujitorii luiDumnezeu trebuie s simt tot timpul c sunt subsupravegherea Stpnului lor. El, care a vzutsrbtorile pline de sacrilegiu ale lui Belaar, este

    prezent n toate instituiile noastre, ndepartamentul de contabilitate al unui negustor,ntr-un atelier particular i cu siguran mna Sansngerat noteaz neglijena voastr, aa cum ascris sentina ngrozitoare a regelui babilonian.Condamnarea lui Belaar a fost scris cu cuvintede foc: Ai fost cntrit i gsit prea uor; i dacnu v ndeplinii obligaiile date de Dumnezeu,condamnarea voastr va fi aceeai. Solii ctretineret, pag. 229


    Daniel 5:1-4

    Cnd a fost parial terminat, o parte dinturn a fost ocupat i folosit ca locuin pentruziditori; alte ncperi, splendid mobilate impodobite, au fost nchinate idolilor lor.Oamenii se bucurau de succesul lor i slveau pe

    dumnezeii de argint i aur, ridicndu-sempotriva Crmuitorului cerului i al pmntului.Deodat ns, lucrarea, care nainta att de bine, afost oprit. Au fost trimii ngeri ca s strice


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    Patriarchs and Prophets, 119

    Habakkuk 2:1820

    THE FOOLRomans 1:2122




    1 Corinthians 3:1020

    As fire reveals the difference between gold,silver, and precious stones, and wood, hay, andstubble, so the Day of Judgment will testcharacters, showing the difference betweencharacters formed after Christs likeness andcharacters formed after the likeness of the selfishheart. All selfishness, all false religion, will then

    appear as it is. The worthless material will beconsumed; but the gold of true, simple, humblefaith will never lose its value. It can never beconsumed; for it is imperishable.

    Anyone can be just what he chooses to be.Character is not obtained by receiving aneducation. Character is not obtained by amassingwealth or by gaining worldly honor. Character isnot obtained by having others fight the battle oflife for us. It must be sought, worked for, foughtfor; and it requires a purpose, a will, a

    determination. To form a character which Godwill approve, requires persevering effort. It willtake a continual resisting of the powers ofdarkness to stand under the blood-stained bannerof Prince Immanuel, to be approved in the day ofJudgment, and have our names retained in the

    book of life. Is it not worth more to have ournames registered in that book, have themimmortalized among the heavenly angels, than tohave them sounded in praise throughout the wholeearth?

    In the probationary time granted us here weare each building a structure that is to have theinspection of the Judge of all the earth. This workis the molding of our characters. Every act of ourlives is a stone in that building, every faculty is aworker, every blow that is struck is for good or forevil. The words of inspiration warn us to takeheed how we build, to see that our foundation is

    sure. If we build upon the solid rock, pure, noble,upright deeds, the structure will go up beautifuland symmetrical, a fit temple for the indwelling ofthe Holy Spirit.In Heavenly Places, 47.

    planurile constructorilor. Patriarhi i profe i ,pag. 119

    Habacuc 2:18-10


    Romani 1:21,22


    1 Corinteni 3:10-20

    Dup cum focul descoper diferen a dintre aur, argint, pietrele pre ioase i lemn, fn i trestie, tot a a ziua judec ii, va testa caracterele , artnd

    diferen a dintre caracterele formate dup chipul lui Hristos i caracterele formate dup asemnarea inimii egoiste. Tot egoismul, toate religiile false,se vor descoperi atunci a a cum sunt. Materialul lipsit de valoare va fi consumat; dar auruladevrului, credin a simpl i umil, nu- i va

    pierde niciodat valoarea. Nu poate fi niciodatdistrus, deoarece este nepieritoare.

    Fiecare poate fi doar ceea ce alege s fie.Caracterul nu este format prin primirea uneieduca ii. Caracterul nu este format prin acumularea de avere sau prin c tigarea de onoare lumeasc. Caracterul nu este format prin aceea c-i lsm pe al ii s lupte lupta vie ii n locul nostru. Trebuie cutat, trebuie lucrat pentru el, trebuie sluptm pentru el; i aceasta cere o int, cere voin i cere hotrre. A forma un caracter care s fie aprobat de Dumnezeu, cere un efort

    perseverent. Va solicita din partea noastr ocontinu mpotrivire fa de puterile ntunericului

    pentru a sta sub steagul nsngerat al Prin ului

    Emanuel, pentru a fi aproba i n ziua judec ii i a

    avea numele re inute n cartea vie ii. Nu merit mai mult s avem numele scrise n cartea aceea, sfie imortalizate printre ngerii cere ti, dect s avem numele nl ate n laud de-a lungul ntregului pmnt?

