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    LISTA DE LUCRĂRI A . Candidatului-SAMOILESCU V.Gheorghe-doctor inginer din 1998, conferenţiar universitar din 2000, profesor universitar din 2007, conducător de doctorat din 2009

    ANUL UNIVERSITAR 2015-2016 1. Lista celor maximum 10 lucrări considerate de candidat a fi cele mai relevante pentru realizările

    profesionale proprii, care sunt incluse în format electronic în dosar şi care se pot regăsi şi în celelalte

    categorii de lucrări prevăzute de prezentul articol

    a.Lucrări publicate în reviste ISI

    Ris ISI.1. Analysis of Model Accuracy and Magnetic Signature of a Ship Scale Model, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique,tome 59, nr.3/2014,jul-sept, Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 0035-4066, ISI, pag. 269- 278, Georgiana Marin,Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag, D Constandeche, I Rau, Revue incluse in Thomson Reuters Science-ISI, indice de impact 0,333 Ris ISI.2. Electrostatic field within oil tankers, – Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et energetique, vol 3/ 2009, Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 0035-4066, pag. 261-270, Gheorghe Samoilescu, cat. A – ISI. indice de impact 0,01 Ris ISI.3.Effects of γ-irradiation on PVC/mica electrical insulation, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Symposia,Vol. 1, Nr.5, 2009, ISSN.1454-4161, pag. 963-966, T.Zaharescu, S.Jipa, E.D.Popescu,W.Kappel, Gheorghe Samoilescu, cat. A – ISI. indice de impact 0,433 Ris ISI.4 Magnetic automated installation for Yu Mo spectrometer, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et energetique, Tome 53 / 2008, ISSN 0035-4066, pag. 79-84, W. Kappel, N. Stancu, I. Ion, A. Kirilov, S. Kutuzov, A. Smirnov, A. Ivankov, Y. Kovalev, A. Kuklin,Gheorghe Samoilescu. indice de impact 0,01 Ris ISI.5 The simulation of the electric discharges and the effects of the field on the electronic equipments and on the human factor on the ship, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Serie electrotechnique et energetique, tome 53, 2008, ISSN 0035-4066, pag. 179-190, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, V. Solcanu. indice de impact 0,01

    c.1. volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale recunoscute, indexate ISI Thomson-Reuters Vis ISI.1.Uncertainty Assessment in ship magnetic field Measurement with fluxgate magnetometer, 8th Edition International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi, 16-18 oct,2014, G.Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag, S Radu, inclusă în IEEE Xplore Database, ID 551 Vis ISI.2.Contribution for Reducing the Magnetic Field Created by an Equipment Component of a Ship, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 7 – 9 may, 2015, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu, G. Rosu, A. Bordianu-The Symposium Proceedings included in the IEEE Xplore database- indexed Thomson-Reuters ISI-CPCI

  • c.2 volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale recunoscute, indexate în alte Baze de Date Internaţionale Vis BDI.1. The analisys of naval electromagnetic system using software programs, AFASES 2014, The 16-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 22-24 may, 2014, ISSN, ISSN-L2247-3173, pag 155-162, Samoilescu Gheorghe, Radu Serghei, Deliu Florentiu, Mates Raluca, indexată BDI în Data Base of Index Copernicus ( ICI Journals Master List) Vis BDI.2.Assessment of the Need for Protection against Electromagnetic Radiation of Personnel Onboard Warships, Conferinta IFMBE MediTech2014, International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology,Cluj Napoca, 05-07 june, 2014, IFMBF Proceedings ISSN 1680-0737; 1433-9277, Springer International Publishing , Vol 44, pag 285-290, G. Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Baciu, D Iorgulescu, S Radu

    c.3. volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale recunoscute Vi 1 Applied research in harnessing hydropower to obtain electrical energy, International Conference Hydraulic equipment, Electrical equipment,Other aspect related to hydrepower, 13-15.11.2013, pag. 9 Gheorghe Samoilescu, S.Nicolae, F.Deliu, L.Cizer 2. Teza de doctorat; T1 „Contribuţii la diminuarea influenţei nocive a fenomenelor electrostatice din navele petroliere”, susţinută pe 16.10.1998 a fost publicată în anul 2000, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 186 de pagini, perioada de realizare 1992 – 1998. 3. Brevete de invenţie; B.1-INSTALAŢIE DE PRODUCERE A VALURILOR PENTRU CERCETĂRI; nr.înregistrare 00115, 2009-BREVET

    de invenţie nr.125619 din 04.09.2013- OLARU GH, NICOLAE S, ILIE C, SAMOILESCU GH, MARIN D

    4. Cărţi şi capitole în cărţi; a.Tratate, monografii Autor unic: T.M.1 - Instalaţia de propulsie electrică a navelor, Editura Academia Navală “Mircea cel Bătrân” 2006, ISBN (10)973-8303-77-x; ISBN (13)978-973-8303-77-5, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 307 pagini T.M.2 - Câmpul electric al navei maritime, Editura Academia Navală “Mircea cel Bătrân” 2003, ISBN 973-8303-43-5, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 206 pagini Prim autor: T.M.3 - Sisteme cu autonomie energetică pe Dunăre, Editura Academia Navală “Mircea cel Bătrân” 2006, ISBN (10)973-8303-76-1; ISBN (13)978-973-8303-76-8, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Nicolae Jula, Sergiu Nicolae, Mihai Mihaiescu, Ciprian Răcuciu, 369 pagini Coautor T.M.4 - Particularităţi ale energiei electrice în sistemul de management energetic pe o navă maritimă-, Editura Muntenia, Constanta, 2016, ISBN 978-973-692-394-4, Serghei Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 310 pagini

  • b. Cărţi de specialitate publicate în edituri recunoscute C.1 –Energy for future-,- carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2015, ISBN 978-606-642-087-7, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Alina Barbu, Laura Cizer, 266 pagini. C.2 Bazele electrotehnicii şi măsurări electrice - carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2014, ISBN 978-606-642-070-9, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Adelina Bordianu, Ion Buciu, 386 pagini. C.3 ВЪЗОБНОВЯЕМИ ЕНЕРГИЙНИ ИЗТОЧНИЦ И ТЕХНОΛОГИИ –Tehnologii pentru energie regeneragilă carte, Editura РУСЕНСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ “АНГЕЛ КЪНЧЕВ”, РУСЕ, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8675-52-9, Gheorghe Samoilescu &, ПроФ. д.т.н. Кондю Андонов, ПроФ. д-р Диана Антонова si & , 265 pagini C.4 Tehnologii de valorificare a energiei din surse regenerabile- carte, Editura Muntenia, Constanta, 2012, ISBN 978-973-692-331-9, Nicolae Florin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Ali Beazit , Catalin Popa, 231 pagini C.5 Metode numerice în ingineria electrică- carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2011, ISBN 978-973-1870-43-4, coordonator, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Spiridon Vasile, 294 pagini C.6 Aparate şi echipamente electrice navale-carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2009, ISBN 978-973-1870-43-4, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 410 pagini . C.7 Bazele electrotehnicii şi măsurări electrice - carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2007, ISBN 973-8303-83-4, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 369 pagini. C.8 Exploatarea sistemelor electroenergetice navale, carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2004, ISBN 973- 8303-51-6, Gheorghe Samoilescu, coordonator , 341 pagini. C.9 Compatibilitatea Electromagnetică. Baze teoretice. Ecranarea antiperturbativă - carte, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2001, ISBN 973-8303-01-X, coautor , Alexandru Sotir, Traian Moşoiu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Mircea Constantinescu, 271 pagini.

