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    CLUJ - NAPOCA, 2016

  • Volum realizat n cadrul Proiectului Cnd viaa cotidian antic devine patrimoniu UNESCO.Scanarea, restaurarea digital i contextualizarea artefactelor dacice din Munii Ortiei

    Granturi SEE Programul PA16/RO12-Cererea de proiecte mariNumrul de identificare al contractului: PA16/RO12-LP10/18.02.2015Promotor de proiect: UNIVERSITATEA TEHNIC DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA


    Proiect finanat printr-un grant oferit de Islanda, Liechtenstein i

    Coordonatori:Clin NEAMUGelu FLOREAGabriela GHEORGHIUBOD Cristina


    Copert: TRK Kroly

    Traducere realizat de: TradArt SRL, Cluj-Napoca

    Tehnoredactare: Octavian Popa (Editura Only One)

    Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

    Universitatea Tehnic din Cluj Napoca, Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Transilvaniei, Universitatea Babe-Bolyai, Muzeul civilizaiei dacice i romane Deva

    Cnd viaa cotidian antic devine patrimoniu UNESCO - Incursiuni dacice n spaiul virtual Cluj-Napoca, Editura Only One, 2016,

    ISBN 978-606-94125-4-1

  • Cuprins / Table of contents

























    Introducere / Introduction

    (Clin Neamu, Gelu Florea, Gabriela Gheorghiu, Bod Cristina )

    Alimentaia / The diet

    (Ctlin Cristescu, Liliana Mateescu-Suciu).

    Activiti domestice / Domestic activities

    (Bod Cristina, Ioana Barbu)

    Meteuguri / Crafts

    (Eugen Iaroslavschi, Rzvan Mateescu)

    Agricultura / Agriculture

    (Paul Pupez, Viorica Crian)

    Schimburile comerciale / Trade

    (Liliana Mateescu-Suciu, Gabriela Gheorghiu, Cristian Gazdac)

    Piese de armament / Weaponry

    (Paul Pupez)

    Art, identitate i imaginar / Art, identity and imaginary

    (Gelu Florea, Ctlin Cristescu)

    Locuine / Dwellings

    (Bod Cristina)

    Instalaii de stocare i de distribuire a apei / Water storage and supply installations

    (Gabriela Gheorghiu, Paul Pupez)

    Arhitectura religioas / Religious Architecture

    (Rzvan Mateescu)

    Elemente de arhitectura militar / Aspects of the military architecture

    (Rzvan Mateescu, Paul Pupez)













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    ProiectulCndviaacotidiananticdevinepa-trimoniuUNESCO.Scanarea, restaurareadigital i con-textualizarea artefactelor dacice dinMuniiOrtiei ipropunesaducnfaapubliculuilargartefacteimonu-mentedacicedinMuniiOrtieintr-unmodinedit.Existun interesmanifest al societii romneti n legtur cuarheologiai,nmodspecial,cucivilizaiadacic.Num-rulnsemnatdepublicaii,interveniinmass-mediainmediulvirtual,maimultsaumaipuincorectedinpunctdevederetiinific,esteelocvent nacestsens.Rezultate-leacestuiproiectsuntpuseladispoziiatuturorcelorcaredorescinformaiivalidatetiinific.

    Odat cu nscrierea n anul 1999 pe Lista patri-moniuluimondial, complexuldacicdin sud-vestulTran-silvaniei a devenit un bun cultural comun al umanitii,alturndu-seunormonumentecelebredepemapamond.Ateniaturismuluicultural internaionalsendreaptdince n ce mai insistent nspre cetile dacice, aa cum sepoateconstataurmrindcretereaanualanumruluidepersoanecareleviziteazpeterensauacceseazinforma-

    TheDacianfortressesfromtheOrtieMountainsareamongthemostwell-knownancientcomplexesfromRomania. The public imagery assigned them multiplemeaningsnowadays,beingregardedasplaceswithstrongidentityconnotation.Thehistoricalandarchaeologicalpo-sitionofthesesitesisoneofhighimportanceastheyrepre-sentthegrandeuroftheDaciankingdominthe1stcenturyBC1stcenturyAD,aspecificmarkwithinthelandscapeofTemperateEuropeattheendoftheLateIronAge.

    TheprojectWhenancienteverydaylifebecomesUNESCOheritage. The scanning, digital restoration andcontextualization of Dacian artefacts from the OrtieMountainsaimstobringthepublicinfrontofDacianarte-factsandmonumentsdiscoveredintheOrtieMountainsbut in anunusualway. There is a highpeculiar interestwithin the Romanian society for archaeology, especiallyfor the Dacian civilization. The numerous publications,mediaeventsand,now,thevirtualenvironment,allmoreor lessaccurate fromascientificpointofview,areargu-mentsinthismatter.Theprojectsresultswillbeavailabletoallthoseseekingforvalidandreliableinformation.

    Once theDaciancomplex fromSWTransylvaniawasincludedin1999ontheWorldHeritageList,itbecamea common cultural asset of humanity, joining other fa-mousmonumentsfromaroundtheglobe.Nowadays,thetendencyoftheinternationaltourismistograduallyfocuson theDacian fortresses,as it canbeeasilynoticed fromtheincreasingnumberofvisitorscomingatthesitesorac-cessing informationonline.All those interestedwill find

    IIntroducere Introduction

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    botheasytounderstandhistoricalandarchaeologicaldata,reconstructed imagesofmonumentsandartefacts.Thesearetheeffortsofateamconsistingofspecialists,archaeol-ogists,engineersandITexperts.Theirgoalwastofindtheclosestsolutionstothehistoricalrealityasmuchasarchae-ologyand3D technologymake itpossibleat thepresentstageofresearch.

    Theprojectfollowsthe2006/585/CERecommenda-tionoftheEuropeanComissionwhichsupportsthedigiti-zationandtheincreaseofaccessibilityoftheculturalher-itage togetherwith itsdigital conservation.Furthermore,duetoitsspecificity,theprojectsubscribestotheCARAREprogramme(ConnectingArchaeologyandArchitectureinEuropeana),specificallycreatedtoloadontheEuropeanaplatformarchaeologicalmonumentsandartefacts,histori-caledificesandheritage,in3Dformat.Atthesametime,theprojectisconsonantwiththeSectoralStrategyforCultureandNationalHeritagefor2014-2020issuedandpublishedbytheCentreforResearchandConsultancyinCulture.Itisstated,forthechronologicalsegmentof2017-2018,50%of the category A historical monuments and Thesaurusclassified assets will be digitized alongside the displayfromRomania of an annual average of 100,000 digitisedculturalresourcesintheEuropeanDigitalLibrary.

    General information about the project (funder, promoter, partners)

    WhenancienteverydaylifebecomesUNESCOher-itage.Thescanning,digitalrestorationandcontextualizationofDacianartefactsfromtheOrtieMountainsisaprojectfundedthroughFinancialMechanismSEE2009-2014projectline:PA16/RO12Theconservationandrevitalisationofcul-tural andnatural heritage. Fundingwas secured through agrantawardedbyIsland,LichtensteinandNorway.

    The projects team counted on interdisciplinari-ty: archaeologistswith experience on the researchof the

    iidespreelenmediulvirtual.Toiceiinteresaivorgsiatt date istorice i arheologice, prezentate ntr-omanie-raccesibil,ctiimaginireconstituitealeartefactelorimonumentelor.Elesuntrezultatuleforturiloruneiechipedespecialiti,arheologi,ingineriiIT-iti,alcrorobiectivafostsgseascsoluiilecelemaiapropiatederealitate,attctarheologiaitehnologiaactual3Dlefacposibile.

    Proiectul rspunde recomandrii 2006/585/CE aComisieiEuropenecarencurajeazdigitizareaicretereaaccesibilitiipatrimoniuluicultural,precumiconserva-readigitalaacestuia.Deasemenea,prinspecificulsu,elsenscrieniniiativaCARARE(ConnectingArchaeologyandArchitectureinEuropeana)dezvoltatspecialpentruaaducenplatformaEuropeanamodele3Dreprezentndartefacte imonumente arheologice, cldiri istorice i depatrimoniu.Nunultimulrnd,elesteconsonantcuStra-tegiaSectorialnDomeniulCulturiiiPatrimoniuluiNa-ionalpentruperioada2014-2020elaboratipublicatdeCentruldeCercetareiConsultannDomeniulCulturii.Eaprevede,pentruorizontuldetimp2017-2018,digitizareanproporiede50%amonumenteloristoricedecategoriaAiabunurilor clasate ncategoriaTezauri expunereadectreRomniaaunuivolummediuanualde100000deresurseculturaledigitalenBibliotecaDigitalEuropean.

    Date generale despre proiect (finanatorul,promotorul,partenerii)

    Cnd viaa cotidian antic devine patrimoniuUNESCO.Scanarea, restaurareadigitali contextualiza-reaartefactelordacicedinMuniiOrtieiesteunproiectfinanatprinMecanismulfinanciarSEE20092014,liniadeproiectePA16/RO12Conservareairevitalizareapa-trimoniuluiculturalinatural.Fondurileaufostasigurateprintr-ungrantoferitdeIslanda,LichtensteiniNorvegia.

    Echipa care i-a asumat acest proiect amizat peinterdisciplinaritate:arheologicuexperienncercetarea


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    DaciansitesfromtheOrtieMountains,engineersandITspecialists.Althoughatfirstsighttheancienthistoryandthe3Dtechnologyseemseparatedbythousandsofyears,theymeetheretobringtolightthedailylifeofaperishedworld.Startingfromfragmentaryartefactsandruinsthatmaynotsaymuchtothenon-specialists,themodernsci-enceandtechnologywillrecomposeinsurprisinglyhighdetails the closestpicture of the two thousandyears oldfortresses,settlements,dwellingsandworkshops.

    The project promoter istheTechnicalUniversityofCluj-Napoca,oneoftheadvancedinstitutionsforeducationandresearchfromRomania.ThisinstitutionhostsoneofthemostmodernLaboratoryfor3DMeasuringandScanninginRomania. The highly experienced specialists in digitizationandreverseengineeringsomeofthemmembersoftheproj-ectreceivedcreditsinthedomainsofindustryandhistoricalartefacts.Theirworkbroughtafundamentalcontributiontothedigitizationandvirtualreconstructionofhistoricalobjectsandarchaeologicalmonuments,allgatheredintoanopenac-cessdatabase.Theitemswereselectedinordertoberepresen-tativefortheOrtieMountainsancientdailylifeaspects.

    Partner 1.TheNationalMuseumofTransylvanianHistoryfromCluj-Napocaisoneoftheoldestandmostpresti-giousculturalinstitutionsfromthecountry.Itisalsothemainkeeperof theheritagediscovered in theOrtieMountainsduringarchaeologicalcampaignsthataretakingrunningforalmostacentury.Theteamincludesspecialistswhicheveryyear takepart in the excavations in theOrtieMountains.Theirexperienceisacrucialpointtoreachthescientifictar-gets.Inaddition,thepublicoftheClujmuseumisoneofthedirectbeneficiariesofthenewinteractiveexhibitionthatcom-bineswithinahigh-techenvironmentthevirtualreconstruc-tionswiththegenuinearchaeologicalobjects,presentingtheminaningeniousandattractivemanner.