    n timpul de prob care ne este oferit aici,fiecare din noi cldim o structur (un edificiu)care urmeaz s fie cercetat (verificat) deJudectorul ntregului pmnt. Aceast lucrare

    este modelarea caracterelor noastre. Fiecareac iune din via a noastr este o piatr n acea cldire, fiecare aptitudine (talent) este un lucrtor,fiecare lovitur care este dat este pentru bine sau


  • 7/29/2019 13 Anul 1844 in profetie - Jeff Pippenger - Notite Tabara Porumbacu 2013



    2 Corinthians 4:67


    When the tower had been partially completed,a portion of it was occupied as a dwelling placefor the builders; other apartments, splendidlyfurnished and adorned, were devoted to theiridols. The people rejoiced in their success, andpraised the gods of silver and gold, and setthemselves against the Ruler of heaven andearth. Suddenly the work that had beenadvancing so prosperously was checked.

    Patriarchs and Prophets, 120.

    RESTRAINT TAKEN AWAYIn that last night of mad folly, Belshazzar and

    his lords had filled up the measure of their guiltand the guilt of the Chaldean kingdom. No longercould Gods restraining hand ward off theimpending evil. Through manifold providences,God had sought to teach them reverence for Hislaw. We would have healed Babylon, Hedeclared of those whose judgment was nowreaching unto heaven, but she is not healed.Jeremiah 51:9. Because of the strange perversityof the human heart, God had at last found itnecessary to pass the irrevocable sentence.Belshazzar was to fall, and his kingdom was to

    pass into other hands.Prophets and Kings, 530.


    Daniel 5:56; Exodus 32:16; John 8:6


    I have seen that the 1843 chart was directed bythe hand of the Lord, and that it should not bealtered; that the figures were as He wanted them;that His hand was over and hid a mistake in someof the figures, so that none could see it, until Hishand was removed.Early Writings, 74.

    There was in the palace a woman who waswiser than them all,the queen of Belshazzarsgrandfather. In this emergency she addressed the

    king in language that sent a ray of light into thedarkness. O king, live forever, she said; let notthy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thycountenance be changed: there is a man in thy

    pentru ru. Cuvintele inspirate ne avertizeaz sfim aten i la felul n care cldim, pentru a vedea c temelia noastr este sigur. Dac cldim pe stncacea tare, fapte curate, nobile i drepte, cldirea seva nl a frumos i simetric, un templu potrivit

    pentru locuirea interioar a Duhului Sfnt. InHeavenly Places, 47.

    VASE DE LUT2 Corinteni 4:6-7

    NIMRODCnd a fost parial terminat, o parte din

    turn a fost ocupat i folosit ca locuin pentruziditori; alte ncperi, splendid mobilate impodobite, au fost nchinate idolilor lor.Oamenii se bucurau de succesul lor i slveau pedumnezeii de argint i aur, ridicndu-se

    mpotriva Crmuitorului cerului i al

    pmntului. Deodat ns, lucrarea, care naintaatt de bine, a fost oprit. Patriarhi i profe i ,

    pag. 120

    RE INEREA NDEPRTATn acea ultim noapte de nebunie, Belaar

    mpreun cu cpeteniile umpluser msuravinoviei lor i a vinoviei mpriei caldeene.Mna nfrntoare a lui Dumnezeu nu maiputea ndeprta nenorocirea care era gata svin. Prin nenumrate providene Dumnezeucutase s-i nvee respectul fa de Legea Sa.Am voit s vindecm Babilonul, a spus Eldespre aceia a cror judecat ajungea acum pnla cer; dar nu s-a vindecat! (Ieremia 51, 9).Datorit unei pervertiri ciudate a inimii omeneti,Dumnezeu a socotit n cele din urm necesar sdea sentina irevocabil. Belaar avea s cad,iar mpria lui urma s treac n alte mini.

