scrisoare de intentie

Post on 09-Sep-2015






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Stimate Domnule Smit Levis

Subsemnata, Dumitriu Luminita, am luat la cunostinta cu interes de posibilitatile pe care le ofera Clinica pe care o conduceti. Animat de dorinta de a reusi, de ambitie, tenacitate si optimism, supun atentiei dvs. candidatura mea in vederea obtinerii postului deAsistent Medical Generalist.Am beneficiat de o pregatire Posliceala de 3 ani si de o experienta in domeniul medical acumulata in cadrul Spitalului Judetean Alba si sunt pregatita pentru un parteneriat fructuos prin care veti avea la dispozitie avantajele formarii mele teoretice si practice. Documentandu-ma asupra activitatilor derulate de Clinica dvs., am constatat cu satisfactie ca profilul si realizarile acesteia corespund pe deplin aspiratiilor si nevoilor mele.Acesta este motivul pentru care imi permit sa apreciez ca dorinta mea de afirmare, entuziasmul, tenacitatea, fidelitatea si pasiunea mea pentru reusita totala (atingerea obiectivelor) sunt numai cateva din trasaturile pe care voi fi onorat sa le pun la dispozitia unei echipe tinere si dinamice.Oportunitatea unei discutii despre cum ar putea fi folosite cunostintele si priceperea mea in avantajul Clinicii dvs. ar fi binevenita.Cu deosebita consideratie,Luminita Dumitriu

Dear Mr. Smit Levis

The undersigned, Dumitriu Luminita, I am aware of the possibilities that interest you run clinic offers. Driven by the desire to succeed, ambition, tenacity and optimism, subject to your attention my candidacy for obtaining the post of general nurses.I am trained Posliceala 3 years and gained experience in the medical field in Alba County Hospital and are ready for a fruitful partnership through which you will be provided with theoretical and practical benefits of my training. I have documented the activities undertaken by your clinic, we noticed with satisfaction that its profile and achievements fully meet my aspirations and needs.This is why I allow myself to appreciate that my desire for affirmation, enthusiasm, tenacity, loyalty and my passion for total success (goals) are just some of the features that will be honored to make available a young and dynamic team .The opportunity for a discussion about how it could be used in knowledge and my skills would be welcome your advantage Clinic.Yours faithfully,Luminita Dumitriu

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