    Partner 2. Since the inter-war period until today,oneofthescientificbrandsoftheBabe-BolyaiUniversityofCluj-Napoca,isthecoordinationofthearchaeologicalinves-

    siturilordacicedinMuniiOrtiei, ingineri i specialitiIT.Aparent desprite de ctevamilenii, istoria antic itehnologia 3Ddeultimor audevenit complementarepentruareaducelaluminviaadezicuziauneilumias-tzidisprut.Porninddelafragmentedeobiectevechiiruine,carenuspunfoartemulteunornespecialiti,tiinai tehnologia actuale recompun cudetalii surprinztoareimagineaceamaiapropiatderealitateacetilor,aezri-lor,locuineloriatelierelordeacumdoumiideani.

    Promotorul proiectului.UniversitateaTehnicdinCluj-Napocaesteunadintreinstituiiledeeducaieicerce-tareavansatdinRomnia.Eaareunuldintrecelemaimo-derneLaboratoaredeMsurriiScanri3DdinRomnia.Experienaicompetenelendigitizareireverse engineering alespecialitilor,uniidintreeimembriaiechipeiproiectu-lui,s-auvalidatattndomeniulindustrial,cti ncelalartefacteloristorice.Contribuiilelorsuntfundamentalendigitizarea i restaurrile virtuale ale obiectelor i monu-mentelorarheologice,cuprinsentr-obazdedateaccesibilpubliculuilarg,alesenaafelnctsfieilustrativepentruaspectelevieiicotidieneanticedinMuniiOrtiei.

    Partenerul 1. MuzeulNaionaldeIstorieaTran-silvanieidinCluj-Napoca,unadintrecelemaivechiimaiprestigioaseinstituiideculturdinar,esteprincipaluldeintor al patrimoniului descoperit nMunii Ortiein cursul cercetrilorarheologice sistematicedesfuratedeaproapeunsecol.nechipaproiectuluisuntspecialiticareparticipnfiecareanlaspturiledinMuniiOrti-ei,experienalorfiindimportantpentrurealizareaobiec-tivelorsale.Dealtfel,publiculmuzeuluiclujeanesteunuldintrebeneficiariidireciainoiiexpoziiiinteractivecarembinreconstituirilevirtualentr-unmediuhigh-techcupiese arheologice originale, ntr-un concept ingenios iatractiv.

    Partenerul 2.Unuldintrebrand-uriletiinificealeUniversitiiBabe-BolyaidinCluj-Napoca,dinperioadainterbelicipnazi,lreprezintcoordonareaspturi-


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    Partner 3.TheMuseumofDacianandRomanCiv-ilizationfromDevaispartoftheprojectnotonlyforhold-inginitscollectionsanimportantpartofthearchaeologicalheritagefromtheOrtieMountainsbutalsoforthescien-tificandmuseographiccompetencesofitsspecialists.ThegeographicandsymbolicvicinitytotheDaciansitestarget-edbythepresentprojectmakesthismuseumamustseespotonthetouristicitinerariesleadingtothemonuments.Theinteractiveexhibitionsetupwithintheprojectestab-lishestheMuseumofDacianandRomanCivilizationasatrueattractionforbothRomanianandforeignaudience.

    Theprojectsobjectiveswere: The digitization of 500 representative artefacts from

    theDacianfortheirpromotionatinternationallevel; Theconversionofdigitized3Dmodelsintoaformat

    compatiblewiththeEuropeanaplatform; The systematization of historical and archaeological




    The digital reconstruction of Dacian artefacts andmonumentsfromtheOrtieMountains;



    lorarheologicencetiledacicedinMuniiOrtiei.Spe-cialitiicuprininechipaproiectuluiaduccueiexperienaacumulat,precumicontribuiitiinificeesenialelacu-noaterea civilizaieidacice.Ele suntnecesare contextua-lizrii descoperirilor arheologice i refacerii verosimile aesutuluivieiicotidieneanticeporninddelaurmelemate-rialepstratepnazi.

    Partenerul 3.MuzeulCivilizaieiDaciceiRomanedinDevaaducencadrulproiectuluinudoarpatrimoniularheologicprovenitdinMuniiOrtieipecare-lpstreazncoleciilesale,ciicompeteneletiinificeimuzeogra-fice ale specialitilor si care fac parte din echip.Apro-pierea geografic i simbolic de siturile vizate de acestdemersfacdinmuzeuldeveanunpunctobligatoriuntra-seele turitilor caredoresc svadpeviumonumentele.Expoziia interactivamenajatncadrulproiectuluifacedinMuzeulCivilizaieiDaciceiRomaneorealatraciepentrupubliculdinaristrintate.

    Obiectiveleproiectuluiaufosturmtoarele: Digitizareaa500deartefactereprezentativedinpatrimoniul

    dacicnvedereapromovriiacestoralanivelinternaional Conversiamodelelor3Ddigitizatenformatcompati-

    bilcuplatformaEuropeana Sistematizareainformaieiistoriceiarheologicepen-

    tru artefacteledigitizate nvederea crerii setuluidemetadatenecesarimplementrii-EuropeanaDataMo-del(EDM)





    Realizarea unui catalog care s cuprind produsele


  • 9

    productsdevelopedduringtheproject; Creating virtual and augmented reality applications


    TheProjectswebsiteanditshosting; Thedevelopmentofnewfacilitiesfordigitization.

    Thefulfiloftheseobjectivesrequestedalargedi-versityofactivities.Thus,artefactsfromvariousDacianset-tlementsandfortressesfromtheOrtieMountainswerescanned and processed (Grditea deMunte Sarmize-getusaRegia,CostetiCetuie,CostetiBlidaru,Lun-caniPiatraRoie,Bnia,Cplna,Rudele,Meleia,FeeleAlbe,etc.).Theartefactswereselected fromvariouscate-goriessuchaspottery,irontoolsandobjects,stone,bronzeandpreciousmetalsobjects,etc.(Figs.1-6).The3Dmodelsareavailableasopenaccesssourcestogetherwiththebilin-gualversions(Romanian-English)ofthearchaeo-historicalinformation, on the website ( (Fig. 7).Fortheprojectefficiencies,stateoftheartdeviceswereac-quiredforscanningtheDacianartefacts(Fig.8)andmonu-ments(Figs.9-11).

    Theexhibitionroomsareequippedwith3Dpro-jectors, large-sizescreens, fullHDTVsetsandmonitors,Kinect and haptic devices, multi touch table, etc. ThesemultimediagadgetsandtheITapplicationswillofferthevisitoranewandattractiveperspectiveonvariousaspectsoftheDaciancivilization.

    Thiscataloguecomprisesinformationaboutthescanned,dig-itizedandvirtuallyreconstructedartefactsandbuildings,tar-getedbytheproject.Theartefactsmentionedinthefollowingpagesarealsopresentintheabovementionedsitesdatabase,together with the specific archaeological data (dimensions,manufacturingtechniques,inventorynumbers,etc.).

    culturaledezvoltatencadrulproiectului Creareaaplicailorderealitatevirtualiaugmentat


    Website-ulproiectuluiigzduireaacestuia Dezvoltareadenoicapacitidedigitizare

    Realizareaobiectivelorenumerateanteriorapre-supusomultitudinedeactiviti.Astfel,aufostscanateiprocesateartefacteprovenitedindiverseaezriifortifi-caiidacicedinMuniiOrtiei(GrditeadeMunteSar-mizegetusaRegia,CostetiCetuie,CostetiBlidaru,Luncani PiatraRoie, Bnia,Cplna, Rudele,Meleia,FeeleAlbe etc.).Artefactele au fost variate, ntre ele re-gsindu-sevaseceramice,unelteiobiectedinfier,piesedinpiatr,bronzsaumetalepreioase.a.m.d.(Fig.1-6).Modeleletridimensionaleobinutesuntaccesibilegratuit,m-preun cu informaii arheologico-istorice bilingve (romn englez)pepaginawebaproiectului(http://dacit. utcluj. ro)(Fig.7).ncadrulproiectuluiafostachiziionataparaturdeultimgeneraiededicatattscanriiartefactelor(Fig.8),ctiscanriimonumentelordacice(Fig.9-11).


    Catalogulcuprindedatedespreartefacteleicon-struciile care au fost scanate, digitizate i reconstituitevirtualncadrulproiectului.Pieseleprezentatenpaginileacesteilucrriseregsescnbazadedateasite-uluimen-ionatmaisus,mpreuncuinformaiiletiinificeaferente(dimensiuni,tehnicderealizare,numrdeinventaretc.).


    http://dacit. utcluj. ro

  • 10

    Fig. 1Aspect din timpul scanrii artefactelor

    Scanning artefacts

    Fig. 2Aspect din timpul scanrii artefactelor

    Scanning artefacts


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    Fig. 3Aspect din timpul scanrii artefactelor

    Scanning artefacts

    Fig. 4Aspect din timpul scanrii artefactelor

    Scanning artefacts


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    Fig. 5Aspect din timpul scanrii artefactelor

    Scanning artefacts

    Fig 6.Aspect din timpul scanrii artefactelor

    Scanning artefacts


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    Fig. 7Baza de date cu modele 3D

    3D models database


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    Fig. 8Tipul de aparatur utilizat pentru scanarea artefactelor

    Devices used in artefacts scanning


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    Fig. 9Aspect din timpul scanrii monumentelor

    Scanning the monuments

    Fig. 10Aspect din timpul scanrii monumentelor

    Scanning the monuments


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    Fig. 11O etap din procesul de prelucrare a datelor provenite din scanarea monumentelor

    Processing acquired data after scanning the monuments (intermediate phase)


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    Pentru cunoaterea unei civilizaii este necesar, pe lng studierea istoriei politice, militare i a religiei, o abordare ct mai aproape de realitate a vieii cotidiene. Din pcate, sursele literare care ar trebui s stea la baza unor astfel de demersuri sunt, pentru spaiul dacic, puine i de cele mai multe ori lacunare. Pe de alt parte ele sunt suplinite, n unele situaii, de informaiile oferite de desco-peririle arheologice. Aa stau lucrurile i n ceea ce privete alimentaia, pentru care izvoarele scrise sunt cvasiabsen-te. n schimb, descoperirile din siturile dacice de semine carbonizate, resturi osteologice, inventar casnic (ceramic, ustensile de buctrie, precum frigrui, cremaiere, cu-ite, furculie, vase de metal etc.) ofer indicii importante pentru nelegerea acestui aspect al vieii cotidiene.

    n lumea dacic o bun parte din resursele de hra-n era constituit din cereale i leguminoase, descoperirile de semine aparinnd unor anumite specii fiind destul de frecvente n multe aezri i fortificaii. Fr ndoial, cere-alele au reprezentat cele mai importante alimente pentru asigurarea hranei, avnd n vedere coninutul lor bogat n hidrai de carbon, o surs excelent de calorii, i posi-bilitatea conservrii lor pe o perioad mai lung de timp n raport cu alte plante. Dintre acestea, mai importante n alimentaia dacilor din Munii Ortiei par s fi fost grul i meiul, crora li se adaug secara, orzul i ovzul. Din cauza condiiilor improprii de mediu (zon montan cu temperaturi relativ sczute), cerealele se cultivau doar n proporii mici n zona capitalei dacice. Cantitile mari ne-cesare aprovizionrii locuitorilor din Munii Ortiei erau

    Finding out more about a civilization implies not only studying the political, military and religious history, but also getting as close as possible to the reality of every-day life. Unfortunately, in the case of the Dacian world, the literary sources that should facilitate such approaches are scarce and most of the times incomplete. On the other hand, sometimes they are successfully filled in by infor-mation offered by archaeological findings. This is the case of ancient times diet, since written records on the topic are almost absent. In contrast, the findings in Dacian sites consisting of carbonized seeds, bone remains, household goods (ceramics, kitchen utensils such as spits, knives, cauldron chains, forks, metallic bowls, etc.) offer important clues for understanding this aspect related to everyday life.