    Profe i i regi , pag. 530

    SENTIN A DIVINDaniel 5:5-6; Exod 32:16; Ioan 8:6

    MNA CARE SCRIE PE PERETEAm vzut c harta (cunoscut sub numele

    de) 1843 a fost condus de mna Domnului i c nu ar trebui modificat; c cifrele erau a a cum El le-a vrut; c mna Lui acoperea o gre eal n unele cifre, astfel nct nimeni s n-o observe pncnd mna Lui nu a fost nlturat. Scrieritimpurii, pag. 74

    A fost n palat o femeie care era main eleapt dect ei to i , - regina bunicului luiBel a ar. n aceast situa ie de urgen ea s-a


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    kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods;and in the days of thy father light andunderstanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of thegods, was found in him; whom the king

    Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thyfather, made master of the magicians,astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers: . . .now let Daniel be called, and he will show the

    interpretation.Then was Daniel brought in before the king.Making an effort to brace himself, and to show hisauthority, Belshazzar said: Art thou that Daniel,which art of the children of the captivity of Judah,whom the king my father brought out of Jewry? . ..

    Daniel was not awed by the kings appearance,nor confused or intimidated by his words. Let thygifts be to thyself, he answered, and give thyrewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto

    the king, and make known to him theinterpretation. . . .

    Daniel did not swerve from his duty. He heldthe kings sin before him, showing him the lessonshe might have learned, but did not. Belshazzar hadnot heeded the events so significant to him. Hehad not read his grandfathers history correctly.The responsibility of knowing truth had been laidupon him, but the practical lessons he might havelearned and acted upon had not been taken toheart; and his course of action brought the sureresult.

    This was the last feast of boasting held by theChaldean king; for he who bears long with mans

    perversity had passed the irrevocable sentence.Belshazzar had greatly dishonored the One whohad exalted him as king, and his probation wastaken from him. While the king and his nobleswere at the height of their revelry, the Persiansturned the Euphrates out of its channel, andmarched into the unguarded city. As Belshazzar

    and his lords were drinking from the sacredvessels of Jehovah, and praising their gods ofsilver and gold, Cyrus and his soldiers stood underthe walls of the palace. In that night, the recordsays, was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeansslain. And Darius the Median took the kingdom.

    Could the curtain be rolled back before theyouth who have never given their hearts to God,with others who are Christians in name, but whoare unrenewed in heart and unsanctified in temper,they would see that Gods eye is ever upon them,

    and they would feel as disturbed as did the king ofBabylon. They would realize that in every place,at every hour in the day, there is a holy Watcher,who balances every account, whose eye takes in

    adresat mpratului ntr-un limbaj care a transmiso raz de lumin n ntuneric. Ea a zis: 'S trietivenic, mprate! S nu te tulbure gnduriletale i s nu i se nglbeneasc faa! n mpriata este un om care are n el duhul dumnezeilorcelor sfini; i pe vremea tatlui tu, s-a gsit lael lumin, pricepere i o nelepciunedumnezeiasc. De aceea, mpratul Nebucadnear,

    tatl tu, da, tatl tu, mprate, l-a pus mai marepeste vrjitori, cititori n stele, haldei,ghicitori,... S fie chemat, dar, Daniel, i el i vada tlcuirea!'

    'Atunci Daniel a fost adus nainteampratului.' Fcnd un efort s se in tare i s- i arate autoritatea, Bel a ar a zis: 'Tu eti Daniel acela, unul din prinii de rzboi ai lui Iuda pe carei-a adus aici din Iuda, tatl meu, mpratul?' ...

    Daniel nu a fost cople it de nf i area

    mpratului, nu a fost intimidat de cuvintele lui i nici nu a devenit confuz. El a rspuns 'ine-idarurile i d altuia rspltirile tale! Totui voi citimpratului scrierea i i-o voi tlcui...'

    Daniel nu s-a sustras de la datoria lui. El aa ezat pcatele mpratului naintea sa, artndu-i lec iile pe care le-ar fi putut nv a, dar nu a fcut- o. Be a ar nu a luat seama la evenimentele care erau att de semnificative pentru el. El nu a cititcorect istoria bunicului su. Rspunderea pentrucunoa terea adevrului a fost a ezat asupra lui, dar lec iile practice pe care ar fi putut s le nve e i apoi s ac ioneze n concordan cu ele, nu au

    fost puse la inim; iar cursul ac iunilor sale au adus un rezultat sigur.