    c. Cursuri, culegeri şi îndrumare publicate C.10 Materiale electrotehnice – Îndrumar de laborator - îndrumar de laborator, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2014, ISBN 978-606-642-069-3, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Popov Petrică, 113 pagini C.11 Bazele electrotehnicii şi măsurări electrice ( sinteze şi teste ) -, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2006, ISBN 973–8303–68-0 coautor, Alexandru Sotir, Ion Buciu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Vasile Solcanu, 312 pagini.- C.12 Electrotehnică generală – Îndrumar de lucrări practice de laborator - îndrumar de laborator, Ediţie revăzută, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2004, coautor, Alexandru Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Ion Buciu, 95 pagini. C.13 Probleme de Bazele Electrotehnicii - culegere de probleme, vol. II, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2001, Alexandru Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Mircea Constantinescu, 305 pagini. C.14. Metode de calcul ale câmpului electrostatic - Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, 2000, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 183 pagini.

    d. Suport de curs, materiale didactice în format electronic-platforma ADL a Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”

    D.1 Aparate şi echipamente electrice navale-suport de curs pentru IFR,2014, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 150 pagini D.2 Surse electrice-suport de curs pentru IFR,2014, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 150 pagini

  • D.3 Materiale electrotehnice suport de curs pentru IFR,2014, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 209 pagini D.4 Aparate şi echipamente electrice navale-suport de curs pentru IFR,2014, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 209 pagini D.5 Managementul energetic al activităţilor logistice--suport de curs pentru masterat,2016, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 178pagini D.6.Siguranţă maritimă şi siguranţă portuară-suport de curs pentru masterat,2013, Gheorghe Samoilescu, 177 pagini 5. Articole/studii în extenso, publicate în reviste din fluxul ştiinţific internaţional principal a.Reviste de specialitate de circulaţie internaţională recunoscute şi indexate ISI Thomson-Reuters Ris ISI.1. Analysis of Model Accuracy and Magnetic Signature of a Ship Scale Model, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique,tome 59, nr.3/2014,jul-sept, Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 0035-4066, ISI, pag. 269- 278, Georgiana Marin,Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag, D Constandeche, I Rau, Revue incluse in Thomson Reuters Science-ISI, indice de impact 0,333 Ris ISI.2. Electrostatic field within oil tankers, – Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et energetique, vol 3/ 2009, Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 0035-4066, pag. 261-270, Gheorghe Samoilescu, cat. A – ISI. indice de impact 0,01 Ris ISI.3.Effects of γ-irradiation on PVC/mica electrical insulation, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Symposia,Vol. 1, Nr.5, 2009, ISSN.1454-4161, pag. 963-966, T.Zaharescu, S.Jipa, E.D.Popescu,W.Kappel, Gheorghe Samoilescu, cat. A – ISI. indice de impact 0,433 Ris ISI.4 Magnetic automated installation for Yu Mo spectrometer, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et energetique, Tome 53 / 2008, ISSN 0035-4066, pag. 79-84, W. Kappel, N. Stancu, I. Ion, A. Kirilov, S. Kutuzov, A. Smirnov, A. Ivankov, Y. Kovalev, A. Kuklin,Gheorghe Samoilescu. indice de impact 0,01 Ris ISI.5 Polymers Applications in Electromagnetic Depollution Removal, Revista Materiale Plastice, Nr. 4, vol.43, 2006, ISSN 0025-5289, pag. 359-361, Gheorghe Samoilescu, indice de impact 0,319 Ris ISI.6 Flow of fluid hydrocarbon through non-metallic pipes, Revista Materiale Plastice, Nr. 1, vol. 44, 2007, ISSN 0025-5289, pag. 51-52, Gheorghe Samoilescu. indice de impact 0,404 Ris ISI.7 Experimental determination of the rubber dynamic rigidity and elasticity module by time-frequency measurements, Revista Materiale Plastice, Nr. 1,vol. 44, 2007, ISSN 0025-5289, pag. 18-21, G.R. Gillich, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Florin Berinde, Cristian Paul Chioncel. indice de impact 0,404 Ris ISI.8 Interlaminar streess and delamination effect on load capacity of stratified composite materials, Revista Materiale Plastice, Nr. 3, vol.44, 2007, ISSN 0025-5289, pag. 259-260, M. Bejan ,Gheorghe Samoilescu. indice de impact 0,404 Ris ISI.9 Combustion of water emulsion-marine diesel droplet, Revista de Chimie, nr.4,vol.59, 2008, ISSN 0034-7552, pag. 440-442, C. Moroianu ,Gheorghe Samoilescu. indice de impact 0,389 Ris ISI.10 The simulation of the electric discharges and the effects of the field on the electronic equipments and on the human factor on the ship, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Serie electrotechnique et energetique, tome 53, 2008, ISSN 0035-4066, pag. 179-190, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, V. Solcanu. indice de impact 0,01 b. Reviste de specialitate de circulaţie internaţională recunoscute şi indexate în alte Baze de date Internaţionale Ris BDI.1.Applied research aimed at designing the optimal solution for a submersible electric generator, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, 2010, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 237-240,

  • B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) , IET Inspec.Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Nicolae, M Dorian, S Radu, A Barbu Ris BDI.2.Analysis of asynchronous triphase electric motors used in AC propulsion systems, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, 2010, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 241-248, B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board), IET Inspec.,Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Samoilescu, S Radu, L Cizer Ris BDI.3.Applied research regarding the projection of a submersible electric generator, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol II, 2010, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 169-174, , B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) IET Inspec., Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Nicolae, M Dorian, A Samoilescu, E Kaiter Ris BDI.4.Special synchronous microgenerators used in hydroelectric energy conversions, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol II, 2010, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 163-168, B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) noiembrie, IET Inspec., Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Nicolae, M Dorian, S Radu, L Cizer Ris BDI.5.Calculation of the induced current in a test coil by a high power electromagnetic pulse, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol II, 2010, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 55-60, B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) IET Inspec., A. Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Baciu, I. Datcu Ris BDI.6.Naval power system dynamics with proportional type regulators, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XVIII, nr.2, 2011, ISSN 1453-7394, pag . 123-130, F. Deliu, Gheorghe Samoilescu , A. Beazit , B+, 2005 is included in eight International Databases and rated as class B+ by the Romanian National University Research Council Ris BDI.7.Defining the ship magnetic performance by means of passage characteristics, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, 2011, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 93-96, TRB(Transportation Research Board) noiembrie, B+, IET Inspec., Gheorghe Samoilescu, G. Marin, S Radu, Ris BDI.8.Modeling the electrmagnetic field intrusion, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, 2011, ISSN 1844-6116, pag. 97-102, TRB(Transportation Research Board), B+, IET Inspec., Gheorghe Samoilescu, G. Marin, S Radu Ris BDI.9.Efficiency analysis of the liquid controller with a ring valve, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1, 2012, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag. 329-335, B. Ali, Gheorghe Samoilescu-IndexCopernicus Journals Master List Ris BDI.10.Aspect regarding ship magnetism generated by corrosion current and stray fields, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, 2012, ISSN 1844-6116, , B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) ,B+, IET Inspec., pag. 75-80, G. Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu- The Journal is indexed in International Databases:IndexCopernicus Journals Master List, CSA Serials Source List for Oceanic Abstracts,CSA Serials Source List for Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts,Inspec,Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS), EBSCO. Ris BDI.11.The method of transhipment of goods between ship in open sea, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1, 2013, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag. 329-335,Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Radu, A. Beazit ,C Ciobanu- Indexcopernicus: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO:EBSCO ,JournalSeek:,DOAJ: DOAJ, ULRICHS: ULRICHS ,SCIPIO: SCIPIO Ris BDI.12.The involvement of young generation in RES industry, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1, 2013, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag. 329-335, , C. Ciobanu A. Barbu,Gheorghe Samoilescu - Indexcopernicus: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO:EBSCO ,JournalSeek:,DOAJ: DOAJ, ULRICHS: ULRICHS ,SCIPIO: SCIPIO Ris BDI.13.The Labor market- RES in specialist relationship Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1, 2013, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag. 329-335, , C. Ciobanu A. Barbu,Gheorghe Samoilescu - Indexcopernicus: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO:EBSCO ,JournalSeek:,DOAJ: DOAJ, ULRICHS: ULRICHS ,SCIPIO: SCIPIO