    In the Dacian world a significant part of food re-sources consisted of cereals and vegetables, the discovery of seeds belonging to certain species being quite frequent in many fortifications and settlements. There is no doubt that due to their rich content of carbohydrates, which is an excel-lent source of calories and the ease of their storage compar-ing with other plants, cereals represented the most import-ant food in Dacian diet. Among them, the wheat and millet, together with rye, barley and oat seem to have played the most important role in the diet of Dacians from the Ortie Mountains. Due to the improper environment conditions (mountain region with relatively low temperature), cere-als used to be cultivated probably only in small quantities in the Dacian capital area. The large quantities needed to supply the Ortie Mountains inhabitants were probably

    IIAlimentaia The diet /

  • 18

    brought from the Mure Valley and stored in barns, storage vessels, crates, barrels or other types of recipients. Among these, the medium and large storage pots are always present in all Dacian sites in the area (fig. 1). Mainly wheel thrown, they usually come in medium and large sizes, some of them reaching approximately 2 meters in height. These large jars, imitations of similar vessels from the Greek-Roman world (pithoi or dolia), were used for storing both grain and water. The main types differ especially in the shape of their rims, moulded, wide and horizontal or round and thickened and, usually standing on massive foot rings. They are frequent-ly ornamented with simple elements (incised lines, or wave lines), and less often with impressed elements (rosettes and scales). The large vessels were gradually built on the pot-ters wheel, requiring more material and human resourc-es than other containers, therefore their price was higher. Serving the same purpose of storing food, wheel-thrown pear-shaped vessels were used as well; they were adorned with mouldings on the rim and in the area of their maxi-mum diameter. Vessels with elongated profiles and narrow neck, hand-made of a coarse paste, decorated with bosses, were used in the same way (Fig. 2). Some situla type ves-sels could have been used for storing foods (Fig. 3). They were wheel-thrown, made of semi-fine paste, sometimes containing graphite, decorated with circular bosses and narrow grooves. Kraters were used possibly for storing but also for mixing liquids, just like in the Mediterranean world, although some smaller ones could also have been used as ta-bleware (Fig. 4-5). These are fine containers, wheel-thrown, bell shaped, sometimes having an S rim and a marked shoulder, their characteristic element consisting of two hor-izontal handles attached in the maximum diameter area.

    The massive use of cereals in the diet is proven, beside the presence of ceramic storage pots in dwellings or in their vicinity, by the recent finding of carbonized cereal seeds through the archaeological excavations (Fig. 6) and of querns which were used to transform them

    probabil aduse din Valea Mureului i stocate n hambare, vase de provizii, lzi, butoaie sau alte tipuri de recipiente. Dintre acestea, vasele de provizii sunt nelipsite din toate siturile dacice din zon (Fig. 1). Lucrate preponderent la roat, ele au de regul dimensiuni medii i mari, unele avnd aproximativ 2 m nlime. Aceste chiupuri, imita-ii ale vaselor similare din lumea greco-roman (pithoi sau dolia), erau folosite att pentru stocarea grnelor, ct i a apei. Variantele principale se difereniaz mai ales prin tipul buzei, profilat (n trepte), lat i orizontal sau rotunjit i ngroat, fundul fiind n principal inelar. De obicei sunt decorate cu elemente simple (linii incizate sau n val), mai rar cu ornamente tampilate (rozete i solzi). Vasele de dimensiuni mari erau fcute pe buci pe roata olarului, necesitnd resurse umane i materiale mai mari dect alte recipiente, astfel i valoarea lor economic era mai ridicat. Tot pentru depozitarea hranei erau folosite i vase piriforme lucrate la roat, decorate cu profilaturi sub buz i n zona diametrului maxim al corpului, precum i vase cu profil alungit i gt ngust, lucrate cu mna dintr-o past mai grosier, decorate cu butoni aplicai (Fig. 2). De asemenea, unele vase de tip situla, lucrate la roat dintr-o past semifin, uneori cu grafit, decorate cu butoni circu-lari i caneluri nguste, puteau fi folosite la stocarea unor produse (Fig. 3). Posibil tot pentru depozitat, dar i pen-tru amestecul de lichide, la fel ca n spaiul mediterane-ean, erau folosite craterele, dei unele vase de dimen-siuni mai mici puteau fi folosite i n serviciul de mas (Fig. 4-5). Sunt recipiente fine, lucrate la roat, n form de clopot, uneori cu buza n S i umr pronunat, ele-mentul definitoriu fiind dou toarte pline, aplicate n zona diametrului maxim.

    Utilizarea masiv a cerealelor n alimentaie este dovedit, pe lng prezena vaselor ceramice de provizii n locuine sau n vecintatea acestora, de descoperirea frecvent a seminelor carbonizate n spturile arheolo-gice (Fig. 6), precum i a rnielor rotative ntrebuinate la

    The diet

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    into flour (Fig. 7-8). Cereals, whether it is millet, wheat, rye, etc. could be eaten both boiled (soups, gruels or porridges), or as bread or flat bread. For example a sort of porridge, which could have different consistencies and which rep-resented the basic food, used to be made out of grinded and boiled (in milk or water) millet (Panicum miliaceum). It is possible that in the composition of millet gruels, the Dacians had introduced other ingredients such as spinach, orache, lentil, pea or fava bean, as seems to be indicated by the fact that seeds from these plants were found together in the palaeobotanical samples from Sarmizegetusa Regia or from other Dacian sites. A distinct millet species (foxtail millet Setaria Italica) could have also be part of the ancient diet if we take into consideration the discovery of a quite consistent sample (23, 3%) which contained seeds from this plant in the Cplna fortress.

    If millet was most often prepared in the form of porridge, wheat and rye (Secale cereale) were more proba-bly used for making flat breads or leavened bread. Bread production in the Dacian milieu could be indicated by the presence of household ovens in several Dacian settle-ments. Such an oven, very large in size, was discovered on the plateau of the Costeti fortress. It could have been used for baking larger quantities of bread, possible intended for feeding all residents of the above mentioned fortress. If wheat is almost never missing from the settlements of the Ortie Mountains, rye is only mentioned in the settle-ments from Meleia and Sarmizegetusa Regia. It never ap-pears in pure samples in the Dacian settlements, but only together with other cereal grains, especially with wheat and barley, and it was probably mixed with them for con-sumption. Barley could have been used mainly in making gruels, alone or together with vegetables, and less often in making bread and flat bread (due to the small quantity of starch in its composition, barley flour does not leaven). An-other way of using barley was for obtaining beer malt. The large quantity of barley found in Cplna fortress (61, 3%)

    transformarea lor n fin (Fig. 7 - 8). Cerealele, fie c este vorba de mei, gru, secar etc., puteau fi consumate att sub forma unor fierturi (supe, terciuri), ct i sub form de pine sau lipie. De exemplu, din grunele de mei (Panicum miliaceum) mcinate i apoi fierte n ap sau lapte, se pre-para o fiertur de diverse consistene care a fost mult timp un aliment de baz. Este posibil ca n compoziia unor ter-ciuri de mei dacii s fi introdus i alte ingrediente cum ar fi spanacul, loboda, lintea, mazrea sau bobul, dup cum pare s o indice alturarea seminelor provenite de la aces-te plante n probele paleobotanice provenite de la Sarmize-getusa Regia sau din alte situri dacice. O specie aparte de mei (meiul psresc Setaria Italica) putea intra, de aseme-nea, n alimentaie, dac inem seama de descoperirea unei probe destul de consistente (23,3%) care coninea semine din aceast plant n cetatea de la Cplna.

    Dac meiul se prepara cel mai adesea sub form de terci, grul i secara (Secale cereale) erau mai probabil utilizate la obinerea lipiilor sau a pinii dospite. Produce-rea pinii n mediul dacic ar putea fi indicat de prezena cuptoarelor menajere n mai multe aezri dacice. Un ast-fel de cuptor, de dimensiuni foarte mari, a fost descoperit pe platoul cetii de la Costeti. Instalaia putea fi folosit pentru coacerea unor cantiti mai mari de pine, destinate consumului alimentar al tuturor rezidenilor cetii aminti-te. Dac grul este aproape nelipsit din aezrile dacice din Munii Ortiei, secara este menionat doar n aezrile de la Meleia i Sarmizegetusa Regia. Aceasta nu apare nicio-dat n aezrile dacice n probe pure, ci numai mpreun cu semine ale altor cereale, mai ales gru i orz, ele fiind probabil amestecate n vederea consumului. Orzul putea fi folosit cu predilecie la obinerea unor terciuri, singur sau mpreun cu leguminoase, mai rar la producerea lipiilor i a pinii (datorit cantitii mici de amidon din compoziie fina de orz nu dospete). O alt modalitate de utilizare a orzului era n obinerea malului pentru bere. Descoperirea n cantiti foarte mari n cetatea de la Cplna (61,3%) ar


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    could suggest the use of this cereal as fodder for livestock as well.

    The last of the less cultivated cereals in pre-Roman Dacia was oat (Avena sativa), found only at Grditea de Munte, as far as the Ortie Mountains area is concerned. It was mainly used as livestock food, but its use as food by human communities is not excluded.

    Along with cereals, various vegetables entered the diet of the inhabitants of the Dacian capital area: lentil (Lens esculenta), fava bean (Vicia faba), pea (Pisum sativum), ervil (Vicia ervilia) and garlic (Allium sativum L.) were identified. Lentil seems to have been cooked together with wheat, millet, and barley (very often, the four plants appear to be associated in the samples). Mustard was probably also in-cluded in the cooking recipe of such dish at Grditea de Munte, grains of Sinapis arvensis and Sinapis alba being found within the same sample.