    Aceasta a fost ultima srbtoare(petrecere) de nl are de sine inut de mpratul caldean; deoarece Cel care are ndelung rbdarecu ndrtnicia omului dduse sentin a irevocabil. Bel a ar L-a dezonorat foarte mult pe Acela care l nl ase ca mprat iar perioada lui

    de prob a luat sfr it . n timp ce mpratul i

    nobilii lui erau n culmea desfrului, per ii au ntors cursul Eufratului din canalul lui, i au mr luit nuntrul cet ii nepzite. n timp ce Bel a ar i nobilimea lui beau din paharele sfinte ale lui Jehova, i aduceau laud mpra ilor lor de argint i aur, Cir i solda ii si au stat sub zidurile

    palatului. i raportul inspirat spune: 'Dar chiar n noaptea aceea, Belaar, mpratul haldeilor, a fostomort. i a pus mna pe mprie Darius,medul..'

    Dac ar putea s fie ridicat perdeaua n fa a tinerilor care nu i-au predat niciodat inima lui Dumnezeu, mpreun cu cei care sunt cre tini doar cu numele, dar care nu au o inim rennoit i un


  • 7/29/2019 13 Anul 1844 in profetie - Jeff Pippenger - Notite Tabara Porumbacu 2013


    the whole situation, whether it is one of fidelity, orone of disloyalty and deception.

    We are never alone. We have a Companion,whether we choose him or not. Remember, youngmen and young women, that wherever you are,whatever you are doing, God is there. To yourevery word and action you have a witness,theholy, sin-hating God. Nothing that is said or done

    or thought can escape his infinite eye. Your wordsmay not be heard by human ears, but they areheard by the Ruler of the universe. He reads theinward anger of the soul when the will is crossed.He hears the expression of profanity. In thedeepest darkness and solitude he is there. No onecan deceive God; none can escape from theiraccountability to him. Youth Instructor, May 26,1898.

    Daniel 5:2528

    2520A mene is fifty shekels, or one thousand

    gerahs. Mene, mene therefore equates to twothousand gerahs. A tekel is twenty gerahs.Therefore mene, mene, tekel equates to twothousand and twenty gerahs. A upharsin is one-half of a mene, and represents five hundredgerahs.

    Mene 1,000Mene 1,000Tekel 20Upharsin 500



    Daniel 5:30

    It was not long before reverses came. Babylonwas besieged by Cyrus, nephew of Darius theMede, and commanding general of the combinedarmies of the Medes and Persians. But within theseemingly impregnable fortress, with its massivewalls and its gates of brass, protected by the riverEuphrates, and stocked with provision in

    abundance, the voluptuous monarch felt safe andpassed his time in mirth and revelry. Prophetsand Kings, 523.

    temperament sfin it, ei ar vedea c ochiul lui Dumnezeu este mereu asupra lor i s-ar sim i tot att de deranja i cum s-a sim it mpratul Babilonului. Ei ar con tientiza c n fiecare loc, n fiacre or a zilei, exist un Observator sfnt,care cntre te fiecare motiv (ac iune), a crui ochi nregistreaz ntreaga situa ie, fie c e una credincioas sau e una lipsit de credin i

    n eltoare. Noi nu suntem niciodat singuri. Avem unnso itor fie c vrem sau nu acest lucru. ine i minte, tineri i tinere, c oriunde v afla i, orice face i, Dumnezeu este acolo. Pentru fiecare cuvnt sau ac iune ave i un martor, - Dumnezeul sfnt care ur te pcatul. Nimic din ceea ce spunem sau facem nu poate scpa ochiului Su infinit.Cuvintele voastre s-ar putea s nu fie auzit deurechi omene ti. El cite te mnia interioar a sufletului atunci cnd ne este nclcat voin a. El

    aude exprimrile vulgare (cu caracter profan). ncel mai profund ntuneric i singurtate El este acolo. Nimeni nu-l poate n ela pe Dumnezeu; nimeni nu poate scpa fr s fie tras larspundere de ctre El. Youth Instructor, May 26,1898.

    Daniel 5:2528

    2520O mene este 50 de sicli, sau 1000 de

    ghere. Prin urmare, mene, mene sunt 2000 deghere. Un tekel este 20 de ghere. Prin urmaremene, mene, tekel sunt 2020 de ghere. Unufarsin este o jumtate de mene, i reprezint 500 de ghere.

