chiŞinĂu, 6 – 8 octombrie 2005 munteanu - romania . radu munteanu - romania . valentin...

Developing a new trenchless Loo k ahead radar for mounting a n Horizontal Drilling Equipment OSY S technology limite d ID S INGEGNERIA DEI SISTEM I --i% 0 cri Gaz de Franc e rRACTO - ", TECHNI K TuDelf t Delft University of Technolog y BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY i I Dipl .-Ing .ElmarKoc h HeadofDesignDepartmen t Tracto-TechnikGmbH & Co .KG CFIC

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Page 1: CHIŞINĂU, 6 – 8 Octombrie 2005 MUNTEANU - Romania . Radu MUNTEANU - Romania . Valentin NĂVRĂPESCU - Romania . Rachid OUTBIB - France . Sorin PAVEL - Romania . Radu PENTIUC -

FFOONNDDAATTOORRII Tudor AMBROS - R. Moldova Lorin CANTEMIR - Romania Aurel CÂMPEANU - Romania Petru TODOS - R. Moldova

PPRREEȘȘEEDDIINNȚȚII DDEE OONNOOAARREE Marinel TEMNEANU, Iași - Romania Victor POGORA, Chişinău - R. Moldova Marian CIONTU, Craiova - Romania


Cristian Gyozo HABA, Iași - România Ion SOBOR, Chişinău - R. Moldova Adrian DRIGHICIU, Craiova - Romania

MMeemmbbrrii Maricel ADAM - Romania Valentin ARION - R.Moldova Vladimir BERZAN - R.Moldova Iulian BIROU - Romania Alexandru BITOLEANU – Romania Radu BOJOI - Italy Maria BROJBOIU - Romania Dagmar CAGANOVA - Slovakia Andrei CHICIUC - R. Moldova Mihail CHIORSAC - R. Moldova Sorin DEACONU - Romania Mihai GAVRILAŞ - Romania Marian GĂICEANU - Romania Nicolae GOLOVANOV - Romania Adrian GRAUR - Romania Mikuláš HUBA - Slovakia Mihai IORDACHE - Romania Roman KAMNIK - Slovenia Nikolay MADJAROV - Bulgaria Lucian MANDACHE - Romania Gheorghe MANOLEA - Romania Corneliu MARINESCU - Romania Dan MIHAI - Romania Viktor MILARDIC - Croatia Alexandru MOREGA - Romania Nazih MOUBAYED - Lebanon Călin MUNTEANU - Romania Florin MUNTEANU - Romania Radu MUNTEANU - Romania Valentin NĂVRĂPESCU - Romania Rachid OUTBIB - France Sorin PAVEL - Romania Radu PENTIUC - Romania Victor PETRUSHIN - Ukrain Ion PIROI - Romania Claudia POPESCU - Romania Mihaela POPESCU - Romania Mihai O. POPESCU - Romania Francisco RESTIVO - Portugal Raphael ROMARY - France Alexandru SĂLCEANU - Romania Alecsandru SIMION - Romania Ion STRATAN - R. Moldova Jana SUJANOVA – Slovakia Mihai TÎRȘU - R. Moldova Ion VLAD - Romania Ivan YATCHEV – Bulgaria


SSCCPPUULL CCOONNFFEERRIINNȚȚEEII Începută ca un forum pan-Românesc, conferinţa a crescut şi a ajuns la a 11-a ediţie, atrăgând mulţi specialişti din ţări diverse. Scopul conferinţei este de a oferi o oportunitate pentru dezbatere mediului academic, industrial şi de cercetare privind noile realizări, concepte şi practici innovative din domeniile electromecanic şi energetic în contextul evoluţiei continue a acestora.

TTOOPPIICCSS • Automation, Robots and Mechatronics • Electrical Apparatus • Electrical Machines • Electrical Traction and Automotive Equipment • Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits • Engineering Education and Evocations • Industry Applications

• Management and entrepreneurship • Materials, Eco-design and Electro-ecology • Metrology and Measurement Systems • Power Electronics and Drives • Reliability and Diagnosis • Efficiency Energy and Renewable Resources • Power Generation, Transport and Distribution

DDAATTEE IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTTEE • 01 June, 2017 – submission of an extended abstract • 03 July, 2017 – full paper submission date • 17 July, 2017 – notification of acceptance • 03 September 2017 – submission of full papers & early registration payment

PPAARRTTIICCIIPPAATTIINNGG IINN TTHHEE CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEE • Official languages of the symposium: English; • Submitted papers must be original work with no substantially overlap with papers that have been

published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference with proceedings. • All submissions (initial and final) must be made on-line. Paper submission details and the author kit are

available on conference website. Accepted papers will be published in a dedicated IEEE proceedings. • All papers must be presented either in oral session or in poster session, otherwise won’t be published in

IEEE Xplore database (Conference Record #41311). Pay to publish is not allowed in IEEE. • Extended versions of selected presented papers will be invited to be published in special issues of The

Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iassy or Annals of the University of Craiova

OOTTHHEERR AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS • Following the participants proposals, several workshops and seminars will be organized • A parallel special student session, with the same topics • Special wine testing trip to the famous Cricova or Mileştii Mici wine-cellars (extra fee)

CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEE SSEECCRREETTAARRIIAATT Faculty of Electrical Engineering Iaşi, Str. Prof. Mangeron 21-23, 700050 Iaşi, Romania Tel: +40-232-701235, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


CCOONNFFEERREENNCCEE CCHHAAIIRRSS Iaşi: Dorin D. Lucache - Tel: +40-232-701235, E-mail: [email protected] Chişinău: Ilie Nucă - Tel: +373-22- 237619, E-mail: [email protected] Craiova: Sergiu Ivanov - Tel: +40-251-436447, E-mail: [email protected]