    As far as fava bean is concerned, it seems to have appeared on the territory of Romania as a cultivated crop only in the La Tne period, when it can be found in quite large quantities at Grditea de Munte. Fava bean could have been eaten just like other vegetables as gruel. In the same way, as porridge, peas and ervil used to be cooked; those plants were identified in quite small percentages, in samples coming from the aforesaid settlement.

    Another plant family that was probably used by the Dacians is represented by the species which main-tained their wild state, but whose seeds, leaves or roots were edible: spinach (Chenopodium album), common ama-ranth, orach (Atriplex patula), sorrel (Rumex acetosa), yellow dock (Rumex crispus), etc. They could have been used either raw or cooked, usually accompanying various sorts of veg-etables and cereals. Garlic could also have been used raw or cooked as a spice for various dishes. A few carbonized garlic bulbs were found on the floor of a circular house at Grditea de Munte.

    In contrast with cereals, which could be stored

    putea sugera utilizarea acestei cereale i pentru hrana ani-malelor.

    Ultima dintre cerealele puin cultivate n Dacia preroman era ovzul (Avena sativa), semnalat pentru aria Munilor Ortiei doar la Grditea de Munte. Era folosit cu precdere la furajarea animalelor, dar ntrebuinarea ca aliment de ctre comunitile umane nu este exclus.

    Pe lng cereale, n alimentaia locuitorilor din zona capitalei dacice au intrat i o serie de plante legumi-noase, fiind identificate lintea (Lens esculenta), bobul (Vicia faba), mazrea (Pisum sativum), mzrichea (Vicia ervilia) i usturoiul (Allium sativum L.). Lintea pare s fi fost consu-mat mpreun cu gru, mei i orz (foarte adesea cele patru plante apar asociate n probe). n reeta de preparare a unui asemenea fel de mncare la Grditea de Munte in-tra probabil i mutarul, boabe de Sinapis arvensis i Sinapis alba fiind descoperite n acelai eantion.

    n ceea ce privete bobul, se pare c a aprut pe te-ritoriul Romniei ca plant cultivat abia n epoca La Tne, cnd l gsim n cantiti destul de mari la Grditea de Munte. Bobul putea fi consumat, ca i celelalte legume, sub form de terci. Tot sub form de fiertur erau preparate mazrea i mzrichea, plante care au fost identificate, n procente destul de mici, n probe provenind din aezarea amintit.

    O alt categorie de plante folosite, probabil, de daci este reprezentat de speciile care au rmas n starea lor slbatic, dar ale cror semine, frunze sau rdcini erau comestibile: spanacul (Chenopodium album), tirul, lo-boda (Atriplex patula), mcriul (Rumex acetosa), tevia (Ru-mex crispus) etc. Ele puteau fi consumate fie crude, fie g-tite, n general acompaniind diverse sortimente de legume i cereale. Crud sau preparat pentru condimentarea unor feluri de mncare era utilizat i usturoiul. Cteva cpni carbonizate de usturoi au fost descoperite ntr-o locuin circular de la Grditea de Munte.

    Spre deosebire de cereale care se pstrau foar-

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    very easily, vegetables were much harder to preserve and therefore, most of them were used in the diet depending on the season. Some of them were preserved using various methods: sun drying, pickling, etc. The methods, which are quite simple, could have been used by the Dacians, an ar-gument supporting this idea being brought by the fact that in the abovementioned finding from Grditea de Munte, the garlic was braided in a rope and probably hanged from a beam or from the walls of the burned dwelling.

    Meat based diet is archeologically documented by the discovery of numerous bones coming from domestic and wild animals in almost all Dacian fortresses and set-tlements. In the case of Cplna fortress, where it was pos-sible to conduct archaeozoological tests on a larger sample pool, it has been observed that ovicaprids were predom-inant (about half the bones discovered), followed by pigs (one third) and bovines. The bone fragments discovered belong to young specimens which suggests a meat produc-tion livestock management rather than a management fo-cused on obtaining secondary products.

    The way in which meat was cooked is one of the fields most scarce in reliable information. It seems that in the consumption of boiled meat was prevalent, being rele-vant that in certain sites (for ex. Cplna) bone fragments which show no traces of burning are predominant.

    One must not omit the consumption of fried meat. The spits and the iron flesh-hooks which have been dis-covered in many of the Dacian fortresses were used in this culinary practice. The flesh-hooks were usually small in size and were made of an iron bar which was split at one end in the form of two teeth (Fig. 9). Apparently of south-ern origin, they were used in culinary activities related to cooking and handling meat. The spits and were much larg-er than the flesh-hooks (Fig. 10); some could have reached impressive sizes as the one found at Luncani - Piatra Roie (96,5 cm). They usually had three or four teeth and some-times their rod was decorated, and they too were used for

    te uor, legumele erau mult mai greu de conservat i, de aceea, cea mai mare parte dintre ele intrau n alimentaie sezonier. Unele dintre ele erau conservate prin diverse pro-cedee: uscarea la soare, saramur etc. Procedeele, simple de altfel, puteau fi utilizate i de daci, un argument n acest sens fiind faptul c, n mai sus pomenita descoperire de la Grditea de Munte, usturoiul era mpletit ntr-o funie i probabil prins de o brn sau pe unul dintre pereii locuin-ei incendiate.

    Alimentaia pe baz de carne este documentat arheologic prin descoperirea n aproape toate aezrile i fortificaiile dacice a oaselor de animale domestice i sl-batice. Pentru cetatea de la Cplna, unde a fost posibil realizarea unor observaii arheozoologice pe un lot mai mare, s-a observat c predominau ovicaprinele (cca. jum-tate din oasele descoperite), urmate de porcine (o treime) i de bovine. Fragmentele de oase descoperite aparin unor exemplare tinere, ceea ce sugereaz o gestiune a turmelor bazat pe producia de carne i mai puin pe obinerea de produse secundare.

    Modul de gtire a crnii este unul dintre domeniile pentru care avem puine indicii. Din datele disponibile re-iese c predomina consumul crnii fierte, sugestiv fiind c n anumite situri (de ex. Cplna) predomin fragmentele de oase fr urme de ardere.

    Pe de alt parte nu este de exclus nici consumul cr-nii prjite. Frigrile i furculiele din fier, descoperite n mul-te dintre aezrile dacice, puteau fi ntrebuinate n aceast practic culinar. Furculiele aveau de obicei dimensiuni reduse i erau confecionate dintr-o bar de fier despicat la un capt sub forma a doi dini (Fig. 9). De origine, se pare, sudic ele au fost folosite n activiti culinare legate de pre-pararea i manevrarea crnii. Mult mai mari dect furculie-le erau frigrile (Fig. 10), ele putnd s ajung la dimensiuni impresionante, cum este cazul celei de la Luncani - Piatra Roie (96,5 cm). Aveau de obicei trei sau patru dini i uneori tija ornamentat, fiind utilizate tot la pregtirea unor feluri


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    de mncare ce aveau n componen carnea (pentru scoate-rea bucilor de carne din vase mari, pentru nvrtirea cioz-vrtelor pe grtar sau pentru susinerea bucilor de carne deasupra focului). Destul de frecvent descoperite n aez-rile dacice sunt i cuitele (Fig. 11). De mici dimensiuni, ele erau folosite pentru tot ce nsemna tiere, decupare, tranare etc. Adesea urmele lor sunt vizibile pe suprafaa fragmente-lor osteologice, indicnd modul de tranare a animalelor.

    Despre existena i utilizarea grsimilor, att ani-male, ct i vegetale, informaiile oferite de sursele arhe-ologice nu sunt foarte numeroase. Cercetrile arheologice au pus n eviden existena n aezrile dacice a unor plan-te cu un coninut ridicat de ulei. Printre acestea se numr cele de lubi (Camelina sativa) - 25-30% coninut ulei, gsite la Grditea de Munte; cele de mac (Papaver somniferum) - 50% ulei - gsite n cantiti mici la Cplna, dar n cantiti destul de mari la Grditea de Munte sau cele de mutar (Sinapis alba, Sinapis nigra/Brassica nigra, Sinapis arvensis) - peste 35% ulei - cum este cazul descoperirilor de la Gr-ditea de Munte. Uleiurile obinute din aceste plante erau comestibile, dar puteau fi ntrebuinate i n alte scopuri: iluminat, tbcitul pieilor etc.

    Laptele n stare natural i derivatele acestuia au fost mult timp elemente de baz n alimentaia populaiilor Europei. Spre deosebire de lumea greco-roman, unde se pare c predominant n alimentaie era laptele de oaie, ur-mat de cel de capr i abia n ultimul rnd de cel de vac, n lumea dacic era preferat laptele de vac, dup cum par s indice preponderena cornutelor mari n aezri, sacrifica-rea lor la maturitate i constatarea c, n majoritatea cazuri-lor, animalele mature erau femele. Transformarea laptelui n brnz era necesar n primul rnd din motive de con-servare. Vasele strecurtoare, descoperite n unele locuine, puteau fi utilizate n procesul de obinere a brnzeturilor.

    Pentru prepararea, stocarea sau servirea alimente-lor, dacii aveau la dispoziie o varietate de vase ceramice sau din metal. Cel mai adesea n stare fragmentar, reci-

    preparing meat dishes (for taking out pieces of meat from large vessels, for turning chunks of meat on the grill or for holding pieces of meat over the fire). The knives are quite frequently found in Dacian settlements (Fig. 11). Small in size, they were probably used for any activity involving cutting, carving, slicing, etc. Very often their traces can be seen on the surface of osteological fragments indicating the manner in which meat was sliced and carved.

    The information provided by archaeological sources regarding the presence and use of both animal and vegetal fats is scarce. Archaeological findings under-lined as well the presence in Dacian settlements of plants with high oil content. Among those can be found: gold-of-pleasure (Camelina sativa) - 25-30% oil content, found at Grditea de Munte; poppy (Papaver somniferum) - 50% oil, found in small quantities at Cplna, but in quite large quantities at Grditea de Munte, mustard (Sinapis alba, Sinapis nigra/Brassica nigra, Sinapis arvensis) - over 35% oil, such as in the case of the findings from Grditea de Munte. The oils obtained from these plants were edible, but could have had other uses as well: lighting, leather tanning, etc.

    Milk in its natural state and its derivates constitut-ed for a long time base elements in the diet of Europes populations. Unlike the Greek-Roman world, where ap-parently sheep milk was predominant in the diet, followed by goat milk and only lastly by cow milk, in the Dacian world cow milk was preferred, as the preponderance of cattle in settlements seems to suggest, together with the fact that they were sacrificed at maturity and that in most cases the mature animals were females. Turning milk into cheese was necessary in the first place for preservation reasons. Ceramic strainers, discovered in dwellings, could have been used also in the process of cheese making.