  • Ris BDI.14.Electric and magnetic field measurements on board a ship, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1supl, 2014, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag.24-31, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei RADU, Laura CIZER,Indexcopernicus: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO:EBSCO ,JournalSeek:,DOAJ: DOAJ, ULRICHS: ULRICHS ,SCIPIO: SCIPIO Ris BDI.15.International requirements for water-oil separation –filtration equipment onboard oil tankers, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1supl, 2014, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag.18-23, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei RADU, Florentiu Deliu, Laura Cizer - Indexcopernicus: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO:EBSCO ,JournalSeek:,DOAJ: DOAJ, ULRICHS: ULRICHS ,SCIPIO: SCIPIO Ris BDI.14.The analysis of short-circuit currents in a naval electrical network by means of software tools, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol I, 2014, ISSN 1844-6116, , B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) ,B+, IET Inspec., pag. 71-78, Gheorghe Samoilescu, G. Marin, - The Journal is indexed in International Databases:IndexCopernicus Journals Master List, CSA Serials Source List for Oceanic Abstracts,CSA Serials Source List for Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts,Inspec,Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS), EBSCO. Ris BDI.15.Analysis of Model Accuracy and Magnetic Signature of a Ship Scale Model, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Tehniques, Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique,tome 59, nr.3/2014,jul-sept, Editura Academiei Române, ISSN 0035-4066, ISI, pag. 269- 278, Georgiana Marin,Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag, D Constandeche, I Rau, Revue incluse in Thomson Reuters Science-ISI, indice de impact 0,368 Ris BDI.16.Similarity criteria for ship modelling and magnetic signature analysis, Journal of Marine Technology and Environment, vol II, 2014, ISSN 1844-6116, B+, TRB(Transportation Research Board) ,B+, IET Inspec., pag. 71-78, G. Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag- The Journal is indexed in International Databases:IndexCopernicus Journals Master List, CSA Serials Source List for Oceanic Abstracts,CSA Serials Source List for Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts,Inspec,Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS), EBSCO. Ris BDI.17.The induced magnetic signature of the ship’s ellipsopidal shell model, Journal MTA Review, Military Technical Academy of Bucharest, vol XXIV,no.4,dec, 2014, ISSN 1843-3391, B+,pag. 219-228, G Rosu Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag- The Journal is indexed in International Databases:Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; Index Copernicus International;Google Scholar; CNCSIS(cod 842);The Lancaster Index; Genamics Journal Seek Ris BDI.18.Sistem de identificare, urmărire şi asistenţă a navelor pe fluviu-Identification system tracking and support for vessels on rivers, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1supl, 2015, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag. 285-291,Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei RADU, Florentiu Deliu, Petrică POPOV, Index: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO ,JournalSeek, DOAJ, , ULRICHS ,SCIPIO Ris BDI.19.Cercetări privind amplasarea unei centrale care foloseşte energia valurilor din zona oraşului Constanţa- Reserch studies on the location of a wave energy power plant withinConstanţa area, Journal of Fiability & Durability, issue nr. 1supl, 2015, ISSN 1844-640X, Editura Academica Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, pag. 278-284,Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei RADU, Florentiu Deliu, Petrică POPOV, Index: Index Copernicus ,EBSCO ,JournalSeek, DOAJ, , ULRICHS ,SCIPIO Ris BDI.20.Trends to increase the quality of electricity on board, Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XVIII,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2392-8956,2015, Naval Academy Press, pag. 245-248 , S. Radu,Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Bordianu,Indexări-PROQUEST Scitech Journals, Engineering Journals,Illustrata: Technology, Technology Journals, Military Collection, Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Ris BDI.21.Optimization of marine power systems, Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XVIII, issue 2, ISSN 1454-864X, 2392-8956, 2015, Naval Academy Press, pag. 166-174, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Radu,A. Bordianu,Indexări-PROQUEST Scitech Journals, Engineering