    Mene 1000

    Mene 1000Tekel 20Ufrasin 500



    N-a trecut mult i a venit lovitura.Babilonul a fost asediat de Cir, nepotul lui DariuMedul i comandantul ef al armatelor unite ale

    mezilor i perilor. Dar nuntrul fortreei naparen de nenvins, cu zidurile ei masive i cuporile de aram, ocrotit de rul Eufrat iasigurat cu hran din belug, monarhul cel


  • 7/29/2019 13 Anul 1844 in profetie - Jeff Pippenger - Notite Tabara Porumbacu 2013


    Isaiah 44:28; 45:1; Revelation 3:78

    THE FIRSTANDTHE LASTTo the last ruler of Babylon, as in type to its

    first, had come the sentence of the divineWatcher: O king, . . . to thee it is spoken; Thekingdom is departed from thee. Daniel 4:31.

    Prophets and Kings, 533.

    It has been repeatedly revealed to me thatmany professing Christians will, in the time of thefinal test, be greatly disappointed. Many, manywill fail to provide themselves with thatrighteousness of Christ represented in the parable

    by the wedding-garment. They have trusted intheir own righteousness, and have not manifestedthe humility of Jesus Christ. They may be seatedat the supper table with others, but Christ will

    recognize them, and will say to them, Howcamest thou in hither not having on a wedding-garment?

    Unless those who profess to be Christiansbecome sanctified through the truth, and learn toreveal the likeness of Christ in words, in deeds, inspirituality, in their relation to their fellow men,the great day of test and trial will find themunprepared to enter through the golden gates intothe city of God. And unless they can now be madeto feel their great need, they will not have a spiritto seek for the essential righteousness of Christ.

    When called before King Belshazzar toexplain the mysterious writing on the wall, Danielreminded the king of matters with which he wasfamiliar, but which had not taught him thelesson of humility that might have saved him.O thou king, said the prophet, the most highGod gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom,and majesty, and glory, and honor: and for themajesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and

    languages, trembled and feared before him: whomhe would he slew; and whom he would he keptalive; and whom he would he set up; and whomhe would he put down. But when his heart waslifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he wasdeposed from his kingly throne, and they took hisglory from him: and he was driven from the sonsof men; and his heart was made like the beasts,and his dwelling was with the wild asses: they fedhim with grass like oxen, and his body was wetwith the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most

    high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that heappointeth over it whomsoever he will.Then the enormity of Belshazzars guilt was

    thus emphasized: And thou his son, O

    desfrnat se simea n siguran i-i petreceatimpul n veselie i petreceri.Profe i i regi , pag.523

    Isaia 44:28; 45:1, Apocalipsa 3:7-8


    Ctre ultimul conductor al Babilonului,aa cum fusese i ctre primul, venise sentinaVeghetorului divin: Afl mprate ... c i s-a luatmpria (Daniel 4, 31 ). Profe i i regi , pag.533

    Mi-a fost descoperitn mod repetat faptulc mul i dintre cei a a-zi ii cre tini, n timpul ncercrii finale, vor fi foarte dezamgi i. Mul i, foarte mul i nu vor reu i s- i fac rost de acea neprihnire a lui Hristos care este reprezentat n

    parabol prin haina de nunt. Ei s-au bazat pepropria lor neprihnire, i nu au manifestat umilin a lui Isus Hristos. Ei s-ar putea a eza la masa cinei mpreun cu al ii, dar Hristos i va recunoa te i le va zice: 'cum ai intrat aici fr s ai hain de nunt?'

    Dac cei care pretind a fi cre tini nu vor fi sfin i i prin adevr, i nu vor nv a s descopere asemnarea cu Hristos n cuvinte, n fapte, nspiritualitate, n rela iile lor cu aproapele lor, atunci mare zi de ncercare i prob i va gsi nepregti i pentru a intra prin por ile de aur n cetatea lui Dumnezeu. i dac nu pot fi determina i acum s- i dea seama de marea lor nevoie, nu vor sim i ndemnul de a cuta dup neprihnirea lui Hristos care este esen ial.

