divido style - compartimentare · mentare divido este modularitatea, simplitatea, economia si...


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Conceptul de baza pentru sistemul de pereti de comparti-mentare DIVIDO este modularitatea, simplitatea, economia si eforturi reduse la montaj. Din acest motiv, fiecare faza a fost studiata inca din timpul proiectarii pentru gasirea celei mai bune solutii pentru realizarea unui montaj usor. Acest sistem permite utilizatorilor sa personalizeze foarte mult spatiul. În acest scop, panourile ofera libertati mari in alegerea dimensiunilor lor si permite combinarea diverselor elemente pentru a permite obtinerea unor compartimentari deosebite din punct de vedere al designului si al calitatii finisajelor. Aceste calitati ale sistemului se obtin datorita inaltei calitati si performantelor excelente ale sistemului de rame, de fixare si datorita elementelor ce compun sistemul. Sistemul se bazeaza pe combinarea elementelor standardizate de tip rama de sustinere si fixare si combinarea acestora cu elemente nestandardizate de tip panouri din lemn, panouri din sticla, usi si elemente de mobilier, pentru a satisface in acest fel cerintele speciale ale clientilor nostri.

The basic concept for the partition walls system named DIVIDO is modularity, simplicity, economy and reduced effort for installation. For this reason, each phase has been studied since the design phase to find the best solution to achieve an easy installation.This system allows users to customize a lot there office space. To this end, the panels offer great freedom in choosing their size and allows you to combine various elements to obtain special partitions in terms of design and quality finishes. These qualities of the system are obtained due to high quality and excellent performance of the frames, the fixing system and because the elements that compose the system. The system is based on combining standard type elements like the supporting frame and fixing elements, and combining them with non-standard type of wooden panels, glass panels, doors and furniture elements so to meet every special requirements of the clients.


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www: compartimentare.ro


Sistemul de compartimentare este realizat din doua rame de aluminiu in care sunt integrate panouri din geam. Ramele din aluminiu sunt fixate de structura de rame principale.Profilul de aluminiu are o latime de 37.5 mm (fata vizibila) si o grosime de 18 mm.Grosimea totala a peretelui este de 100 mm

The partition wall system is made of two aluminum frames in which are mounted the glass panels. The aluminum frames are fixed to the main frame structure.The aluminum profile has a width of 37.5 mm (face visible) and a thickness of 18 mm.Total thickness of the wall is 100 mm


The shelves and cabinets that are mounted in removable wall are ideal for the office. In this range of partitions the hanging system of the shelves and cupboards is hidden, full height, in the space appearing between modules. In this manner the shelves and cabinets can be adjusted according to specific requirements. Step in which they can change their position is 32 mm and may change over the height of floor to ceiling windows.


Easy to assemble and disassembleEasy to intervene for repairs and additions to the system. Pillars of the structure, of the main frames, are drilled and large perforations were made at a step of 256 mm to allow the fixing of the hooks and the passage for the electrical cable channels.Perforations for the cables are 26x50mm for permitting the electrical wiring and other installations to pass.


Office spacesRooms and industrial spaceTraining rooms and spaces for education


Sistemul de rafturi si dulapuri care se monteaza in peretele demontabil este ideal pentru spatiile de birouri. In sistemul nostru de compartimentare sistemul de agatare pentru rafturi si dulapuri este ascuns si se afla pe toata inaltimea luftului care apare intre module. In acest fel pozitia rafturilor si a dulapurilor poate fi ajustata in functie de cerintele specifice. Pasul la care se poate modifica pozitia lor este de 32 mm si se poate modifica pe toata inaltimea din pardoseala pana in tavan.


Usor de montat si demontatUsor de intervenit pentru reparatii si completari ale sistemului.Montantii din structura sistemului de rame principale sunt perforati si gauriti pentru a permite fixarea carligelor de agatare si au perforatii mari, realizate la un pas de 256 mm, pentru a permite traversarea structurii cu canaluri de cabluri electrice.Perforatiile pentru canalurile de cabluri au dimensiunea de 26x50mm pentru instalarea cablurilor electrice si a altor instalatii


Spatii de birouriCamere si spatii industrialeSali de sedinta si spatii de invatamant


STRUCTURA SISTEMULUI Structura de rame principale este compusa din profile din otel prelucrate prin deformare plastica, indoire, roluire si sudura.Profilele din otel sunt galvanizate.

PANOURI CU STICLAPanourile sunt realizate din profile de aluminiu care formeaza o rama in care sunt montate foi de sticla.Sticla este clara, securizata. Partea vizibila a profilului de aluminiu este de 37.5 mm. Panourile sunt prinse de sistemul de rame principale prin carlige de agatare realizate din table de otel galvanizat.Grosimea geamului: 6-9 mm.

