trecutul continuu

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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Trecutul continuu

Trecutul continuu

Trecutul continuu (Past Continuous) exprim in general actiuni n desfsurare la un moment din trecut.Trecutul continuu se formeaza cu ajutorul formei de trecut simplu a auxiliarului to be, adica was/were + forma participiului prezent (-ing) a verbului principal.

I was reading a book. - Citeam o carte.You were talking. - Tu vorbeai. (Dv. vorbeati.)Forma negativa - se adauga not dupa forma de trecut simplu a auxiliarului to be (was /were).Constructiile rezultate: was not si were not au formele prescurtate "wasn't" respectiv "weren't".

You were not /weren't reading. - Tu nu citeai.It was not /wasn't raining. - Nu ploua. (candva, in trecut)Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to be, forma de trecut simplu (was /were), cu subiectul.

Were they playing? - Ei se jucau?Was he eating? - El manca?- Trecutul continuu ca si prezentul continuu sunt forme verbale apartinand mai mult limbii vorbite si sunt rar folosite in registrul scris.Deoarece indica o limita a duratei actiunii, trecutul continu este foarte folosit si pentru a indica actiuni care au avut loc (trecut simplu) in timp ce o alta actiune era in desfasurare, sau pentru a indica o actiune in desfasurare care este intrerupta de o alta.

Carlos lost his watch while he was running. - Carlos si-a pierdut ceasul in timp ce alerga.I was eating an apple when John came in smiling. - Mancam un mar cand Ion a intrat zambind.- Pentru a vorbi despre obiceiuri din trecut. Trecutul continuu este adesea insotit de "always".

Grace was always eating with the left hand. - Grace manca mereu cu mana stanga.You were always playing with your brother. - Tu mereu te jucai cu fratele tau.- In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice, vedeti subtitlul 3 de la lectia Prezentul simplu si continuu.


I was walking - Eu ma plimbamyou were walking - Tu te plimbaiHe was walking - El se plimbashe was walking - Ea se plimbait was walking - Se plimbawe were walking - Noi ne plimbamyou were walking - Voi va plimbatithey were walking - Ei se plimbauExemple:

Dad was working in his garden all morning. - Tata lucra in gradina lui toata dimineata.Raoul were acting like his father. - Raoul se purta ca si tatal lui.They were not being a good model. - Ei nu erau un bun model.Was he being good to you? - Era el bun cu tine?Trecutul perfect

Trecutul perfect (Past perfect), exprima o actiune care a avut loc si s-a terminat in trecut, inaintea altei

actiuni tot din trecut.Acesta se formeaza cu had + participiu trecut al verbului.- Este un timp utilizat mai des n limba englez dect n limba romn pentru exprimarea anteriorittii.Exemple:

He had lived in London before he moved to Romania. - El locuise in Londra inainte de a se muta in Romania.You had finished the book before I came. - Tu terminasesi cartea nainte s vin eu.Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father arrived home. - Mama gtise deja cina cnd a ajuns tata acas.Forma negativa se formeaza cu had not (sau hadn't) si participiul trecut al verbului.

He hadn't lived in Paris before he moved to Romania. - El nu locuise in Paris inainte de a se muta in Romania.He had not finished the book before I came. - El nu terminase cartea nainte s vin eu.Forma interogativa se formeaza prin inversiunea dintre auxiliarul had si subiect.

How long had it been since you saw each other? - Cat timp fusese de cand v-ati vazut?Exista cateva conjunctii si adverbe ce se folosesc adesea in trecutul perfect pentru a marca succesiunea evenimentelor (actiunilor). Acestea sunt:

by the time that (in (din) momentul n care), when (cand), after (dupa), as soon as (de indata ce), ever (vreodat), never (niciodata), just (tocmai), before (inainte), already (deja), for [time period] (timp de [o perioada de timp]), since [point of time] (incepand cu /de la [un punct in timp]), never ... before (niciodat ... nainte sa).


When I arrived Susan had already left. - Cand am sosit Susan plecase deja.He had just come into the room when the telephone rang. - El tocmai intrase in camera cand a sunat telefonul.


I had walked - Eu ma plimbasemyou had walked - Tu te plimbasesiHe had walked - El se plimbaseshe had walked - Ea se plimbaseit had walked - Se plimbasewe had walked - Noi ne plimbasemyou had walked - Voi va plimbasesithey had walked - Ei se plimbaseTrecutul perfect - exercitii2. Trecutul perfect continuu

Trecutul perfect continuu (Past perfect continuous /progressive) se foloseste pentru a accentua faptul ca o actiune a fost in curs de desfasurare pe o anumita perioada de timp inaintea altei actiuni din trecut.Trecutul perfect continuu se formeaza cu: Had + been + participiu prezent (-ing).Exemple:

I had been waiting for my friend since seven oclock when he finally arrived. - l asteptam pe prietenul meu de la ora sapte, cnd n sfrsit a sosit.He had been writing poems for two years when I met him. - Scria poezii de doi ani cnd l-am cunoscut.Forma negativa - se adauga not intre auxiliarul had si been.

It had not been raining when you came. - Nu ploua cand ai venit.

Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului had cu subiectul.Had you been swiming before she left the piscine? - Inotai inainte sa plece ea de la piscinaConjugare

I had been walking - Eu ma plimbamyou had been walking - Tu te plimbaiHe had been walking - El se plimbashe had been walking - Ea se plimbait had been walking - Se plimbawe had been walking - Noi ne plimbamyou had been walking - Voi va plimbatithey had been walking - Ei se plimbauExemplu:

They had been playing tennis when you wrote your homework. - Ei se jucau tenis cand tu ti-ai scris tema.PAGE 3

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