  • Journals,Illustrata: Technology, Technology Journals, Military Collection, Advanced Technologies & Aerospace c.Reviste de specialitate de circulaţie naţională recunoscute de CNCIS Rns.1. Consideration on the use of electronic power converter – electric motor – pump assembly in the field of naval electric plant operation, -Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, Tomul XLVI (L) fascicola 5, Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, Iaşi, ISSN 0258-9109, 2000, pag. 66–71, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Gheorghiu. Rns.2. Modelarea matematică în regim dinamic a motoarelor hidraulice liniare- Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “ Mircea cel Bătrân “ , I.S.S.N. 1454 - 864X nr.2, 2000, pag. 41 - 44, Gheorghe Samoilescu, I. Nicolae. Rns.3. The research of the electromagnetic disturbances on a maritime ship by a Dynamic Statical Methodology, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “ Mircea cel Bătrân “ , I.S.S.N. 1454 - 864X nr.2, 2000, pag. 62-69, Al. Sotir, A. Constantin, T. Moşoiu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.4. Condiţii ce trebuiesc îndeplinite de instalaţiile şi echipamentele electrice navale pentru prevenirea pericolelor datorate cîmpului electrostatic, Analele Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu, fascicola Electrotehnică, Electronică, Automatizări, Arad, ISSN 1582-3377, 2000, pag. 246-251, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu, A.Sotir. Rns.5. Câmpul magnetic staţionar creat de un circuit eletric dispus pe cupla navei, Analele Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu, fascicola Electrotehnică, Electronică, Automatizări, Arad, , ISSN 1582-3377, 2000, pag. 107-112, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A.Sotir. Rns.6. Concluziile analizei semnalelor perturbatoare pe o nava maritimă, Analele Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu, fascicola Electrotehnică, Electronică, Automatizări, Arad, ISSN 1582-3377, 2000, pag. 252-256, A.Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu. Rns.7. Regimul permanent de scurtcircuit - Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “ Mircea cel Bătrân“, I.S.S.N. 1454 – 864X, nr.3, 2000, pag. 67-72, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.8. Dezexcitarea rapidă a generatorului sincron - Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “ Mircea cel Bătrân “, I.S.S.N 1454–864X, nr.3, 2000, pag. 63-66, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.9. Tehnological solutions in oil tanks construction in order to reduce explosion risks, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu- Reşiţa, anul VII, nr.2, tom I, 2000, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 119-122, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.10. The influence of electric and magnetic fields on the human body health, Buletin ştiinţific, Seria C, volumul IX, fascicola Electronică, Electrotehnică, Automatizări, Universitatea de Nord, Baia Mare, ISSN 1224-3272, 2001, pag. 145-148, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.11. Calculul distribuţiei de sarcini şi a intensităţii câmpului electric în cazul navelor petroliere, Buletin Ştiinţific, Seria C, volumul IX, fascicola Electronică, Electrotehnică, Automatizări Universitatea de Nord, Baia Mare, ISSN 1224-3272, 2001, pag. 149-154, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.12. Specifical instrumentation for measurement on board ship in combination with torque transducer – Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering, volume IV, tom I, , ISSN 1223-7221, 2002, pag. 367-372, Serghei Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.13. Study of the non –sinusoidal electric circuits on board ships, Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering, volume IV, tom I, ISSN 1223-7221, 2002, pag. 380-383, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei Radu. Rns.14. Une modelation dynamique statistique du comportament des ordinateurs electroniques aux perturbations electromagnetiques – Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi, tom XLVIII, fascicola 5A Electrotehnică, Energetică, Electronică, , ISSN 0258-9109, 2002, pag. 43-50, A. Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Mircea Constantinescu, Vasile Solcanu.

  • Rns.15. Maintenance methods and increase in efectiveness of tanker ships with a view to electrostatic phenimena, Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering, volume VI, tom I, 2004, Constanţa, ISSN1223-7221, pag.177-180, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Alina Barbu. Rns.16. Parasite torques of alternative electrical current motors, Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering, volume VI, tom I, 2004, Constanţa, ISSN1223-7221, pag. 102-105, Silviu Gheorghiu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.17. The analysis of the electromagnetic field measurements on a navy, „Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume 8 – 2005, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 101-107, Alexandru Sotir, Mircea Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Vasile Solcanu. Rns.18. Simulatorul de câmp magnetic de formă circulară, Buletin Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale „Mircea cel Bătrân”, volum 7 – 2004, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 82-89, M.Constantinescu, A.Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V.Solcanu. Rns.18. Evaluarea performanţelor înfăşurării de compensare magnetică principală de latitudine a unei nave, Buletin Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale „Mircea cel Bătrân”, volum 7– 2004, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 73-81, M.Constantinescu, A.Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V.Solcanu Rns.19. The modelling of the secondary radiation emitted by the different material metallic walls, on board the military ship, „Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volume 8 – 2005, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 92-100, Alexandru Sotir, Mircea Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescum, Vasile Solcanu. Rns.20. The analysis of the bouys used the river for making a non – conventional energetic system, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XIII, nr.1, 2006, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 313-320, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.21. Electromagnetic field influence upon the electroenergetic systems on the ship, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XIII, nr.1, 2006, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 321-326, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.22. Mechano – electrical conversion systems used on the Danube, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, Volumul IX, 2006, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 35-39, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.23. The submersible electric generator, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, Volumul IX, 2006, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 40-44, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.24. Solution to increase efficiency and reability of hydrogenerators, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, Volumul IX, 2006, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 31-34, P. Chioncel, N. Gillich, C. Chincel, Gheorghe Samoilescu, R. Gillich. Rns.25. Use of ICT in monitoring and evaluation activities of EU projects, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, Volumul IX, 2006, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 114-123, R. Gillich, Gheorghe Samoilescu, N. Gillich, C. Chincel. Rns.26. Temporaly spatial filters with remissive network, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volumul X, 2007, ISSN 1454-864X, pag. 37-46, N.Badara, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.27. Study regarding the action of the electromagnetic field in the process of material separation, Revista Academiei Forţelor Tereste, nr.1,vol.49, 2008, ISSN 1582-6384, pag. 166-169, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.28. Tribo-powder and electrostatic phenomenon, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XV, nr.1, 2008, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 413-418, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.29. Control engineering embraces instrumentation and alarm systems of navy, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XV, nr.1, 2008, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 419-426, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.30. The numerical modelling of burning the liquid fuel drop performed by the finite element method, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XV, nr.1, 2008, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 273-284, C. Moroianu , Gheorghe Samoilescu.

  • Rns.31. Numerical modeling for the vaporization and combustion of water-heavy fuel oil emulsion droplet, Review of the Air Force Academy, The Scientific Informative Review, no.2/2008, ISSN 1842-9238, pag. 31-36, C. Moroianu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.32. Marine engines and nitrogen oxides emissions, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XV, nr.1, 2008, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 285-296, C. Moroianu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.33. Contributii privind conceptia unei centrale hidropneumatice actionată de valuri, EEA (Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica),vol 56, nr 4, oct-dec 2008, Editura Electra, ISSN 1582-5175, pag. 17-19, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M Dorian. Rns.34. Consideratii privind posibilitatea valorificarii energiei valurilor, EEA (Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica),vol 56, nr 4, oct-dec 2008, Editura Electra, ISSN 1582-5175, pag. 38-40, M Dorian, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.35. Oportunităţi şi experienţă privind valorificarea energiei valurilor, EEA (Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica),vol 57, nr 1,ian-feb 2009, Editura Electra, ISSN 1582-5175, M Dorian, pag. 36-40, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.36. Specific Naval Equipment, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin, Volumul XI, ISSN 1454-864X, 2008, pag. 39-43, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.37. The electric charge accumulation to oil tankers, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin , vol XI, ISSN 1454-864X, 2008, pag. 34-38, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.38. Simulation of the effects of the radiant electromagnetic perturbations upon a digital electronic circuit realised with a type risk microcontroller, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin vol XI, I.S.S.N. 1454- 864X, 2008, pag. 44-50, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, I. Datcu. Rns.39. The use of the initial plan method to measure the electromagnetic field on board the ship, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XII, ISSN 1454 - 864X, 2009, Naval Academy Press, pag. 205-207 , Gheorghe Samoilescu, R Bărănescu, R Mihalcea M.Constantinescu, A.Sotir, C.Ciobanu, L.Cizer. Rns.40. About aerodynamic calculus of impellers using the numerical methods, Review of the Air Force Academy, The Scientific Informative Review, no.1/2010, ISSN 1842-9238, pag. 29-32, B. Ali , Gheorghe Samoilescu, B +. Rns.41. Ship’s magnetic field characteristics in normal depth plane, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Academiei Forţelor Tereste “Nicolae Bălcescu”, vol.XV, nr. 1, 2010, ISSN 1224-5178, pag. 80-84, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Georgiana Drăgan, B+. Rns.42. Research on hydraulic servo amplifiers used in marine systems, Journal of Fiability & Durability, Constantin Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, 1(5)_2010,ISSN 1844-640X, pag. 25-30, B. Ali, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Calisal, A. Sporis, B+. Rns.43. The design of axial pump rotors using the numerical methods, Journal of Fiability & Durability, Constantin Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, 1(5)_2010,ISSN 1844-640X, pag. 31-36, B Ali, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Calisal, B+. Rns.44. Stationary magnetic field of an electric circuit laid aut on the floatation of a ship, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XVII, nr.1, 2010, ISSN 1453-7394, pag . 275-284, Florin Deliu, Gheorghe Samoilescu,M Constantinescu, B+. Rns.45. Analysis of the transitional process into naval electrical equipment, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XVII, nr.1, 2010, ISSN 1453-7394, pag. 117-126, Florin Deliu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, B+. Rns.46. Analiza condiţiilor hidro-meteorologice în zona litoralului românesc al Mării Negre, Buletinul Direcţiei Hidrografice Maritime (PROIECT GLOBE –Schimbări geo-climatice în Dogrogea continentală şi maritimă- workshop, 11 dec., 2009), vol 2, 2010, ISSN 2066-4532, Constanţa, pag. 211-220, Samoilescu Gheorghe.