DIMENSIUNEA PANOURILOR:Inaltimea maxima: 3000 mmLatime maxima: 1200 mm.Posibilitati de dispunere a modulelor:Pe toata inaltimea;Module dispuse pe inaltime;Module tip supralumina montate deasupra usilor

GARNITURI SI CARLIGE DE AGATAREPentru o buna fixare si pentru a prelua jocurile se utilizeaza garnituri din cauciuc sau combinatii de cauciuc si materiale plastice (garnituri coextrudate). Garniturile izoleaza legaturile care se fac intre pardoseala si tavan, intre panouri si montanti si intre panouri si traverse. Pentru fixarea panourilor pe structura de baza se utilizeaza carlige speciale din otel galvanizat. Carligele sunt prinse pe spatele placilor de PAL cu ajutorul suruburilor autoforante. Dupa fixarea carligelor pe spatele panourilor, acestea sunt gata sa fie agatate de structura de sustinere formata de sistemul de rame principale.

SYSTEM STRUCTUREMain frame structure is composed of steel profiles processed by plastic deformation, bending, rolling and welding.Profiles are galvanized steel.

PANELS WITH GLASSThe panels are made of aluminum profiles which forms a frame on which are mounted the glass sheets. Glass is clear, tempered. The visible part of the profile is 37.5 mm. The panels are attached to the main frame system with hooks made from galvanized steel.Glass thickness: 6-9 mm.

PANEL SIZE:Maximum height: 3000 mmMaximum width: 1200 mm.Posible arrangement for the modules:Full height glass partitions;Modules arranged vertically or horizontally;Type of glass modules mounted above the doors.

GASCKETS AND HOOKSFor a better fit and better control, we use rubber gaskets or combination of rubber and plastics (gaskets coextruded). The rubber gaskets isolate connections between floor and ceiling, between panels and mullions, and between panels and transoms.For fixing panels on the structure are used special galvanized steel hooks. The hooks are attached on the back of the chipboard with special screws. After fixing the hooks on the back panels, they are ready to be hung from the supporting structure consisting of main frame system.

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Compartimentarile Divido Twinglass pot fi prevazute cu jaluzele orizontale, montate intre foile de stilcla. Acestea au sistem de reglaj, la exterior, pe profilul metalic.

Divido Twinglass partitions can be provided with blinds mounted between the glass sheets.The blind are installed with controlling system witch is on the exterior metal profile.


STRUCTURA SISTEMULUIStructura de rame principale este compusa din profile din otel prelucrate prin deformare plastica, indoire, roluire si sudura. Profilele din otel sunt galvanizate.

PANOURI PLINEConstructia peretelui este de tip sandwich si este format din panouri fixate intre ele cu carlige de agatare. Intre cele doua panouri spatiul este umplut cu vata minerala. Panourile sunt prinse de sistemul de rame principale prin carlige de agatare realizate din table de otel galvanizat.Panourile utilizate sunt: PAL MELAMINAT: 18/19 mm grosime, clasa E1/B2 / PAL FURNIRUIT: 19 mm,

DIMENSIUNI PANOU:Inaltimea maxima: 3000 mmLatimea maxima: 1200 mm.

GARNITURI SI CARLIGE DE AGATAREPentru o buna fixare si pentru a prelua jocurile se utilizeaza garnituri din cauciuc sau combinatii de cauciuc si materiale plastice (garnituri coextrudate). Garniturile izoleaza legaturile care se fac intre pardoseala si tavan, intre panouri si montanti si intre panouri si traverse.Pentru fixarea panourilor pe structura de baza se utilizeaza carlige speciale din otel galvanizat. Carligele sun prinse pe spatele placilor de PAL cu ajutorul suruburilor autoforante. Dupa fixarea carligelor pe spatele panourilor, acestea sunt gata sa fie agatate de structura de sustinere formata de sistemul de rame principale.

CARACTERISTICI SPECIALEUsor de montat si demontatUsor de intervenit pentru reparatii si completari ale sistemului.Montantii din structura sistemului de rame principale sunt perforati si gauriti pentru a permite fixarea carligelor de agatare si au perforatii mari realizate la un pas de 256 mm pentru a permite traversarea structurii cu canaluri de cabluri electrice.Perforatiile pentru canalurile de cabluri au dimensiunea de 26x50mm pentru instalarea cablurilor electrice si a altor instalatii

DOMENII DE APLICATIESpatii de birouriCamere si spatii industrialeSali de conferinta si spatii de invatamant



SYSTEM STRUCTUREMain frame structure is composed of steel profiles processed by plastic deformation, bending, rolling and welding. Profiles are galvanized steel.

BLIND PANELSWall construction is sandwich type and consists of panels fixed together with hooks. Space between the two panes is filled with mineral wool. The panels are attached to the main frame system with hooks made from galvanized steel.The panels used are: chipboard: 18/19 mm thickClass E1/B2 or veneered chipboard 19 mm.

PANEL SIZE:Maximum height: 3000 mmMaximum width: 1200 mm.

GASCKETS AND HOOKSFor a better fit and better control, use rubber gaskets or combination of rubber and plastics (gaskets coextruded). The rubber gaskets isolate connections between floor and ceiling, between panels and mullions, and between panels and transoms.For fixing panels on the structure are used special galvanized steel hooks. The hooks are attached on the back of chipboard with special screws. After fixing the hooks on the back panels, they are ready to be hung from the supporting structure consisting of main frame system.