    In order to prepare, store or serve foods, the Da-cians used a vast variety of ceramic or metal vessels. Most often in fragmentary state, pottery is found both

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    pientele ceramice sunt descoperite att n locuine, ct i n anexe din apropierea acestora, prezena lor ilustrnd o parte din vesela de buctrie utilizat cotidian n aezri-le dacice. Determinarea funcionalitii unui vas este ns destul de problematic, deoarece acelai recipient putea fi folosit n mai multe moduri, fie n activiti culinare, fie agro - pastorale sau artizanale. Din acest motiv, clasificarea dup cele trei categorii funcionale clasice (vase de servit, vase de gtit i vase de stocat) constituie o comoditate de limbaj care nu poate s cuprind diversitatea posibilelor utilizri ale fiecrui vas.

    Printre puinele vase ale cror ntrebuinri sunt cunoscute se numr strecurtoarea, folosit pentru filtra-rea diverselor substane lichide i, probabil, pentru obi-nerea brnzeturilor, capacul i vasele de tip dolia utilizate pentru pstrarea rezervelor de ap sau de cereale. Pe lng acestea, n serviciile de buctrie din mediul dacic intrau varii tipuri de vase ceramice i, uneori, metalice. Astfel, na-inte de prepararea pe foc, alimentele puteau fi depozitate temporar sau amestecate n vase de dimensiuni mai mici, castroane i oale (Fig. 12-13), de obicei lucrate cu mna, unele dintre ele pstrnd nc urme de cereale carbonizate pe interior. Formele sunt comune, cu corp tronconic sau uor curbat i buza rsfrnt n afar, oalele avnd gura mai larg dect cele folosite direct pe foc pentru prepara-rea termic a alimentelor. Uneori, ele imit forme ceramice sudice, dup cum se observ de pild n cazul unui castron decorat cu nervuri, care imit un tip de recipient din sticl din zona mediteranean. Oalele utilizate direct pe foc pen-tru pregtirea sau nclzirea alimentelor erau modelate cu mna dintr-o past grosier i, uneori, netezit, fiind simi-lare recipientelor denumite vas-borcan (Fig. 14). Pentru creterea manevrabilitii, dar i din considerente estetice, vasele poart ornamente aplicate (butoni circulari, proemi-nene orizontale, brie) sau incizate (realizate cu piepte-nele), care combin diverse tipuri decorative (alveolare, crestate sau nurate). De multe ori se pot observa urmele

    inside the dwellings and nearby extensions, its pres-ence illustrating a part of the kitchenware used every day in Dacian settlements. Determining the functional-ity of a vessel is however quite problematic because the same recipient could have been used in various ways, either in culinary or in agro-pastoral or artisanal activ-ities. For this reason their classification according to the three classic functional categories, serving vessels, cooking vessels and storage vessels, constitutes a lan-guage convenience which cannot include the diversity of uses for each vessel.

    Among the few vessels whose use is known are the strainer, used for filtering different liquid substanc-es and (the ceramic ones) probably for making cheese, the lid and the dolia type vessels, which were used for storing water or cereals. Along with these, Dacian kitchenware included various types of ceramic and sometimes metal vessels. Thus, before cooked on the fire, food items could have been temporarily stored or mixed in small sized vessels, bowls and pots (Fig. 12-13), usually handmade, some still containing traces of carbonized cereals on the inside. The shapes are common: tronconic or slightly curved, flaring rim, the pots having a wider mouth than those used directly on fire for the thermal processing of foods. They sometimes imitate southern ceramic forms, as it can be observed in the case of a ribbed deep bowl, which imitates a Mediterranean type glass recipient. The pots that were placed straight on the fire in order to cook or heat foods were handmade out of a coarse paste and sometimes smoothed, being similar to the vessels usually called jars (Fig. 14). In order to increase manoeuvrability but also for aesthet-ic reasons, the vessels bear applied ornaments (circular knobs, horizontal protuberances or alveolar cordons) or incisions (made with the comb), which combine various decorative types (impressions, incisions, etc.). Many times, traces of secondary firing can be observed,


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    arderii secundare cauzate de expunerea la foc, att la exte-rior (urme de funingine), ct i la interior (alimente carbo-nizate). Este de remarcat prezena mai redus a acestui tip de recipient n zona Sarmizegetusei Regia i mai crescut pe msur ce ne ndeprtm de capital (la Cplna, de exemplu, au fost descoperite numeroase exemplare).

    Pentru servirea la mas a hranei, dacii din zona Munilor Ortiei au folosit mai multe tipuri de strchini i castroane lucrate la roat, profilul acestora amintind de recipientele veselei ceramice contemporane din Imperiul Roman (Fig. 15-16). Remarcabile prin elegan, vasele din aceast categorie sunt elocvente pentru ilustrarea particula-ritii acestei regiuni n raport cu restul Daciei, inclusiv n ceea ce privete vesela de mas. Dac la Caplna sau chiar la Costeti se ntlnete aa-numita fructier (Fig. 17), de fapt o strachin cu piedestal nalt, cupa rotunjit sau tron-conic, cu buza lit i puternic evazat, specific majori-tii aezrilor din Dacia preroman, pe msur ce urcm Apa Grditii i ne apropiem de capitala regatului, ea las locul strchinii cu profil carenat, buza rotunjit, terminat cu piedestal scurt sau fund inelar. De multe ori, pe fundul acestor vase sunt ntlnite graffiti, zgriate dup ardere, fiind probabil nsemne de proprietate. O astfel de modificare a veselei de mas n zona capitalei sugereaz o alt manier de servire a mesei sau, mai degrab, reprezint un argument n demonstrarea prezenei mobilierului casnic, n acest caz a meselor i a scaunelor. Este tiut c fructiera reprezenta un vas-mas din care probabil mncau mai muli comeseni. nlocuirea ei cu strachina, vas de dimensiuni mai mici i cu picior scurt, atest un consum individual al alimentelor, semnele de tip graffiti fiind marca proprietarului vasului, a celui care consuma din acel vas i, totodat, ar indica utiliza-rea meselor din lemn, ca suport pentru vesela de mas. Tot pentru consum erau utilizate strchini i boluri cu corp ro-tunjit, cele din urm cu piedestal scurt, boluri cu fund inelar i buza evazat, iar pentru servit castroane cu corp rotunjit i buza evazat, mai rar tronconic (Fig. 18-20). Multe dintre ele

    caused by exposure to fire both on the outside (traces of soot), and on the inside (carbonized food). It is worth noticing that the presence of this type of vessel is low-er in the area of Sarmizegetusa Regia and higher as we move farther from the capital city (at Cplna, for ex-ample, they are quite frequent).

    For serving food at the table, the Dacians from the area of the Ortie Mountains used various types of wheel-thrown bowls and dishes, their shapes reminding Roman contemporary recipients (Fig. 15-16). Remarkable by their elegance, the vessels belonging to this category are eloquent for illustrating the specific of this cultural milieu in comparison with the rest of Dacia, including tableware as well. If at Cplna or even at Costeti the so called fruit bowl (Fig. 17) can be found, in fact a high pedestal bowl with a round cup or tronconic cup and a widened and strongly everted rim, typical to most settlements in pre-Ro-man Dacia, as we go up along the Apa Grditii riverbank and draw nearer to the kingdoms capital, this type of bowl is replaced by the carinated bowl with a rounded rim and a short pedestal or a foot ring. Very often, graffiti scratched after firing can be found on the bottom of these vessels, probably representing owners marks. This modification of the tableware in the capital city region suggests a different food serving style or, rather, represents an argument for the presence of household furniture, in this case of tables and stools. It is known that the fruit bowl represented a table-vessel probably used by several table-companions. Its replacement with the bowl, a smaller vessel with short foot, could prove that only one person ate from that vessel, the graffiti signs being the mark of the owner, and could also indicate that the wooden tables were used as a support for the tableware. Dishes and bowls with a round body (with a short pedestal or with a foot ring and flaring rims) were used too for eating, and bowls with rounded (rarely tronconic) body and everted rim for serving (Fig. 18-20). Most of them were covered in a soft clay emulsion called

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    au fost acoperite cu o emulsie fin de lut, numit angob, cu rol de impermeabilizare i decorativ. Prezena strchinilor, bolurilor sau castroanelor de mici dimensiuni nu nseamn c, n unele situaii, anumite mncruri nu erau consumate de mai multe persoane din acelai recipient. n siturile din zona capitalei dacice au fost descoperite i exemplare mari, ce depesc uneori 30 cm n diametru, i care probabil au servit consumului colectiv de alimente.

    Pentru o parte dintre recipientele menionate, da-cii foloseau capace (Fig. 21-22). Lucrate cu mna sau la roa-t, ele acopereau o gam variat de vase (oale, chiupuri, strchini, cni). Unele aveau toart sau prag de fixare, par-tea superioar fiind terminat fie ntr-un buton conic sau aplatizat, fie ntr-un inel de prindere, n aceast zon fiind observate uneori graffiti la exterior, posibil marcaje care in-dicau cantitatea, calitatea sau coninutul recipientelor pe care erau aezate capacele respective.

    Tot n buctrie, pentru susinerea vaselor deasu-pra focului se utilizau cremaierele, un sistem de lanuri pre-vzute la captul superior cu crlige cu ajutorul crora se agau de un suport, iar n partea inferioar cu alte crlige mai mici care prindeau toartele vaselor. ntr-o locuin de la Grditea de Munte, vatra mai pstra ntr-o parte urma unei gropi n care fusese implantat un par al crui rol, b-nuiesc autorii spturilor, ar fi fost acela de a susine, cu ajutorul unei astfel de instalaii, vasele deasupra focului.

    Desigur, n consumul cotidian intrau frecvent li-chidele, fie c vorbim de lapte sau de buturi cu un grad mai sczut sau mai ridicat de alcool. Descoperirea n ae-zri a seminelor de struguri, precum i a fragmentelor de amfore, de import sau de producie local, atest consumul de vin. Amforele erau utilizate la transportul i, mai rar, la pstrarea vinului sau a altor tipuri de lichide.

    O alt butur frecvent n lumea antic era berea. Pentru fabricarea ei se putea brasa fie grul cu bob mare, fie ovzul, secara, meiul, orzul sau chiar alacul. Probabil c au existat i alte buturi, precum miedul, obinut din ap i miere.

    slip, which had both a waterproofing and decorative role. The presence of bowls, dishes or small sized bowls does not exclude the fact that in some situations or some foods could not have been consumed by several persons directly from the same container. From the sites in the Dacian cap-ital area, larger vessels were discovered as well, exceeding sometimes 30 cm in diameter, which have probably served in the collective consumption of foods.