  • Rns.47. Study the characteristics of small and very small span wings, used on ships, , Fiability & Durability, Constantin Brăncuşi, University of Târgu Jiu, 1(7)_2011,ISSN 1844-640X, pag. 81-86, A. Beazit, Gheorghe Samoilescu, B+. Rns.48. The dynamics of naval power system with integrator proportional and derivative integrator proportional regulators, Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Reşiţa, anul XVIII, nr.2, 2011, ISSN 1453-7394, pag . 131-140, F.Deliu,Gheorghe Samoilescu , A. Beazit, B+. Rns.48. Consideration on the effects of the electromagnetic field on the vestibulocochlear system of aeronautical personnel, Aeronautical Medicine and Psychology Revue, vol 15, 2011, no.3 (56) ISSN 1454- 6205, pag. 75 -81, 29-35,(The 59-th International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine, 11-15 sept. 2011, Bucharest), C Dolinschi, M Bălaşa, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Radu. Rns.49. Methods for calculating the current traffic in case of small electrical networks, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XIV,issue 2, ISSN 1454-864X, 2011, Naval Academy Press, pag. 62-65, S. Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.50. Prediction of ship magnetic signatures through semi empirical methods, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XIV,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2011, Naval Academy Press, pag. 151-154 , G. Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Radu Rns.51. Modern methods used in protection of electrical networks on merchant ships, “Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XIV,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2011, Naval Academy Press, pag. 155-157 , S. Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.52. Mathematical education at a standstill,“ Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XV,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2012, Naval Academy Press, pag. 105-106 , M.Caţă, C. Ciobanu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.53. Functions and changes of variables “ Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XVI,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2013, Naval Academy Press, pag. 201-206 , G.Dogaru, C. Ciobanu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Rns.54. Analysis of human body hiper-exposure to electromagnetic fields on seagoing vessels, Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XVI,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2013, Naval Academy Press, pag. 148-150 , S. Radu,Gheorghe Samoilescu, C. Ciobanu Rns.55. Analysis problems of the short circuit currents that appear on board a vessel, Mircea cel Bătrân” Naval Academy, Scientific Bulletin , vol XVI,issue 1, ISSN 1454-864X, 2013, Naval Academy Press, pag. 165-167 , S. Radu,Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Bordianu Rns.56. Utilizarea modelelor fizice în analiza amprentei magnetice navale,–Buletinul AGIR, cod CNCSIS 415, nr. 115-Cercetare şi expertiză inginerească”, nr.4, 2014, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548, B+, pag. 36-41, G. Rosu (Marin), Gheorghe Samoilescu, O. Baltag, Index Copernicus International Rns.57. Centrală electrică hidropneumatică acţionată de valuri-, Buletinul AGIR, cod CNCSIS 415, nr. 115-Cercetare şi expertiză inginerească”, nr.4, 2015, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548, B+, pag. 80-85, Gheorghe Samoilescu, G. Rosu, A Bordianu , Index Copernicus International, Academic KEYS, getCITED Rns.58. Studiul câmpului magnetic generat de liniile electrice de înaltă tensiune într-o zonă cu acces -, Buletinul AGIR, cod CNCSIS 415, nr. 115-Cercetare şi expertiză inginerească”, nr.4, 2015, ISSN-L 1224-7928, ISSN 2247-3548, B+, pag. 9-13, Gheorghe Samoilescu, G. Rosu, A Bordianu , Index Copernicus International, Academic Keys, getCITED 6. Publicaţii in extenso, apărute în lucrări ale principalelor conferinţe internaţionale de specialitate a. volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale recunoscute, indexate ISI Thomson-Reuters Vis ISI.1.Contribution for Reducing the Magnetic Field Created by an Equipment Component of a Ship, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 7 – 9

  • may, 2015, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu, G. Rosu, A. Bordianu-The Symposium Proceedings included in the IEEE Xplore database- indexed Thomson-Reuters ISI-CPCI Vis ISI.2.Assesment of the Ellipsoidal Shell Model for Ship Magnetic Signature, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, 7 – 9 may, 2015, G. Rosu,Gheorghe Samoilescu,O.Baltag, A.Bordianu, A.Ciuculin-The Symposium Proceedings may be included in the IEEE Xplore database- indexed Thomson-Reuters ISI-CPCI Vis ISI.3.Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure of Embarked Personnel on Romanian Naval Ships, 8th Edition International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi, 16-18 oct,2014, G Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag, S Radu, inclusă în IEEE Xplore Database, ID 618 Vis ISI.4.Uncertainty Assessment in ship magnetic field Measurement with fluxgate magnetometer, 8th Edition International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi, 16-18 oct,2014, G.Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag, S Radu, inclusă în IEEE Xplore Database, ID 551 Vis ISI.5.The Effect of a Magnetic Treatment on Ship Magnetic Signature, International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2014, 28-29 nov., 2014, Bucharest, Romania, G. Rosu (Marin), Gheorghe Samoilescu, O. Baltag, S. Radu, D. Iorgulescu, published in the IEEE Xplore, ID 183 Vis ISI.6.Evaluation of a Numerical Model for Ship Magnetic Signature Induced by an External Field, International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2014, 28-29 nov., 2014, Bucharest, Romania, G. Rosu (Marin), Gheorghe Samoilescu, O. Baltag, S. Radu, D. Iorgulescu, published in the IEEE Xplore, ID 185, Vis ISI.7.The analysis of gradiometer signal in magnetic field measurement with fluxgate transducer, COMM 2014-10th International Conference on Communications, Bucuresti, 29-31 may,2014,Conferinţa 32212 în IEEEConference Database, inclusă în IEEE Xplore Database, G Marin, S Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag

