tabriz blue mosque3

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Like Rudaki and Ferdowsi, poet Khaghani must be also considered as one of the architects of Patriotic Poetry in Iran. He has been and always will be one of the favorite iconic figures of Persian Poetry and Literature. Poet Khaghani also deserves a day, in Iranian Calendar, to be commemorated after him. YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE:


Tabriz is the capital of one of the most famous provinces of Iran, the Azarbaijan or Aturpatgan. It is perhaps the birth place of Zaratushtra. The city has a long and turbulent history.

Tabriz este capitala provinciei Azarbaijan (sau Aturpatgan). Este şi locul unde s-a născut Zaratushtra. Oraşul are o istorie foarte lungă şi foarte zbuciumată

Afzal al-Din Badil Khaghani, unul dintre poeţii care au influenţat cel mai mult literatura persană, s-a născut în anul 1126 în Shervan (azi Azerbaijan) şi a murit în anul 1202 în Tabriz.

Afzal al-Din Badil Khaghani (1126-1202)Khaqani's mother, originally of Nestorian faith, later accepted Islam. The poet himself had a remarkable knowledge of Christianity, and his poetry is profused with Christian imagery and symbols

Afzal al-Din Badil Khaghani (1126-1202). Mama sa, creştină nestoriană a acceptat mai târziu credinţa islamică. Poetul a cunoscut bine creştinismul iar poezia lui abundă în imagini şi simboluri creştine.

English translation by R. Saberi:

The bird that sings the song of pain is loveThe courier who knows the tongue of the Unseen is loveThe existence that call you to nonexistence is loveAnd that which redeems you from you is love

The blue mosque of Tabriz was built upon the order of Jahanshah, the ruler of Kara Koyunlu dynasty, at the request of his wife Khatunjan Beygom, and was completed in 1465 A.D.

Moscheea Albastră, supranumită „Peruzeaua Islamului” a fost construită de Jahanshah, un domnitor din dinastia Kara Koyunlu, la cererea soţiei sale, şi a fost terminată în anul 1465.

The roof of mausoleum and main dome chamber of the mosque collapsed during an earthquake in 1779-80 A.D. and was rebuilt in 1973

Acoperişul mausoleului şi domul central al moscheei s-au prăbuşit la cutremurul din anul 1779-80 şi au fost reconstruite în anul 1973

The Blue mosque before reconstruction.

Sound: Goleh Pamchal – Farid Farjad


Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu

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