    For some of their recipients, the Dacians used lids (Fig. 21-22). Handmade or wheel thrown, they cov-ered a large variety of vessels (pots, storage jars, bowls, etc.). Some had a handle or fastening edge, the upper side ending either in a cone shaped or flattened knob, or in a grabbing ring, graffiti being sometime observed sometimes part, possibly markings indicating the quan-tity, quality or contents of the recipients on which the lids were placed.

    The cauldron chains were used in the kitch-en for hanging vessels over the fire: a system of chains with hooks which were used to hold the handles of the vessels. Traces of such artefacts were found in a dwelling from Grditea de Munte, where the fireplace still kept at one side the trace of a small posthole. As the authors of the excava-tions believe, this pole was used for hanging ves-sels over the fire.

    Certainly, the everyday diet frequently included liquids, whether milk or beverages containing a lower or higher alcohol percentage. The grape seeds and the frag-ments of imported or locally produced amphorae found in settlements confirm the consumption of wine. Amphorae were used for transporting and less often for keeping wine or other types of liquids.

    Another frequent drink in the ancient world was beer. In order to brew it, wheat, oats, rye, millet, barley or even einkorn wheat could have been used. There were probably other drinks too, such as mead, made of water and honey.


  • 26

    Consumul diferitelor tipuri de buturi este atestat n siturile din zona Munilor Ortiei de prezena nume-roaselor cni, ulcioare, pahare sau cupe ceramice (Fig. 23). Amforele nu lipsesc, dar sunt mai rare aici n comparaie cu restul Daciei. Pentru turnarea lichidelor sunt documentate n zona Munilor Ortiei cnile i ulcioarele. Cnile au fost lucrate cu mna sau la roat, fiind bitronconice, globulare sau cu profil arcuit, uneori cu toarta supranlat (Fig. 24). Unele exemplare de dimensiuni mai mici au fost probabil utilizate i la but. Ulcioarele sunt specifice mai ales zonei Sarmizegetusa Regia, exemplarele cunoscute avnd corpul globular, gtul ngust i toarta trifid, imitnd recipiente romane (Fig. 25). Cupa de but cu dou toarte (de tip kan-tharos) este o apariie periferic, bine documentat la C-plna, att n varianta aa-zis celtic, cu toarta supranl-at i profil arcuit, ct i de inspiraie sudic, cu perei drepi, toarta sub sau prins de buz, chiar i cu plcue (Fig. 26). Ultima variant este prezent i la Sarmizegetusa Regia, dar aici piesele descoperite sunt pictate. Pentru tur-narea lichidelor era folosit i vasul cu tub, un bol globular sau carenat cu toart transversal (Fig. 27). Lor li se adaug un numr destul de mare de vase de bronz i de sticl (pahare, cupe, butelii etc.). O statistic ntocmit de profesorul Ioan Glodariu n anii 70 ai secolu-lui trecut arta c aproximativ 70% din totalul vaselor de bronz descoperite n Dacia provin din aria intracarpatic, majoritatea fiind descoperite n zona cetilor din Munii Ortiei. La Sarmizegetusa Regia sunt predominante vase-le care, n mediul lor de provenien, erau utilizate n ca-drul serviciilor de servire a vinului: caserole, strecurtori, cni, ulcioare. Este de remarcat numrul mare de caserole (Fig. 28), ntregi sau fragmentare, provenite n majoritatea cazurilor din atelierele campaniene, dup cum o demon-streaz forma lor i, uneori, tampila meterului care a pro-dus piesele: DIODORI (activ la Capua la nceputul sec. II p. Chr.), Lucius Ansius Epaphroditus (meter ntr-un atelier din Capua ce a produs vase ntre anii 50-55 i 85 p. Chr.).

    The consumption of various types of beverages is attested in the sites from the Ortie Mountains area by the presence of numerous pitchers, jugs, beakers or ceramic cups (Fig. 23). The amphorae are present as well, but are scarcer here in comparison with the rest of Dacia. For pour-ing liquids, flagons and jugs and pitchers are documented. The jugs were handmade or wheel-thrown, bitronocnic, globular or with a curved body, sometimes with a raised handle (Fig. 24). Some pieces which are smaller in size were probably used as well for drinking. The pitchers are specific to the Sarmizegetusa Regia area, having a globular body, a nar-row neck and a trifid handle, imitating Roman containers (Fig. 25). The drinking cups with two handles (kantharos type) are rare findings, better documented at Cplna, both in the so called Celtic version, with vertical raised handles and arched body, and in the southern inspired style with straight walls, the handles attached under/on the rim, sometimes featuring plates (Fig. 26). The last type is also present at Sarmizegetusa Regia, but here the discovered shards are painted. Probably the spouted bowl, a globular or carinated vessel with a trans-versal handle, was used as well for pouring liquids (Fig. 27). A significant number of bronze and glass vessels (beakers, cups, bottles, etc.) were also found. A statistical study made by Professor Ioan Glodariu in the 1970s has revealed that approximately 70% of all the bronze ves-sels discovered in Dacia originate in the intra-Carpathi-an area, most being discovered in the Ortie Mountains fortresses area. At Sarmizegetusa Regia, vessels which in their original cultural milieu were used for wine serv-ing are predominant, such as: saucepans, strainers, jugs, pitchers. It is remarkable the a large number of saucepans (Fig. 28) (whole or fragmentary), produced in most cases in Campanian workshops, as proven by their shape and, sometimes, by the mark of the craftsman who made them: DIODORI (active in Capua at the beginning of the 2nd cen-tury AD), Lucius Ansius Epaphroditus (a craftsman also from a Capua workshop which produced vessels between

    The diet

  • 27

    Un caz aparte l reprezint un exemplar de mici dimensiuni, cu tampila NIGELLIO, provenit dintr-un atelier din Gallia i care, spre deosebire de celelalte caserole utilizate n special pentru amestecul vinului, a fost mai degrab folosit pe post de polonic, pentru scoaterea vinului i strecurarea lui, cu aju-torul unor strecurtori, prezente i ele n serviciile de vin. Desi-gur, ntrebuinarea caserolelor de ctre daci n aceeai manier ca n mediul lor de provenien rmne incert. Multe dintre vase nu au un context stratigrafic clar, fiind greu de spus dac ele aparin nivelului dacic sau celui roman de la Sarmizege-tusa Regia. C uneori piesele erau utilizate i n alte scopuri dect n serviciile de vin o demonstreaz i o caserol al crei coninut s-a conservat pn n prezent: vasul era umplut pn la jumtate cu o substan pe baz de rin. Cu toate acestea, probabil c principala ntrebuinare a pieselor era cea pentru care au fost produse (servirea vinului), aa explicndu-se imi-tarea lor de ctre daci i realizarea unor piese similare din fier.

    the years 50-55 and 85 AD). A special case is represented by a small sized saucepan bearing the mark NIGELLIO, and coming from a Gallic workshop, and which was most likely used as a ladle for taking out wine and filtering it with the help of strainers, which were as well present in wine sets. Of course, the use of saucepans by the Da-cians in the same way as they were used in their original cultural milieu remains uncertain. Many of the vessels dont have a clear stratigraphic context and its hard to tell if they belong to the Dacian or Roman occupation of Sarmizegetusa Regia. Sometimes these pieces were used also for other purposes than in wine sets: such a sauce-pan was found half filled with a resin based substance. However, these artefacts were probably mainly used for the same purpose for which they were produced (serving wine), thus explaining why the Dacians copied them and forged similar containers from iron.

    Bibliografie selectiv Selective bibliography

    1. C. Cristescu, Tradition and Influence in the Dacian Pottery Discovered at Sarmizegetusa Regia, n Caiete ARA, 5, 2014, pp. 37 53.

    2. C. Cristescu, Feasting with the King. The Tableware of Sarmizegetusa Regia, n Studia UBB Historia, 59, 1, 2014, pp. 115 152.

    3. I. H. Crian, Ceramica daco-getic. Cu special privire la Transilvania, Bucureti, 19694. G. Gheorghiu, Dacii pe cursul mijlociu al Mureului (sfritul sec. II a. Ch. nceputul sec. II p. Ch.), Cluj-Napoca, 2005.5. I. Glodariu, Relaii comerciale ale Daciei cu lumea elenistic i roman, Cluj, 1974.6. I. Glodariu, E. Iaroslavschi, Civilizaia fierului la daci, Cluj-Napoca, 1979.7. S. Musta, G. Gheorghiu, History redescovered. The Story of Four Roman Bronze Vessels, n Instrumentum (Bulletin du

    Groupe de Travail europen sur lartisanat et les productions manufactures dans lAntiquit), nr. 41, 2015, pp. 26-32.8. L. Suciu, Indicii pentru reconstituirea vieii cotidiene n aezrile dacice. Aspecte ale alimentaiei, n vol. Studii de istorie

    antic. Omagiu profesorului Ioan Glodariu, Cluj-Napoca, 2001, pp. 159-177.9. L. Suciu, Habitat i via cotidian n Dacia secolelor I a. Chr. I p. Chr., tez de doctorat, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, mss.



  • 28

    Fig. 1Chiup model scanat (Costeti Blidaru)

    Storage jar - 3 D model (Costeti Blidaru)

    The diet

  • 29

    Fig. 2Vas piriform (Costeti Ursoaia)

    Pear-shaped vessel (Costeti Ursoaia)

    Fig. 3Vas de tip situla (modelare 3D dup frag-mente de vas de la Grditea de Munte

    Sarmizegetusa Regia)Situla type vessel (3D model based on

    pottery shards found at Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)


  • 30

    Fig. 4Cratere (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    Krater vessels (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    The diet

  • 31

    Fig. 5Crater (Grditea de Munte Rudele)

    Krater vessel (Grditea de Munte Rudele)


  • 32

    Fig. 6Semine carbonizate (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Carbonized seeds (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    The diet

  • 33

    Fig. 7Rnie din tuf vulcanic (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia, Costeti Cetuie)

    Quernstones made of volcanic tufa (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia, Costeti Cetuie)


  • 34

    Fig. 8Rni din tuf vulcanic (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Quernstones made of volcanic tufa (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    The diet

  • 35

    Fig. 9Furculi din fier (Costeti Cetuie)

    Flesh-hook (Costeti - Cetuie)

    Fig. 10Frigare din fier (Luncani Piatra Roie)

    Iron spit (Luncani Piatra Roie)


  • 36

    Fig. 11Cuite din fier (Costeti Cetuie)

    Iron knives (Costeti Cetuie)

    The diet

  • 37

    Fig. 12Castron (modelare 3D dup fragmente de vas de la Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Deep bowl (3D model based on potshards found at Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa


    Fig. 13Oal (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)Pot (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)


  • 38

    Fig. 14Vase borcan (Cetile dacice din Munii Ortiei)Jars (Dacian fortresses from the Ortie Mountains)

    The diet

  • 39

    Fig. 15Strachin (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    Dish (Grditea de Munte Meleia)


  • 40

    Fig. 16Castron (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    Deep bowl (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    The diet

  • 41

    Fig. 17Fructier (Cplna)

    Fruit-bowl (Cplna)


  • 42

    Fig. 18Strachin cu piedestal (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    Pedestal dish (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    The diet

  • 43

    Fig. 19Fragmente ceramice cu graffiti (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Ceramics with graffiti (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)


  • 44

    Fig. 20Bol cu piedestal (modelare 3D dup fragmente de vas de la Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)Pedestal bowl (3D model based on pottery shards found at Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    The diet

  • 45

    Fig. 21Capace (Grditea de Munte Meleia)

    Lids (Grditea de Munte Meleia)


  • 46

    Fig. 22Capac (Costeti Cetuie)

    Lid (Costeti Cetuie)

    The diet

  • 47

    Fig. 23Recipiente pentru lichide (Cetile dacice din Munii Ortiei)

    Containers for liquids (Dacian fortresses from the Ortie Mountains)


  • 48

    Fig. 24Can (Costeti Cetuie)

    Pitcher (Costeti Cetuie)

    The diet

  • 49

    Fig. 25Ulcior (Cplna)

    Jug (Cplna)


  • 50

    Fig. 26Cup de tip kantharos (Cplna)Kantharos type cup (Cplna)

    The diet

  • 51

    Fig. 27Vas cu tub (Grditea de Munte Feele Albe)

    Spouted bowl (Grditea de Munte Feele Albe)


  • 52

    Fig. 28Caserol din bronz (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)Bronze saucepan (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    The diet

  • 53

    Confecionarea materialelor textile a ocupat unlocimportantnviaacotidianalocuitorilordelasfri-tulepociifierului,inndcontdevariateledomeniincareerauutilizateacesteproduseindispensabile.

