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  • 7/29/2019 10_Signs_You


    10 semne ca te afli intr-o relatie multi-dimensionala

    de Jennifer Hoffman

    Am scris intr-o postare recenta de pe Facebook despre o relatie de lunga durata pe care am avut-o cu

    cineva si care a fost foarte frustranta, problematica si trista. Am simtit-o mult timp ca fiind blocata si chiar

    daca eu ii pot vedea potentialul minunat, cealalta persoana nu poate. Apoi, cu cateva nopti in urma, in timpce ma gandeam la ea, am inteles de ce nu a avansat nicodata, de ce nu functioneaza si de ce este atat de

    dezamagitoare si de dureroasa. Aceasta intelegere a fost atat de puternica incat am putut in doar cateva

    minute sa renunt la relatia respectiva, cu toate problemele si frustrarile ei. Postarea mea a primit atat de

    multe comentarii si a fost retransmisa de atatea ori incat am stiut ca trebuie sa va impartasesc mai multe

    despre aceasta informatie.

    Lucrul pe care l-am inteles si pe care nu-l stiam pana acum a fost ca relatia noastra exista in dimensiuni

    diferite. Eu imi amintesc o conexiune care nu exista pentru el deoarece el nu se afla in aceasta viata pe

    nivelul respectiv (si s-ar putea sa aleaga sa nu fie niciodata pe nivelul respectiv). Rostul meu in viata lui fost

    acela de a-l ajuta sa isi aminteasca ceva ce el nu vrea sa isi aminteasca acum. Si eu mentin pentru el un

    spatiu energetic, pe care el nu este pregatit sau dornic sa il ocupe alaturi de mine.

    Dimensiunea, vibratia si frecventa pe care le-a ales spre a le trai in in ziua de astazi a vietii lui fac parte din

    lectiile lui. Eu mentin o frecventa diferita, care ii este disponibila dar pe care trebuie sa o aleaga singur, eu nu

    pot alege pentru el. Acum pot vedea potentialul nostru de a forma un cuplu si el este extraordinar, el insa nu

    numai ca nu il vede, dar simplul gand de a se afla pe nivelul respectiv il sperie. In timp ce eu ma gandesc sa

    ii ofer aceasta ocazie extraordinara, el se gandeste ca incerc sa il imping intr-o situatie din care nu vrea sa

    faca (si chiar nu face) parte.

    Dar, acest gen de situatie exista in viata mea si dincolo de aceasta relatie, ea este prezenta in multe alte

    domenii ale vietii mele in care imi amintesc o conexiune mult mai fericita si mai puternica cu altii si pastrez

    un spatiu energetic pentru ca ei sa mi se alature, un spatiu pe care ei nu il pot vedea, fiind deseori furiosi sau

    frustrati din cauza mea, in loc sa imi impartaseasca viziunea. A trebuit sa inteleg ca daca ei nu au ales-o, nueste calea lor din aceasta viata. Si pana acum ei nici nu au ajuns in acest punct, chiar daca eu am muncit din

    greu pentru a permite ca asta sa se intample, inclusiv martirizandu-ma in locul lor.

    Iata cateva moduri prin care sa va puteti da seama daca va aflati intr-o relatie multi-dimensionala (si ganditi-

    va la orice relatie,nu numai cele romantice).

    1. Simtiti ca va straduiti pentru ca relatia sa functioneze mai mult decat cealalta persoana.

    2. Va doriti ca ei sa se schimbe.

    3. Ei sunt punctul vostru orb si nu le puteti vedea greselile chiar daca toti ceilalti din viata voastra se

    intreaba de ce sunteti atat de atasati de aceasta persoana sau nu isi dau seama ce ati gasit la ea.

