tematica si bibliografie curs anul iii

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Tematica Si Bibliografie Curs Anul III


    Tematica si bibliografie curs/seminar Literatura engleza anul III, semestrul I Poezia

    8.1 Curs1. Anglo-Saxon poetry

    2. William Langlands Piers Plowman 3. Geoffrey Chaucer4. Renaissance poetry. Sidney, Spenser5. The Elizabethan and Shakespearean sonnet6. The 'Metaphysical ' school. John Donne7. Milton and Marvel8. The Augustan Age. Dryden and Pope

    9. The dawn of Romanticism. Blake, Burns10. William Wordsworth

    11. Samuel Taylor Coleridge12. George Gordon Byron13. Percy Bysshe Shelley

    14. John KeatsBibliografie curs:The New Pelican Guide to English LiteratureThe Penguin History of English LiteratureThe Oxford History of English LiteratureThe Cambridge Companion to EnglishLiterature Austin, Frances, The Language of theMetaphysical Poets (Basingstake, 1992).Baron, Michael, Language and Relationships inWordsworths Writing (London, 1995).Beer, John, Coleridges Poetic Intelligence (London, 1977).Danielson, Dennis, The Cambridge Companionto Milton (Cambridge, 1989).Godde, Malcolm, Lapidge, Michael (eds.), The Ccompanion to Old English Literature (CambridgDaiches, David, Thorlby, A. K. (eds.), TheMedieval World (London, 1973).Lansdown, Richard, Byrons Historical Dramas

    (Oxford, 1992).Medcolf, Stephen (ed.), The Later Middle Ages(London, 1981).Muir, Kenneth , Shakespares Sonnets (London,1979).Roe, Nicholas (ed.), Keats and History (Cambridge, 1995).Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History ofEnglish Literature Stevens, John, Medieval Romance (London,1973).Watson, J. R., English Poetry of the Romantic

    Period 1789-1830 (London, 1992).

  • 8/12/2019 Tematica Si Bibliografie Curs Anul III


  • 8/12/2019 Tematica Si Bibliografie Curs Anul III


    4. W. B. Yeats5. The challenge of modernism: T. S. Eliot6. The Auden circle7. Dylan Thomas8. John Betjemen9. Postwar poetry. Philip Larkin and the Movement 10. Postmodern experience and angst11. Ted Hughes12. Seamus Heany13. Charles Tomlinson14. Contemporary British poetryBibliografie curs:The New Pelican Guide to English LiteratureThe Penguin History of English LiteratureThe Oxford History of English Literature

    The Cambridge Companion to English Literature Ackroyd, Peter, T.S. Eliot (London, 1984)Armstrong, Isotel, Robert Browning (London, 1974).Corcoran, Neil, English Poetry since 1940 (London, 1993)Macrae, Alasdair, W. B. Yeats: A Literary Life (London, 1995)Martin, R. B., Tennyson: the Inquiet Heart (Oxford, 1980).Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature Sinfield, Alan, Literature, Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain (London, 1989)Spender, Stephen, The Struggle of the Modern (London, 1963)Vansittart, Peter, In the Fifties (London, 1995)Waugh, Patricia , Harvest of the Sixties: English Literature and its Background 1960-1990 (Oxford, 1995)

    8.2 Seminar1. Alfred Tennyson Romanticism and beyond2. Robert Browning, Elisabeth Barrett Browning. The dramatic monologue3. G. M. Hopkins4. The Celtic revival. Yeats Images and themes of Irish identity 5. Eliot: The revaluation of poetic language6. W. H. Auden - Political engagement, formal and discursive diversity

    7. Dylan Thomas tradition and modernity

    8. John Betjemen the eternal in the everyday9. Larkins poetic of the commonplace 10. Hughes: The postmodern mood11 . Seamus Heany the living past12. Charles Tomlinson13. Alan Brownjohn14.Bibliografie seminar: Alfred Tennyson: The Lady of Shalott, The Splendour Falls, In MemoriamRobert Browning: Love among the Ruins, Fra Lippo Lippi, Childe Roland to the Dark TowerCame, Bad Dreams Elisabeth Barrett Browning: A Musical Instrument G. M. Hopkins: Spring, The Winhover, Pied Beauty, Inversnaid, I Wake and Feel the Fell of

  • 8/12/2019 Tematica Si Bibliografie Curs Anul III


    Dark W. B. Yeats: The Two Trees, Adams Curse, The Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium, Ledaand the SwanT. S. Eliot: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Gerontion, The Waste Land, The Hollow Men,Little Gidding W. H. Auden: The Watershed, Song, For the Time Being, The Fall of Rome Dylan Thomas: When, Like a Running Grave, Sonnet, Fern Hill, Poem in October John Betjemen: In Westminster Abbey Philip Larkin: Church Going, Lines on a Young Ladys Photograph Album Ted Hughes: Pibroch, A Childish Prank, The Fox Seamus Heany:Charles Tomlinson:Alan Brownjohn:

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