    b. volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale recunoscute, indexate în alte Baze de Date Internaţionale Vis BDI.1. Rules for limiting risk exposure of the human body to electromagnetic fields, AFASES 2014, The 16-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 22-24 may, 2014, ISSN, ISSN-L2247-3173, pag 147-153, Samoilescu Gheorghe, Radu Serghei, Deliu Florentiu, Cizer Laura, indexată BDI în Data Base of Index Copernicus ( ICI Journals Master List) Vis BDI.2. The analisys of naval electromagnetic system using software programs, AFASES 2014, The 16-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 22-24 may, 2014, ISSN, ISSN-L2247-3173, pag 155-162, Samoilescu Gheorghe, Radu Serghei, Deliu Florentiu, Mates Raluca, indexată BDI în Data Base of Index Copernicus ( ICI Journals Master List) Vis BDI.3. Assessment of the Need for Protection against Electromagnetic Radiation of Personnel Onboard Warships, Conferinta IFMBE MediTech2014, International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology,Cluj Napoca, 05-07 june, 2014, IFMBF Proceedings ISSN 1680-0737; 1433-9277, Springer International Publishing , Vol 44, pag 285-290, G. Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Baciu, D Iorgulescu, S Radu Vis BDI.4.Protection against frost on the overhead power lines, Experimental model for an electric hidropneumatic wave-powered plant, The 21-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation; Focus on Interdisciplinary Solution”,Zadar,Croaţia, 20-23 oct.,2010,ISBN 978-3-901509-73-5, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 617-618, D.Marin, L.Palii, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Nicolae, A Nedelcu, C. Ilie, P, Marin

  • Vis BDI.5.Sources of radiating electromagnetic field through electrostatic discharges, computing the discharge current, The 16th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 25–27 nov. 2010, ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 495-498, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Samoilescu, S. Radu, indexat ISI CPCI Vis BDI.6.The simulation of the electromagnetic perturbations upon the mass circuites of a digital electronic device, The 16th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 25–27 nov. 2010, ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 143-148, A Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V Dobref, O Tărăbuţă, I Datcu, A Baciu, indexat ISI CPCI Vis BDI.7.The analytical model for determining the temperature distribution in transitory regime in piping walls, The 20-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation; Focus on Theory, Practice and Education”,Viena, Austria, 25-28 nov.,2009, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 763-764, C. Moroianu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, I.Patrichi, F.Tulei. Vis BDI.8.The radiation characteristic of the electromagnetic field generated by a conductor and a dipol antene, The 20-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation; Focus onTheory, Practice and Education”,Viena, Austria, 25-28 nov., 2009, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 767-768, C. Moroianu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, I.Patrichi, F.Tulei. Vis BDI.9.A new way of sailing in Danube Delta, The 20-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation; Focus onTheory, Practice and Education”,Viena, Austria, 25-28 nov.,2009, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, ISSN1726-9679, pag.557-558, S.Nicolae, M.Mihaiescu,D. Marian,C.Ilie,I. Chirita, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M.Zus, M.Cazacu. Vis BDI.10.The production and the feature of water residual fuel emulsion, The 20-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation; Focus onTheory, Practice and Education”,Viena, Austria, 25-28 nov.,2009, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 765-766, C.Moroianu,Gheorghe Samoilescu,I.Patrichi, F.Tulei. Vis BDI.11.Experimental model for an electric hidropneumatic wave-powered plant, The 20-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & ,Automation; Focus onTheory, Practice and Education”,Viena, Austria,25-28 nov, 2009, ISBN978-3-901509-70-4, ISSN1726-9679, pag. 521-522, D.Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S.Nicolae, G.Olaru, L.Cizer. Vis BDI.12.Numerical simulation for a wavedriven hidropneumatic electric plant, The 20-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation; Focus onTheory, Practice and Education”,Viena,Austria, 25-28 nov,2009,ISBN978-3-901509-70-4,ISSN1726-9679, pag. 507-508, D.Marin,GheorgheSamoilescu, G.Olaru, R.Mates Vis BDI.13.Analysis of climatic phenomena within Tomis harbour with a view to installing a station for converting wave energy into electric energy, The 15th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 26 – 28 nov. 2009, ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 159-161, Gheorghe Samoilescu, D.Mocanu, C.Ciobanu, A.Barbu, indexat ISI CPCI- indexat ISI Web of Science. Vis BDI.14.Hydrotechnical installation work for a wave – operated hydropneumatic station in the Black Sea, The 15th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 26 – 28 nov. 2009, ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 162-164, Gheorghe Samoilescu, D.Mocanu, C.Ciobanu, A.Barbu ,indexat ISI CPCI Vis BDI.15.Improving structural behavior of a medical rod , The 19th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions”, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25 oct 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 71-72, D. Brandabur, M. Bejan, A. Muntean, C. Moroianu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vis BDI.16.Power loss reduction of the magneto-hidro-dynamic naval truster, The 19th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions”, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25 oct 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 909-910, C. Moroianu, S. Grozeanu, C. Ciobanu, M. Bejan, Gheorghe Samoilescu

  • Vis BDI.17.The soot and nitrogen oxide reduction using water / heavy fuel oil emulsion, The 19th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions”, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25 oct 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 911-912, C. Moroianu, A. Muntean, Gheorghe Samoilescu, D. Brandabur, M. Bejan, C. Ciobanu. Vis BDI.18.About ekman currents in shallow marine basins, The 19th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions”, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25 oct 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 925-926, A. Muntean, C. Moroianu, M. Bejan, D. Brandabur, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vis BDI.19.Black sea waves, energy source, The 19th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions”, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25 oct 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 1213-1214, Gheorghe Samoilescu, N. Sergiu, M. Dorian, M. Bejan, C. Moroianu, D. Brandabur. Vis BDI.20.Hidro-pneumatic micropower station using sea waves, The 19th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions”, Trnava, Slovakia, 22-25 oct 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 1215-1216, Gheorghe Samoilescu, N. Sergiu, M. Dorian, M. Bejan, C. Moroianu, D. Brandabur. Vis BDI.21.The influence of the electromagnetic field on the romanian seaside area, The 18th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsability and Ethics of Engineers”, Zadar, Croaţia, 24-27 oct 2007, ISBN 3-901509-58-5, ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 673-674, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, A. Barbu, G.R. Gillich. Vis BDI.22.Theoretical considerations on the dependence of naval magnetohydrodynamic thruster’s efficiency from seawater temperature and salinity, The 18th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsability and Ethics of Engineers”, Zadar, Croaţia, 24-27 oct 2007, ISBN 3-901509-58-5,ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 671-672, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Grozeanu, M. Constantinescu, A. Sotir. Vis BDI.23.Identifying sources of electromagnetic field for a naval ship and the risk effects on the human body, The 18th International DAAAM Symposium „Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsability and Ethics of Engineers”, Zadar, Croaţia, 24-27 oct 2007, ISBN 3-901509-58-5,ISSN 1726-9679, pag. 675-676, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, S. Grozeanu, M. Constantinescu, A. Barbu. Vis BDI.24.Coupling with fexible rigging joint used in systems on the river and at sea, 5th DAAM International Conference on „Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries” ATDC’06, june 28-30, Rijeka, Croaţia, ISBN 953-6326-45-0, ISBN 3-901509-54-2, pag.27-30,Gheorghe Samoilescu, M.Procop, A.Barbu, A.Samoilescu- Vis BDI.25.Some psychological aspects of carrying out activities onboard ships, 5th DAAM International Conference on „Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries” ATDC’06, june 28-30, Rijeka, Croatia, ISBN 953-6326-45-0, ISBN 3-901509-54-2, pag. 263-268, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A.Barbu, Vasile Nazare, M. Sirbu. Vis BDI.26.Automation of the traffic system for ships on Danube navigable channels, 5th DAAM International Conference on „Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries” ATDC’06, june 28-30, Rijeka, Croatia, ISBN 953-6326-45-0, ISBN 3-901509-54-2, pag. 201-206, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A.Barbu, A.Sotir, M. Constantinescu, V. Solcanu. Vis BDI.27.Installations specific to oil tankers leading to electric charge accumulation, Proceeding of the 4th DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries, ATDC 05, september 21-24, 2005, Slavonsky Brod, Croaţia, ISBN 953-6048-29-9, ISBN 3-901509-49-6, pag. 313-316, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu, A. Samoilescu.