    4. Aveti o conexiune foarte puternica dar, relatia pare a fi blocata.

    5. Va temeti ca relatia nu va merge si aveti un sentiment enervant ca ea se va sfarsi intr-o buna zi.

    6. Celalat crede in secret sau chiar in mod deschis ca sunteti ciudati, diferiti sau greu de inteles.

    7. Vedeti in ei un potential mai mare decat vad ei insisi.

    8. Vedeti in aceasta relatie un potential mai mare si mai multe posibilitati decat pot ei vedea sau

    recunoaste si asta s-ar putea sa va faca sa va simtiti ca si cum ati fi respinsi in mod deliberat.

    9. Daca sunteti sinceri cu voi insiva, stiti ca sunteti un fel de martiri in relatia respectiva.

    10.Relatia se sfarseste brusc si dureros si nu intelegeti de ce.

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    Nu este vina nimanui, este doar unul din rezultatele cresterii noastre spirituale si acum, cand ne apropiem de

    dimensiuni mai inalte, nu o facem toti in acelasi ritm sau in acelasi fel. Ne-am conectat in acelasi timp cu

    multe dintre sufletele noastre pereche si dintre parteneri pentru a le aminti alte aspecte, posibilitati si

    potentiale pe care le au in viata. Astfel, le punem la dispozitie o amintire a contractului sufletului lor si o

    alegere diferita pe care o pot face. Dar, daca ei nu au terminat inca ce aveau de invatat pe calea pe care se

    afla acum, nu vor fi pregatiti sa evolueze catre o dimensiune superioara. Noi stim ce este posibil pentru noi,

    impreuna, dar nu le putem impartasi aceasta cunoastere pana cand nu vor fi gata sa evolueze catre o

    dimensiune superioara. Si s-ar putea ca asta sa nu se intample niciodata, in aceasta viata.

    In aceste relatii s-ar putea sa simtim ca suntem respinsi (si intr-un fel chiar suntem) dar de fapt ne este

    respinsa invitatia de a fi insotiti intr-o dimensiune, vibratie si frecventa superioare. Ce aveti de facut? Nimic,

    doar sa le onorati calea, sa ii eliberati si sa mergeti mai departe, pentru a atrage pe cineva care este aliniat

    la dimensiunea, frecventa si vibratia in care va aflati. Din acest motiv se incheie si multe relatii de familie

    biologica, descoperindu-ne noi conexiuni cu oameni cu care nu suntem inruditi, dar care sunt mult mai

    iubitori si bucurosi si care ne implinesc mai mult. Este vorba despre contracte pe termen lung si respingerea

    este dureroasa la nivel de suflet, pentru ca noi onoram un angajament pe care ni l-am luat fata de ei, cu multieoni in urma si ne simtim ca si cum ei isi incalca angajamentul fata de noi. Dar, aceasta este calea lor si

    calatoria lor de vindecare, pe care numai ei si-o pot alege.

    Pentru multi oameni, aceasta viata este una in care au foarte mult de invatat si chiar daca au venit pentru a fi

    puternici, se pare ca au ales sa isi materializeze puterea in cadrul unor energii foarte joase. Dar, asta trebuie

    ei sa traiasca si chiar daca noi ne amintim conexiunile cu ei la un nivel cu totul diferit si le pastram un loc, nu

    in acest loc au ales ei sa se afle acum. Aceasta acceptare va va aduce pacea, eliberarea si incheierea si

    intr-un interval scurt de timp veti putea desface toate aceste corzi si va veti elibera de acel contract al

    sufletului si de acea cale de vindecare, indepartand acesta obligatie din energia voastra si eliberand in

    acelasi timp pe toata lumea astfel incat sa va aflati fiecare in dimensiunea voastra si sa va gasiti acolo


    Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. all rights reserved.

    Q &A: 10 Signs Youre In a Multi-Dimensional RelationshipPublished January 23, 2013 | By Administrator

    In a recent Facebook post I wrote about a long-term relationship I have had with someone that has been

    very frustrating, challenging and sad. It has felt stuck for a long time and although I can see its wonderful

    potential, the other person cannot. Then, while thinking about it a few nights ago, I understood why it has

    never moved forward, isnt working, and is so disappointing and painful. This realization was so powerfulthat I was able to release the relationship and all of its challenges and frustrations in just a few minutes. The

    post received so many comments and shares that I knew I had to share more of this information with you.

