
Comportament i cultur antreprenorial

Cultura afacerilorProf.Dr.Dr.Dr.H.C. Constantin BrtianuFactori determinani Cultura poporului i a zonei geografice istoriceIstoria i tradiiile poporuluiValori fundamentale de viaComunicareaNegociereaLegislaiaNivelul de dezvoltare economic, social, politicEducaia n general, dar i educaia pentru afaceri VALORI (I)Valorile exist n mediul nconjurtor i ele ne sunt impuse, prin diferite sisteme de motivare i penalizare.

Valorile constituie sistemul de referin al deciziilor.

Valori morale: binele i rul, sub diverse forme; respectul cuvenit senioritii, prietenia etc.

Valori estetice: frumosul, urtul, armonia etc.

Valori profesionale: munca bine fcut, calitatea, respectul fa de consumator etc.VALORI (II)General Motors: 6 valori fundamentale

1.Entuziasmul consumatorului2.Integritate i asumarea rspunderii3.Munca n echip4.Inovarea5.mbuntirea continu6.Respectul individual i responsabilitateCULTURAL VALUES IN USAPrivate property Competition and individualismPerformanceTime is the vital resource of any enterpriseThe American dream and the need of self fulfilment COMMUNICATIONIn US culture, communication is based on key words and clear expression of ideasCommunication id based on economic principles and less on literature principles and musical melodyPrecision is based more on the content of the message than on its grammar rulesThe language is direct and rational. There is no room for emotions and fuzzy interpretations


Do it yourself !

Modular thinking, and less integral thinking

Trust nothing of what you listen to, and only half of what you see.

CULTURAL VALUES IN JAPANJapanese cultural values are quite opposite of the American cultural values

There is a strong emphasis on team work, cooperation, modesty and group referential system

There is a strong respect of seniority, academic rank and hierarchy

There is a strong respect of traditions and unwritten behaviour rules

COMMUNICATIONCommunication is based on what it is NOT saidCommunication should be like a cover of the personal feelings and beliefsMessages should be fuzzy by their nature, giving full liberty for interpretation Silence is more precious than the spoken wordsNever put questions about personal feelings and thoughts, and never request a clear answerSharing experience is more important than defining it in clear and direct wayTacit knowledge is more important than explicit knowledge

CULTURAL EXPERIENCECultural experience is fundamental in creating and using tacit knowledge Experience relates directly to variety and not to time spent in a given activityExperience is the best teacher for understanding cultural values of different peoplesExperience develops intuition and anticipation, and thus it is best for developing visionExperience contributes greatly in developing interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligencesExperience in another country helps you in a better understanding of your own cultural and social valuesCele 10 mituri despre antreprenoriatAntreprnorii se nasc, nu se fac.Antreprenorii sunt proprii lor stpni i sunt complet independeni.Antreprenorii sunt juctori.Antreprenorii muncesc mai mult dect managerii.Banii sunt cel mai important lucru ntr-un start-up antreprenorial.Oricine poate s nceap un business.Un antreprenor valoros ajunge la succes n maxim 1-2 ani.Antreprenorii valoroi sunt tineri.Dac un antreprenor are suficient capital de start, nu are cum s rateze.Antreprenorii sunt lupi singuratici i nu pot lucra n echip.

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