    Cnd a fost chemat naintea mpratuluiBel a ar pentru a explica scrierea misterioas de

    pe perete, Daniel i-a reamintit mpratului lucruricare i fuseser cunoscute dar care nu l-au

    nv at lec ia umilin ei care ar fi putut s-l

    salveze. Profetul a zis: 'mprate, Dumnezeul celPreanalt dduse tatlui tu, Nebucadnear,mprie, mrime, slav i strlucire; i, din

    pricina mrimii pe care i-o dduse, toatepopoarele, neamurile, oamenii de toate limbile setemeau i tremurau naintea lui. Cci mpratulomora pe cine voia, i lsa cu via pe cine voia;nla pe cine voia, i cobora pe cine voia. Darcnd i s-a ngmfat inima i i s-a mpietrit duhul

    pn la mndrie, a fost aruncat de pe scaunul luimprtesc i a fost despuiat de slava lui; a fost

    izgonit din mijlocul copiilor oamenilor, inima i s-afcut ca a fiarelor i a locuit la un loc cu mgariislbatici; i-au dat s mnnce iarb ca la boi, itrupul i-a fost udat cu roua cerului, pn cnd a


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    Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, thoughthou knowest all this; but hast lifted up thyselfagainst the Lord of heaven; and they have broughtthe vessels of his house before thee, and thou, andthy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, havedrunk wine in them, and thou hast praised thegods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, andstone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the

    God in whose hand thy breath is and whose are allthy ways hast thou not glorified: then was the partof the hand sent from him; and this writing waswritten.

    And this is the writing that was written,Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. This is theinterpretation of the thing: Mene, God hathnumbered thy kingdom, and finished it. Tekel;Thou are weighed in the balances, and art foundwanting. Peres; Thy kingdom is divided, and

    given to the Medes and Persians.The Lord does not suffer wicked practices to

    go on without sending reproof and warning.There are men in high places who know of thereproofs, of warnings, of judgment sent, whoknow the example of Gods dealings withothers who have been disobedient, yet whohave not sought to correct their ways beforeGod. They have endeavored rather to make ofnone effect the messages that God has sent.They have continued to exalt themselves, and tocarry out their own ways in defiance of the wordsof God. They have not been ignorant of theright way, but they have allowed their eyes tobe blinded. In pronouncing judgment upon these,God will say, as he said to the wicked king,Thou . . . hast not humbled thine heart, thoughthou knewest all this.

    Many have continued in a wicked course ofaction, until the Lord Jesus cannot accept theirservices unless there is a genuine conversion. His

    people today have no excuse for turning awayfrom the counsels of his Spirit. In his Word, hehas given us examples that should be warnings tous, yet although we have known all this, many ofGods people have not taken heed to the warningsof God.

    Moreover, brethren, I would not that yeshould be ignorant, how that all our fathers wereunder the cloud, and all passed through the sea;and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud andin the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual meat;

    and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for theydrank of that spiritual Rock that followed them:and that Rock was Christ. But with many of themGod was not well pleased: for they were

    recunoscut c Dumnezeul cel Preanalt stpnetepeste mpria oamenilor i c o d cui vrea.'

    Apoi mrimea vinei lui Bel a ar a fost accentuat: 'Dar tu, Belaar, fiul lui, nu i-aismerit inima, mcar c ai tiut toate acestelucruri. Ci te-ai nlat mpotriva Domnuluicerurilor; vasele din Casa Lui au fost adusenaintea ta i ai but vin cu ele, tu i mai marii ti,

    nevestele i iitoarele tale; ai ludat pe dumnezeiide argint, de aur, de aram, de fier, de lemn i depiatr, care nici nu vd, nici n-aud i nici nupricep nimic i n-ai slvit pe Dumnezeul n mnacruia este suflarea ta i toate cile tale! De aceeaa trimis El acest cap de mn care a scris scriereaaceasta.

    Iat ns scrierea care a fost scris:Numrat, numrat, cntrit i mprit!i iattlcuirea acestor cuvinte: Numrat nseamn c

    Dumnezeu i-a numrat zilele domniei i i-a puscapt. Cntrit nseamn c ai fost cntrit ncumpn i ai fost gsit uor! mprit nseamnc mpria ta va fi mprit i dat mezilor i

    perilor!' (Daniel cap.5)Dumnezeu nu permite ca practicile

    nelegiuite s mearg nainte fr a trimite mustrrii avertizri. Exist brba i n pozi ii nalte care tiu despre aceste mustrri, despre avertizri i

    despre judec ile trimise, care cunosc felul n care a procedat Dumnezeu cu al ii care au fost neasculttori, dar care totu i nu au cutat s- i

    ndrepte cile naintea lui Dumnezeu. Ei s-austrduit mai de grab s fac fr efect soliiletrimise de Dumnezeu. Ei au continuat s se