    What I realized, that I had never seen before, was that our relationship existed in different dimensions. I am

    remembering a connection with him that doesnt exist for him because he is not at that level in this lifetime

    (and may never choose to be there). My purpose in his life has been to help him remember something he

    doesnt want to remember now. And I am holding an energetic space for him that he is not ready or willing to

    occupy with me.

    The dimension, vibration and frequency he has chosen to experience his life at today are part of his lessons.

    I hold a different frequency that is available to him but he has to choose it; I cant choose for him. Now I can

    see the potential that we could have as a couple and it is amazing, but not only does he not see it, the

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    thought of being at that level scares him away. While I think Im giving him the most amazing opportunity, he

    thinks Im trying to push him into a situation that he doesnt want to be part of (and he really doesnt).

    But this kind of situation exists in my life beyond this relationship, it is also present in many other areas of my

    life in which I remember a far more joyful and powerful connection with others and hold energetic space forthem to join me there but they cannot see it and are often angry or frustrated with me, instead of sharing my

    vision. I had to realize that this is not their path in this lifetime, unless they choose it. And so far, they are not

    there even though I have worked very hard to allow that to happen, including martyring myself on their


    Here are some of the ways you can know that you are in a multi-dimensional relationship (and consider

    these points in every relationship, not just the romantic ones):

    1. You feel you are working harder at making this work than the other person.

    2. You wish they would change.

    3. They are your blind spot and you cant see their faults even though everyone else in your life wonders

    why you are so attached to this person or cant see what they see in them.

    4. You have a very strong connection but the relationship feels stuck.

    5. You are afraid that the relationship will not work out and have a nagging feeling that it will end one day.

    6. They secretly or openly think youre odd, strange, different or hard to understand.

    7. You can see more potential in them than they can see in and for themselves.

    8. You can see more potential and possibility in the relationship than they can see or acknowledge. And you

    may feel like you are being deliberately rejected.

    9. If you are honest with yourself, you know that you are a martyr in this relationship.

    10. The relationship ends suddenly and painfully and you do not understand why.

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    This isnt anyones fault, it is one of the by-products of our spiritual growth now and as we approach higher

    dimensions, we are not all doing it at the same rate or in the same way. We have also connected with many

    of our soul mates and partners to remind them of other aspects, possibilities and potentials for their lives. In

    this way we present them with a reminder of a soul contract and a different choice that they can make. But if

    they have not yet completed the learning on the path theyre currently on, they are not ready to evolve into a

    higher dimension. We know what is possible for us together but we cant share it with them until they are

    ready to know and see it for themselves. And that may never happen in this lifetime.

    In these relationships, it may feel like were being rejected (and we are, in a way) but it is the invitation to join

    us at a higher dimension, vibration or frequency that is being rejected. What can you do? Nothing, except to

    honor their path, release them and you, and move on to attract someone who is aligned with the dimension,

    frequency and vibration you are at. This is also why many of our biological family relationships are ending

    and were finding new connections with people we are not related to, that are far more loving, joyful and

    fulfilling. These are long-standing soul contracts that are coming up for us and the rejection is painful, at a

    soul level, because we are honoring a commitment to them, made eons ago, and feel like they are breaking

    their commitment to us. But that is their path and its their journey of healing that they have to choose forthemselves.

    For many people, this lifetime is one of great learning and although they came to be powerful, they seem to

    be choosing the expression of their power through some very low energies. But this is what they need to

    experience and although we remember our connections with them at an entirely different level and hold that

    space for them, that is not where they choose to be now. Accepting this will give you peace, release and

    closure and within a short time, you can disconnect those cords to release yourself from that soul contract,

    the healing path, remove this obligation from your energy, and free everyone to be in your respective

    dimensions and find joy there.

    Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. all rights reserved. You may translate, quote, or link to this article

    as long as you include the authors name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly


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