    Dovezilematerialedirecteprivindtorsuliesutulnantichitateadacicsunt,ns,puine,dincauzacondiii-lornaturale(climaisolurile)depeteritoriulRomniei,carenuofercondiiidepstrareatextilelor.Indiciiprivitoarelaastfeldeocupaiinesuntpuseladispoziiededescoperirilearheologice: unele accesorii neperisabile specifice (fusaio-lele,greutiledin lutars), seminelecarbonizatealeunorplantetextile,amprentealeunormaterialetextilepepiesedinlut(lorliseadauganumiteanalogiietnografice).

    Esteposibil camulte fusaiolesfi fostconfecio-natedinlemn,asemntoarecelorexistenteastzincul-turapopular.Exemplarelepstrateidescoperitepecalearheologic narealulaflat ndiscuie suntmodelatedinlut.Majoritateaauoformbitronconic,daraufostdesco-periteictevaplate(Fig.1).Mrimealorestevariabil.Opartedintreeleaufostornamentateculiniiincizatesaucumotivulbrduului.

    Greutile au fost realizate din lut i, n general,auformtronconicsaupiramidal,cucteunorificiunparteasuperioar,maingust(Fig.2).Identificareautili-tiilordepindededimensiunileobiectelori,evident,decontextuldescoperirii.Conformpreriiexprimatedeuniispecialiti,celededimensiunimaimariarfipututfifolo-sitepentrunclzirealocuinelor:aezatepevatradefoc,nmagazinauclduracndfoculardea,apoioemanaupe

    Textilemanufacturingplayedanimportantroleineveryday life at the endof the IronAge, judging by thevariousfieldsinwhichtextileswereused.

    However,therearefewdirectmaterialevidenceforspinningandweavingleftfromthatperiod,duetoenvironmental conditions (climate and soil) in Roma-nia,whichdonotprovideproperconditionsfortextilestobepreserved.Archaeologicalfindingsoffercluesre-garding this typeofactivity: somespecificaccessories(spindle whorls, terracotta weights), charred seeds oftextile plants, imprints of textilematerials on clay ar-tefacts,towhichcertainethnographicanalogiescanbeadded.

    Itmaybethatmanyspindlewhorlsweremadeof wood in a similarway to those still used today infolk culture. The artefacts found by archaeologists inthementionedareaweremadefromclay.Mostofthemhavebitronconicshape,butafewflatoneswerefoundaswell (Fig.1).Theyalsocomeinvarioussizes.Someofthemaredecoratedwithincisedlinesorthefirtreepattern.

    Theso-calledloomweightsweremadefromclayandtheyusuallyhavetronconicorpyramidalshape,withanorificeintheupper(narrower)side(Fig.2).Determin-ing theirpurposedependsonsizeand,ofcourse,on thecontextofthefinding.Accordingtospecialists,thelargeronescouldhavebeenusedforheatingdwellings:placedonthehearth,theystoredheatwhilethefirewasstillburn-ingandreleaseditduringthenightinroomswithnoother

    IIIActiviti domestice Domestic activities

  • 54


    Theopinionofmost researchers in the field,however, is that this typeof clay itemswasused intheverticalloomtoholdthethreadstraight,andthattheupperorificewasusedfortyingthewarpthreads(Fig.3).

    The spindlewhorls are archaeological evidenceofthepracticeofspinningandindirectly,ofweaving,be-causethespunthreadscanbestrainedintheloom.Theseobjectswereattachedtothespindle,usuallytooneofitsends,inorderforitsspinningtobeconstantandtolastlonger.Thesizesofthespindlewhorlscanprovidecluesforthetypeofthreadused,becausethefibretypeandthedesiredthreadthicknessinfluencetheirsizeandweight.Thus, for the spinning of short fibres and fine threads,small and lightwhorls are necessary. And in order toweavelongfibresandthickthreads,bigger,heavywhorlsareused.

    Two types of fibres were used: of vegetal ori-ginandofanimalorigin.Asfarasthefirsttypeiscon-cerned,flaxandhemparethetextileplantsknowneversinceprehistoryonourcountrys territory. In theareaof theDacian capital, therewereno tracesor seedsoftheseplantsdiscovered,buttheirusecanbeassumed,due to the fact that flax seedswere found as far backas theLateChalcolithicatSucidavaCelei (therefore,theplantwasknownandcultivated).HempseedswerediscoveredatPopetiinaLateIronAgesite.Bythetimetheygottobespun,flaxandhempunderwentvariousprocessing stageswhich tookquitea long time (a fewweeks).Thesestageswereasfollows:thedryingoftheplants,theretting,thewashinganddrying,thedressingandtheheckling.

    Inwhatconcernstextilefibresofanimalorigin,it is assumed thatwoolwasused, coming fromsheep

    timpulnopiinncperilelipsitedealtsursdecldur.Orificiulexistentnpartealorsuperioaresteexplicatprinnecesitateamanevrrii ct eraufierbini cu ajutorulunuilemndemrimepotrivit.

    Majoritatea cercettorilor din domeniu consider,ns,casemeneapiesedinlutaufostfolositelarzboiuldeesutvertical,pentruainefirulntins,iarorificiuldinparteasuperioarserveapentrulegareafirelordeurzeal(Fig.3).

    Fusaiolele sunt dovezi arheologice ale practicriitorsuluiiindirectaleesutului,avndnvederecfireletoarsesepreteaztensionrii nrzboiuldeesut.Acesteobiecteeraufixatepefus,deobiceilaunuldintrecapete,curoluldeaimprimaomicarederotaieuniformipre-lungitacestuia.Dimensiunilefusaiolelornepotdaindiciiprivindtipuldefirtors,avndnvederectipuldefibrigrosimeadoritafiruluiinflueneazgreutateaimri-mealor.Astfel,pentrutoarcereaunorfibrescurteiaunorfirefine suntnecesare fusaiolemici i uoare, iarpentrutoarcereaunorfibrelungiiaunorfiregroaseseutilizeazfusaiolemaimariigrele.

    Erauutilizatedoucategoriidefibre,anumedeorigi-nevegetaliceledeorigineanimal.nceeaceprivetepri-macategorie,planteletextilecunoscutencdinpreistoriepeteritoriulriinoastreaufostinulicnepa.nzonacapitaleiRegatuluiDacnus-audescoperitpnacumseminesaualteurmealeacestorplante,darsepoatepresupuneutilizarealor,avndnvederecseminedeinaufostdescoperitencdinperioadadetranziiedelaeneoliticlaepocabronzuluilaSuci-davaCelei(prinurmareplantaeracunoscuticultivat),iarceledecnepaufostdescoperitelaPopeti,nsituldinadouaepocafierului.Pnsajungsfietoarse, inulicnepatreceauprintr-oseriedeetapedeprocesarecuduratdestuldendelungat(estevorbadectevasptmni):usca-reaplantelor,topitul,splareaiuscarea,separareafibrelordepartealemnoas,pieptnarealor.


    Domestic activities

  • 55

    raised for meat and by-products. The many shearsfound on the territory ofDacia, including theOrtieMountains area, were probably used for clipping thesheep. They were made of an iron band, bent in theshapeoftheletterU,widenedatthebaseandfeatur-ing twobladesat its ends (Fig. 4).Thewoolwas thenwashed,cardedandcombed.

    Attheend,afterundergoingtheabovementionedstages, both types of fibrewere spun, in order to obtainthreadssuitableforweaving,accordingtotheneedsofthehousehold.Weavingwasdoneusingavertical loomandterracottaweights(asthosedescribedabove)wereusedtostrain thenetting.Thedurationof theprocessdependedonthequalityofthematerialandonthedesiredfabricsiz-es.Ethnographicanalogiesshowthatusually,becausethedustandlintproducedduringweavingarebadforhealth,theweavingloomwasnotplacedinlivingrooms,butinaspeciallydesignedspace.

    Among the fairly frequent finds in Daciandwellings, there are artefacts known by the nameofpolishers, lastsandpressersdependingonthe interpretations given to their uses in antiquity(Fig.5).Theyareobjectsmadealsoofterracotta,witha cylindrical 5,5-8,5 cm tall handle and an oval orrectangular base, their length varying between 7-10cm.Someoftheitemshaveaflatbaseandsomehaveacurvedone,othersshowachannelling(incisedbe-forefiring)alongthebase.

    Their shape and features suggested their associ-ationwith pottery and leatherworking. For a long time,they were thought to be used for burnishing ceramics,thenM. Babe proved that the respective techniquewasimplementedwithadifferent typeof instruments.Babeassumedthattheseartefactswereusedintheprocessofshapingandfinishinghandmadeceramics.Namely,theywereusedformodellingandsupportingtheinteriorofthepotwhile theclaywall,whichwasstill soft,wasshaped

    ne,careeraucrescuteattpentruproduciadecarne,ctipentruobinereaproduselorsecundare.Probabilclatunsuloilor erau folosite unele dintre numeroasele foarfeci desco-peritepeteritoriulDaciei,inclusivnzonaMunilorOrtiei.Acesteaerauconfecionatedintr-obanddefierndoitnfor-malitereiU,litlabaziprevzutcudoulame(Fig.4).Apoi,lnaerasplat,scrmnatipieptnat.

    nfine,dupparcurgereaetapelormenionate,ambe-letipuridefibreerautoarsecuajutorulfusului,pentruaseobinefirepotrivitepentruafiesute,nfunciedenecesitilegospodriei.esutulserealizacuunrzboiaezatnpoziievertical,iargreutiledelutarsdefelulcelordescrisemaisusserveau la tensionareafirelor urzelii.Durata procesului de-pindeadecalitateamaterialuluiidedimensiuniledoritealepnzei.Analogiileetnograficearatc,ngeneral,dincauzafaptuluicprafuliscameleprodusentimpulesutuluisuntduntoareorganismului,rzboiuldeesutnuseamplasanncperiledelocuit,cintr-unspaiuaparte.