    nal e pe ei n i i i s continue cu planurile lor proprii n sfidare fa de cuvintele lui Dumnezeu. Ei nu au fost n necuno tin cu privire la calea cea bun, ns ei au permis ca ochii lor s fieorbi i . n pronun area judec ii asupra acestora, Dumnezeu va zice, a a cum i-a zis mpratului

    nelegiuit: 'Dar tu ... nu i-ai smerit inima, mcar cai tiut toate aceste lucruri.'Mul i au continuat pe o cale de ac iune rea

    pn cnd Domnul Isus nu a mai putut acceptaserviciile lor dect dac avea loc o convertiresincer. Poporul su azi nu are nici o scuz pentrufaptul c ntoarce spatele ndemnurilor DuhuluiSu. n Cuvntul Su, El ne-a dat exemple caretrebuie s fie o avertizare pentru noi, totu i de i am tiut toate aceste lucruri, mul i din poporul lui Dumnezeu nu au luat aminte la avertizrile lui

    Dumnezeu.'Frailor, nu vreau s nu tii c priniinotri toi au fost supt nor, toi au trecut prin mare,toi au fost botezai n nor i n mare, pentru


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    overthrown in the wilderness.Now these things were our examples, to the

    intent we should not lust after evil things, as theyalso lusted. Neither be ye idolaters, as were someof them; as it is written, The people sat down toeat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let uscommit fornication, as some of them committed,and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.

    Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them alsotempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neithermurmur ye, as some of them also murmured, andwere destroyed of the destroyer.

    Now all these things happened unto them forensamples: and they are written for ouradmonition, upon whom the ends of the world arecome. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standethtake heed lest he fall.

    Among the many discordant elements, somehave been unable to discern the voice of God in

    the messages of warning and reproof that havebeen sent for the guidance of the church.

    Men who have refused to walk in the plaincounsel of the Lord, are not the ones whoshould be entrusted with the care of his sheepand lambs. Those who, while professing tobelieve the truth, resist the Holy Spirit, makinglight of the message from heaven, will surely bepunished for their transgressions. They will notin the future have greater evidence of the truthof these messages than has been given in thepast. The Lord forbids that they should beentrusted with responsibilities that they mighthave borne, had they heeded the messages thatthe Lord in mercy sent them. Review and

    Herald, September 24, 1908.

    Moise; toi au mncat aceiai mncareduhovniceasc, i toi au but aceia i butur duhovniceasc, pentru c beau dintr-o stncduhovniceasc ce venea dup ei; i stnca eraHristos. Totu cei mai muli dintre ei, n-au fost

    plcui lui Dumnezeu, cci au pierit n pustie.i aceste lucruri s-au ntmplat ca s ne

    slujeasc nou drept pilde, pentru ca s nu poftim

    dup lucruri rele, cum au poftit ei. S nu fiinchintori la idoli, ca unii dintre ei, dup cumeste scris: ,,Poporul a ezut s mnnce i s bea;i s-au sculat s joace. S nu curvim, cum aufcut unii din ei, aa c ntr -o singur zi au czutdouzeci i trei de mii. S nu ispitim pe Domnul,cum L-au ispitit unii din ei, cari au pierit prinerpi. S nu crtii, cum au crtit unii din ei, cariau fost nimicii de Nimicitorul.

    Aceste lucruri li s-au ntmplat ca s neslujeasc drept pilde, i au fost scrise pentru

    nvtura noastr, peste cari au venit sfriturileveacurilor. Astfel dar, cine crede c st n picioare,s ia seama s nu cad. (1 Cor. 10:1-12)

    Printre multe elemente discordante, unii aufost incapabili s discearn vocea lui Dumnezeu nsoliile de avertizare i mustrare care au fost trimise pentru cluzirea bisericii.

    Oamenilor care au refuzat s umble nconformitate sfaturile clare ale Domnului, nusunt cei crora ar trebui s li se ncredin eze grija pentru oile i mieii Si. Aceia care, n timp ce declar a crede adevrul, se mpotrivescDuhului Sfnt, dispre uind solia din cer, vor fi cu siguran pedepsi i pentru nelegiuirile lor. Ei nu vor primii n viitor dovezi mai marilegate de adevrul acestor solii dect le-au fostoferite n trecut. Domnul nu permite ca s fiepu i n pozi iile de rspundere n care ar fi putut fi pu i dac ar fi luat aminte la soliile pe care Domnul, n mila Sa, le-a trimis.Reviewand Herald, September 24, 1908.


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