  • Vis BDI.28.Constructive masures to be taken for ships with a view to diminishingthe accumulation of electric charges, Proceeding of the 4th DAAAM International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries, ATDC 05, september 21-24, 2005, Slavonski Brod, Croaţia, ISBN 953-6048-29-9,ISBN 3-901509-49-6, pag. 317-320, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu, I. Buciu.

    c. volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale recunoscute Vi 1. Complex analysis on a ship physical scale model, MARELEC 2015, The world’s foremost conference on marine electromagnetics, Conference on Marine Electromagnetics touches on categories like Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Systems and Marine Environmental Protection, Philadelphia USA, june 16-19, 2015, G. Rosu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O. Baltag Vi 2. River watercraft for passerger transport, The 21th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 11-13 june, 2015, ISSN 1843-6722, pag.89-94, Gheorghe Samoilescu, D. Iorgulescu, S. Radu, L.Cuzer , supus indexarii ISI CPCI Vi 3. Full scale analysis of a small scale ship model, 9-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2014, Timisoara, 3-5 sept. 2014 , Abs 30, pag. 31, G Marin, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O Baltag Vi 4. Analysis of static and dynamic stability of a synchronous motor used on bord an LPG ship, The 20th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 12-14 june, 2014, ISSN 1843-6722, pag.77-82, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Radu, A Bordianu, A Barbu , supus indexarii ISI CPCI Vi 5. Applied research in harnessing hydropower to obtain electrical energy, International Conference Hydraulic equipment, Electrical equipment,Other aspect related to hydrepower, 13-15.11.2013, pag. 9 Gheorghe Samoilescu, S.Nicolae, F.Deliu, L.Cizer Vi.6. Engineering skills for renewable energy technologies sector, 5th International Seminar on Engineering Education and Professional Realization of Young Engineers, Nikola Vaptsarov Academy,Varna,Bulgaria, 12 iulie 2013, Gheorghe SAMOILESCU, F.Nicolae, C.Popa Vi 7. On the use of computer acoustic modeling onboard ships, The 13th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta, 04-05.06. 2013, S5L09, pag 120-121, Gheorghe Samoilescu, T. Pazara Vi 8.Mesurements of electrical and magnetic field on board container ships, AFASES 2013, The 15-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 23-25 may 2013, ISSN 2247-3173, pag pg 418-425, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Radu,C.Ciobanu Vi 9.The importance of developing skills in the field of renewable energy resourses, AFASES 2013, The 15-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 23-25 may 2013, ISSN 2247-3173, pag 426-430, Gheorghe Samoilescu, C. Ciobanu A. Barbu Vi 10.Simulation and optimization software of physical processes in naval electro-energetic system , The 19th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 13-15.06. 2013, ISSN 1843-6722, pag.379-383, S. Radu,Gheorghe Samoilescu, supus indexarii ISI CPCI Vi 11.Standards on short-circuit currents in marine power plants, 8-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2012, Sibiu, 27-29 sept. 2012, IP 11, pag. 19, Serghei Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Georgiana Marin. Vi 12.Stationary magnetic field generated by an electric circuit on a coss-section of a ship, 8-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2012, Sibiu, 27-29 sept. 2012 , IP 9, pag. 18, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Mircea Constantinescu, Adelina Bordianu Vi 13.Renewable energy technologies- new skills and new job position descriptors, Renewable energy sources in the cross border region Romania-Bulgaria, The Scietifical Technical Workshop, Angel Kanchev, University of Ruse, 14-15 june, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8675-36-9, pag. 26-34, F.Nicolae, C.Popa, A.Beazit, Gheorghe Samoilescu

  • Vi 14.The influence of education in renewable energy domain,Renewable energy sources in the cross border region Romania-Bulgaria, The Scietifical Technical Workshop, Angel Kanchev, University of Ruse, 14-15 june, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8675-36-9, pag. 43-45, Gheorghe Samoilescu, C. Ciobanu Vi 15.Hidro-pneumatic wave operated power plant, Renewable energy sources in the cross border region Romania-Bulgaria, The Scietifical Technical Workshop, Angel Kanchev, University of Ruse, 14-15 june, 2012, ISBN 978-954-8675-36-9, pag. 190-195, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu Vi 16.Analysis of the reactive power for small-size power units , The 18th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 14–16 iun. 2012, ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 309-314, S. Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, supus indexarii ISI CPCI Vi 17.The processes used in protection of synchronous generators in naval electrical networks, AFASES 2012, The 14-th International Conference “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 24-26 may 2012, ISSN-L 2247-3173, pag. 619-622, S. Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu Vi 18.Reactive power distribution between synchronous generators of a ship, AFASES 2012, The 14-th International Conference “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 24-26 may 2012, ISSN-L 2247-3173, pag. 615-618, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Radu Vi.19.Analysis of Non-Synusoidal unsymmetricaltri-phases systems in the operation of electroenergetic equipment, The 17th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 24–26 nov. 2011, ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 344-349, Gheorghe Samoilescu, F. Manea, F. Deliu, A Barbu, supus indexarii ISI CPCI Vi 20.Numerical simulation of innovative pneumatic turbine used to capture and convert wave energy, 7th International Conference Management of Technological Changes, MTC 2011, 1-3 September, Alexandroupolis, Greece, ISBN 078-960-99486-2-3, vol. I, pag. 581-584, Gheorghe Samoilescu, N. Sergiu, D. Marin, G. Oprina, A. Nedelcu. Vi 21.Mathematical modelling of the naval solar power system, International scientific Progress, INnovation, DEmocracy,HORIZON 2025, Second edition, 2011, 3-4 June, Târgu Jiu, Academica Brâncuşi House Publishing, ISSN 2247-465X, ISSN L2247-465X, pag. 198-303, F. Deliu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu. Vi 22.Analysis of transitory phenomena within onboard wind energy systems, International scientific Progress, INnovation, DEmocracy,HORIZON 2025, Second edition, 2011, 3-4 June, Târgu Jiu, Academica Brâncuşi House Publishing, ISSN 2247-465X, ISSN L2247-465X, pag. 192-197, F. Deliu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, L. Cizer. Vi 23.The magnetic deviation due to Eddy Currrents in Naval Structure, Jubilee scientific conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the foundation of the Nicola Yonkov Vaptsarov Naval Academy, 18-19 May 2011, ISSN 1310-9278, pag. 142-147, Gheorghe Samoilescu, N. Sergiu, D. Marin, G. Oprina, A. Nedelcu, S. Radu. Vi 24.Operating regimes in AC Vessel`s Propulsion, Jubilee scientific conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the foundation of the Nicola Yonkov Vaptsarov Naval Academy, 18-19 May 2011, ISSN 1310-9278, pag. 137-141, S. Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi 25.Steel structure calculation of a micr-hydro-pneumatic Power Station Driven by Black Sea Waves, Jubilee scientific conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the foundation of the Nicola Yonkov Vaptsarov Naval Academy, 18-19 May 2011, ISSN 1310-9278, pag. 33-37, Gheorghe Samoilescu, N. Sergiu, D. Marin, G. Oprina, A. Nedelcu, S. Radu. Vi 26.Study upon the cavitation phenomenon of the rotors, 4th Symposium with international participation Durability and Reliability of Mechanical Systems, SYMECH 2011, 20-21 May, Târgu Jiu, ISBN 978-973-144-454-3, pag. 344-349, A. Beazit, Gheorghe Samoilescu Vi 27.Modeling the near field generated by the single-phase transformer, 7-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2010, Odorheiu Secuiesc, 2-4 sept. 2010, IP 3, pag. 6, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Sotir, G Drăgan, A Baciu, S Radu