    Printredescopeririledestuldefrecventedinaezriledaciceseaflpieselecunoscutenliteraturadespecialitatesubdenumirea de lustruitoare, calapoade, clctoare, nfunciedediferiteleinterpretriexprimatenceeacepriveteutilizarealornantichitate(Fig.5).Estevorbadeobiectemo-delatedinlutars,cuunmnercilindric,naltde5,5-8,5cmicutalpaovalsaurectangular,culungimeavariindntre7i10cm.Unelepieseaubazaplat,altelearcuit.Existiexem-plarecudecorincizatnlutnaintedeardere,constnd,deexemplu,dintr-olinieadncitde-alungultlpii.


    Activiti domestice

  • 56

    andfinished fromtheoutsidewithaspatula.Lately, thehypothesisadvancedbyV.Kotigorosko isaccepted.Thishypothesis started from the fact that most items of thiskindpresent tracesof secondaryfiringon theirbase.Hethusperformedtraseologicalanalysisonafewitemsandcame to the conclusion that they could be tools used inleatherworking,forpressingtheseamsandthesurfacesoftheanimalskins.Theseobjectswereheatedbeforeuse.

    Most probably, leatherworking was a commonactivitywithinancientcommunitiesintheOrtieMoun-tains.Rawmaterialwas available foruse in theproduc-tion of various clothing, shoes, accessories, harnesses,household goods (e.g. bellows) etc. The areasmountainlandscape, rich in alpine pastures,was very suitable forraising domestic livestock (cows, ovicaprids, etc.). Theywere,therefore,themainsourceofrawmaterial,aswellashuntingwildanimals.Apartfromthepressersdescribedabove,amongtheartefactsfoundinthesettlementsfromtheOrtieMountains,someironscraperscouldhavealsobeenused in leatherworking.Thoseare tools featuringashortblade,shapedasasemi-discwithalongtang,form-ingastraightanglewiththetoolsblade.


    Este foarte probabil c prelucrarea pieilor a fostprintre ocupaiile obinuite n snul comunitilor anti-ce dinMunii Ortiei, materia prim fiind la ndemnpentruconfecionareadiferitelorpiesedembrcminteinclminte, accesorii,harnaament,obiectedeuz casnic(deex.burdufuri)etc.Peisajulmontandinregiune,bogatnpunialpine,erafavorabilcreteriianimaleledomestice(vite,ovicaprineetc.).Eleauconstituitastfelprincipalasur-sdematerieprim,alturidevnareavieuitoarelorsl-batice.Pelngclctoarelemenionatemaisus,printrepieseledescoperitenaezriledinMuniiOrtiei,lapre-lucrareapieilorseputeauutilizauneledintrerzuitoareledinfier.Estevorbadeuneltecuolamscurt,nformdesemidisc,cutijlungpentrufixareanmneruldelemn,ndoitnunghidreptfadelamainstrumentului.

    Bibliografie selectiv Selective bibliography

    1. M.Babe,Unelte geto-dace pentru modelarea ceramicii,nSCIVA,31,1980,1,pp.23-31.2. M.Crciumaru,M.Plea,M.Mrgrit,Omul i plantele. Manual de analiz carpologic,Trgovite,2004.3. G.Gheorghiu,Dacii pe cursul mijlociu al Mureului (sfritul sec. II a. Ch. nceputul sec. II p. Ch.),Cluj-Napoca,2005.4. I.Glodariu,E.Iaroslavschi,Civilizaia fierului la daci,Cluj-Napoca,1979.5. Gh.Iordache,Ocupaii tradiionale pe teritoriul Romniei,Craiova,1985.6. V.Kotigorosko,inuturile Tisei Superioare n veacurile III .e.n. IV e.n,Bucureti,1995.7. P.Mazre,Definirea i clasificarea artefactelor istorice destinate torsului: fusaiole,nTerraSebus,nr.4,2012,pp.103-131.


    Domestic activities

  • 57

    Fig. 1Fusaiole din lut (Costeti Cetuie)

    Terracotta spindle whorls (Costeti Cetuie)

    Activiti domestice

  • 58

    Fig. 2Greuti din lut pentru rzboiul de esut (Costeti Cetuie)

    Terracotta loom-weights (Costeti Cetuie)

    Domestic activities

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    Fig. 3Rzboi de esut vertical (propunere de reconstituire dup G. Jacobi)

    Vertical loom (reconstruction proposal after G. Jacobi)

    Activiti domestice

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    Fig. 4Foarfec din fier (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Iron shears (Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Domestic activities

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    Fig. 5Calapoade din lut ars (Costeti Cetuie, Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Terracotta instruments (Costeti Cetuie, Grditea de Munte Sarmizegetusa Regia)

    Activiti domestice

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    Istoriciiausubliniatadeseaunadintretrsturileparticulare ale capitalei Regatului Dac, anume numrulfoartemaredeobiectedinfierdescoperitencuprinsulsu.Datelearheologicearatcproduciaatelierelordefur-riede laGrditeadeMunteSarmizegetusaRegiaera,celpuinspresfritul sec. Ip.Chr.,unadintrecelemainsemnatedinntregspaiuleuropeanantic.PentrurestulcetilordacicedinMuniiOrtiei, cantitateadeobiectedinfiereste,deasemenea,remarcabil.nprezent,npa-trimoniulMuzeuluiNaionaldeIstorieaTransilvanieiialMuzeuluiCivilizaieiDaciceiRomaneseaflpeste3000deartefactedacicedinfier.Dac includemimaterialelede construcie (cuie,piroane, inte, verigi, balamale etc.),atuncinumrulloraproapecsedubleaz.Afost,astfel,firesccabogiadepiesedinfierssereflectenlistadeartefactepropusepentruscanare ncadrulproiectuluii,implicit,ncataloguldefa.

    npaginileurmtoarenevomopriasupraunelte-lordestinateprelucrriifierului,alemnuluiiametalelorpreioase,attpentruceleabund nzonadereferin,ct ipentrucneajut s compunemo imaginedean-sambluasupraatreidintremeteugurileimportantedinantichitateadacic.

    Furria Uneltelefolositedemeteriifuraridaciocupun

    locapartentreobiecteledefier,attprinnumrullor,ctiprindiversitate.SarmizegetusaRegiaesteprintrepuinelesituri anticepentrucarepotfidocumentate,prinprisma

    Historians have often pointed out one of the spe-cifictraitsofthecapitaloftheDacianKingdom,namelytheverylargenumberofironartefactsdiscoveredonitsterritory.ArchaeologicaldatashowthattheproductionofblacksmithworkshopsatGrditeadeMunteSarmizegetusaRegiawas,at least near the end of 1stcenturyAD,oneofthemostimport-ant in thewholeancientEuropeanspace. InwhatconcernstheDacianfortressesfromtheOrtieMountains,thequan-tityofironobjectsisremarkable,aswell.Currently,theNa-tionalMuseumofTransylvanianHistoryandtheMuseumofDacianandRomanCivilizationholdintheircollectionsover3000ironDacianartefacts.Ifthesocalledtrivialconstructionmaterialsarealsotakenintoaccount(nails,spike-nails,tacks,rings,hingesetc.), then theirnumber isalmostdouble.Theabundanceofallthesefindingswouldbereflectednaturallyamongsttheartefactschosenforscanningwithintheframesofthisprojectand,subsequently,inthiscatalogue.

    In the followingpageswewill focuson the toolsinvolvedinmetalwork,processingiron,woodandpreciousmetalbecause theyappear insignificantquantitieson thesites and,most important, because they help us piece to-gether a detailed picture of three of the main crafts in Dacian antiquity.

    Metalwork ThetoolsusedbyDacianblacksmithsrepresenta


    IVMeteuguri Crafts

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    tefacts, from turning rough iron into ingots to crafting the finite products, all stages of these activities can be fullydocumented(Fig.1).

    The iron blooms were the rawmaterial used inmetalworkshops.Theywereobtainedinsmeltingfurnac-es, such as the one illustrated in the reconstruction propos-alontheattacheddrawing(Fig.2).Mostlikely,thesmelt-ingwasdoneclosetotheplaceofextraction:thefindingsare pointing to areas closer to the Dacian capital, such as theBtrnaMountain, theTmpuValley,orabit farthersuchasTeliucandGhelari.

    AtSarmizegetusaRegiaanditssurroundings,over400 iron blooms were discovered, intact or fragmentary(bloomhalves),withatotalweightofapproximately2500kg (Fig. 3).Oncedelivered to theworkshop, the bloomswereheatedonspecialhearthsinordertobetransformedintoingotsthroughrepeatedsledgehammerstrikes.InthecaseoftheDacianfortressesfromtheOrtieMountains,bi-pyramidal,parallelepipedandquasi-cylindrical ingotswerefound.Somestillbearthemarksofchiselsusedforcuttingsmallerorlargerpiecesofthem,dependingontheobjecttheblacksmithwantedtocraft(Fig.4-5).

    The previously described forge operations werecarriedoutusingindispensabletoolsinblacksmithwork-shops: anvils. In theDacian capital area two typeswerefound:thefirstwasshapedastruncatedpyramidsandthesecondonelookslikeacubeequippedwithfoursmalllegsinitslowersside(Fig.6-7).OnlyfromGrditeadeMunte SarmizegetusaRegia,thereareover30suchmassivean-vils,thelargestreachingaweightofapproximately50dekg.Apart from them, there are smaller anvils that couldhavebeenusedaswell insmithcraftandforhammeringpreciousmetals(seebelowthediscussionregardinggold-smithing).

    Tongswereusedforgrabbingandholdingmetalitems on the blacksmiths hearthwhere theywere heat-edoron theanvilsduringhammering.Thehighvariety



    LaSarmizegetusaRegiainjurulsuaufostdes-coperitepeste400delupedinfier,ntregisaufragmentare(jumtidelupe),cuogreutatensumatdecca.2500kg(Fig.3).Odatajunsenatelier,lupeleeraunclzitepeve-trespecialamenajatepentruafitransformatenlingouri,prin lovituri repetate cubaroasele. Pentru cetiledacicedinMuniiOrtieisecunosclingouribipiramidale,para-lelipipediceicvasicilindrice.Uneledintreelesuntntregi,daraltelepoartncurmeledlilorfolositepentrutiereaunorbu