SPECIAL FEATURESEasy to assemble and dismantleEasy to intervene for repairs and additions to the system. Pillars of the structure, of main frames, are drilled and large perforations were made at a step of 256 mm to allow the fixing of the hooks and the passage for the electrical cable channels.Perforations for the cables are 26x50mm for permitting the electrical wiring and other installations to pass.

MAIN APPLICATIONSOffice spacesRooms and industrial spaceTraining rooms and spaces for education



Grosimea peretelui: 100 mmInaltimea maxima: 3000 mmDimensiunea standard

a modulelor:

450mm; 900mm;

1000 mm, 1200 mmDimensiunea luftului

dintre module:

6 mm

Greutate: 51-52 kg/mp

Izolare fonica: • 37 dB - 40 dB

Rezistenta la foc: nu este certificata


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Panou Divido Glass - sectiune verticala

Panou Divido Twinglass - sectiune verticala

Panou Divido Uniglass - sectiune verticala

Panou Divido Panel cu panouri de PAL- sectiune verticala

Panou Divido Panel cu panouri de gipscarton - sectiune verticala

1 Divido Glass partition wall - vertical section

Divido Twinglass partition wall - vertical sectionDivido Uniglass partition wall - vertical sectionDivido Panel with chipboard panels- vertical section

Divido Panel with plasterboard panels - vertical section

Detaliu imbinare in “T”.Junction detail model “T”.

Detaliu de colt la 90 de grade.90 degrees corner detail.






Pe marginea de sus si pe lufturile transversale ale elementelor de perete se pot monta carlige pentru agatare. In asa fel cu ajutorul unui fir de nylon si carligul montat in prealabil puteti atarna de perete o poza sau un tablou fara a gauri sau fara a deforma peretele.Carlige sunt utilizate pentru greutati de pana la 3 kg.

On the top line of the partition or in the spaces between the modules can be installed hooks. So with the hook and a nylon thread you can hang a picture or a wall painting wall without holes or warp.Hooks are used for weights up to 3 kg.



Storage wall offers more than the demarcation function of a space. As you can see from the picture above this wall system has a variety of storage and organization solutions. All accessories are very useful in organizing space formed by the walls.All components are easy to install and dismantle. No special tools are required.

Peretele de compartimentare ofera mai mult decât functia de a delimita un spatiu. Dupa cum se poate observa din figura de mai sus acest sistem de partitii are o varietate de solutii de organizare si depozitare. Toate accesoriile sunt foarte utile in organizarea spatiului format de catre peretii de compartimenatre.Toate componentele sunt usor de montat si demonat. Nu sunt necesare scule speciale.


O gama larga de usi batante si usi glisante este posibila pentru aceasta gama de partitii. Usile pot fii pline din lemn, 41 mm grosime sau din sticla clara, securizata de 10 mm grosime. Atat usile batante cat si cele glisante pot fi simple, duble, pot fi pe toata inaltimea sau pot fi prevazute cu supralumina. Usile de sticla sunt fara rama metalica si pot fi decorate cu folie autocolanta in diverse design-uri.Versatilitatea acestor usi precum si multitudinea finisajelor ajuta in crearea unui design unitar al spatiului dumneavoastra.


Usa sticlaGlass door

Usa lemnWodden door

A wide range of swing and sliding doors is available. Doors are available in wood, 41 mm thick, or in clear, tempered glass, 10 mm thick. Both sliding and swing doors are available as single or double, full-height or with over head glass type modules.Frameless glass doors can be decorated with self-adhesive film in various designs.The versatility of these doors and the many finishes help create a unified design of your space.

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Usa cu doua foi de sticla sau lemn, ce asigura o mai buna izolare fonica si termica. Aceasta usa are o izolare fonica de 34 dB. O alta caracteristica speciala a acestei usi duble este ca pe o parte ea este pe aceasi linie cu peretele, creand asfel o linie unitara ca si design.


Double glazed glass or wooden door with an unrivalled acoustic performance of 34 dB. This double door is in line with the wall on one side thus displaying a flowing design line.

Usa dubla lemnDouble wooden door

Usa cu doua foi de sticlaDouble glased door 23






Aluminiu anodizat AS-MB Culori RAL / RAL Colors


Artar / Maple Fag / Beech Cires / Cherry wood Nuc / Walnut wood

Stejar/ Oak Scortisoara / Cinnamon wood Zebrano / Zebrano wood Wenge / Wenge

Driftwood / Driftwood Woodline Mocca / Woodline Mocca Decor EGGER / EGGER finish


Sticla clara / Clear glass Sticla alba satinata / White satinated glassAluminium AS-MB

Nuc Alpi / Alpi Walnut

str. Opanez nr. 12, sector 2, 023773 Bucuresti- Romania

Telefon / Fax 004, 004,

004 e-mail: [email protected]

www: compartimentare.rowww: partition-wall.ro