  • Vi 28.Comparative analysis of the electromagnetic field of different frequencies penetration in thick metal structures on a special ship, 7-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2010, Odorheiu Secuiesc, 2-4 sept. 2010, P 1, pag. 9, A. Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu,.I. Datcu, A. Baciu. Vi 29.Modeling the electromagnetic field intrusion in the exposed human body, 7-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2010, Odorheiu Secuiesc, 2-4 sept. 2010, IP 2, pag. 6, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, G. Drăgan, A. Baciu, S. Radu Vi 30.The assesment of electromagnetic field effects on human body, 7-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2010, Odorheiu Secuiesc, 2-4 sept. 2010, IP 1, pag. 5, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, G. Drăgan, A. Baciu, S. Radu Vi 31.The analysis of the electro-energetic system of a ship having electric propulsion, AFASES 2010, The 12-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 27-29 may 2010, ISBN 978-973-8415-76-8, pag. 566-569, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Samoilescu, S Radu,R Mates Vi 32.Experimental sampling of the generator module for the conversion of wave energy into electric energy, AFASES 2010, The 12-th International Conference of Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 27-29 may 2010, ISBN 978-973-8415-76-8, pag. 562-565, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M Dorian, S Nicolae, S Radu, A Barbu Vi.33.A simulation model to produce a great power electromagnetic pulse by a flux compression generation, The 6-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Constanta,12-14nov., 2009, 7-pag. 14, A.Sotir, M.Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Dobref. Vi.34.MGF2MN Detector for measurement of penetrating electromagnetic radiation, The 6-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Constanta, 12-14 nov., 2009, 37-pag.30, S. Jipa, T. Zaharescu, W. Kappel, A. Mantsch, Gheorghe Samoilescu, T. Setnescu, J. Pintea. Vi.35.The use of the initial plan method to measure the electromagnetic field on board the ship (EFBS), The 21’st International Conference NAV.MAR.EDU 2009, 12-14 nov., 2009, Constanta, ISSN 1843-6749, pag.190-195, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu, A. Sotir, C. Ciobanu, L. Cizer Vi.36.Simulation of a dispersing perturbation magnetic field produced on ship, The 6-th International workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Constanţa, 12-14 nov., 2009,5- pag. 13, M. Constantinescu, A. Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.37.Mathematics – A major problem of current education, The 17th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM 2009, 17-20 septembrie 2009, „Mircea cel Bătrân Naval Academy, Constanţa, România, pag. 75, C. Ciobanu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, C.Caţă. Vi.38.About the importance of linear algebre, in the process of training the future graduates of technical universities, The 17th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics - CAIM 2009, 17-20 septembrie 2009, „Mircea cel Bătrân Naval Academy, Constanta, România, pag. 75, Gheorghe Samoilescu, C. Ciobanu, M. Caţă Vi.39.Composite materials embedded in polymeric films for electromagnetic screening lines the microwave range, 9-th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 7-9 july 2008, ISBN 978-973-614-415-8, S1P79, pag. 93, Constanta, W. Kappel, A. Emandi, I. Iordache, Gheorghe Samoilescu, E Petrache., I. Stamatin. Vi.40.High pressure piston with variable profile for balancing wear surface, TEHNONAV, The 6-th edition of the international conference on naval and mechanical engineering “NEW TECHNOLOBIES FOR FUTURE CLEAN MOBILITY AND ENVIRONMENT”, Constanta, 22-24 may, 2008, ISBN 978-973-614-447-9, pag. 388-391, M. Procop, Gheorghe Samoilescu, O. M. Procop, R. Procop Vi.41.Polyethylene electrical insulation materials under accelerated degradation, AFASES 2009, The International Session of XI-th Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 20-22 may 2009, ISBN 978-973-8415-67-6, pag. 732-738, E D Popescu, T Zaharescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu.

  • Vi.42.New solutions for the magnetic protection of ships, AFASES 2009, The Internation Session of XI-th Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 20-22 may 2009, ISBN 978-973-8415-67-6, pag. 757-761, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M.Constantinescu, A. Barbu, A.Samoilescu. Vi.43.Synthesis of the magnetic compensation wrap around for a ship under construction, AFASES 2009, The International Session of XI-th Scientific Papers, “Scientific Research and Education in the Air Force”, Brasov, 20-22 may 2009, ISBN 978-973-8415-67-6, pag. 753-756,Gheorghe Samoilescu, M.Constantinescu, A Barbu, A Samoilescu. Vi.44.The magnetic imprint in the ship, The 33-rd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA), Sibiu, 2-7 june 2009, ISBN 978-2-553-01433-8, Polytechnic International Press Montreal, Quebec, pag. 119-121, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M.Constantinescu, A Barbu, A Samoilescu. Vi.45.A method for increasing of the efficiency regarding the transport of electrical energy through cables based on the puynting-umov vector modification and its monitoring, OptoTech 2009, Symposium”Application of Optoelectronic Measuring and Monitoring Methods in Romanian Power Grid”, Cheia, 6-8mai, 2009, ISBN 978-973-0-06656-2, pag. 49-56, A. Sotir, M.Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Marinescu , M Badic. Vi.46.The calculus of the induced current density in a reference spire for the protection of onboard personnel exposed to an electromagnetic field, The 14th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 27 – 29 nov. 2008,ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 211-216, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, A.Barbu, F. Deliu Vi.47.The effects of the far and near electromagnetic field on the human body, The 14th International Conference, The Knowledge-Based Organization, Sibiu, 27 – 29 nov. 2008,ISSN 1843-6722, pag. 205-210, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M.Constantinescu, A.Barbu, F. Deliu. Vi.48.Modifications in Functional Properties of y – Irradiated Polyethylenes of Different Sorts, 8 th International Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers IraP, Angra das Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12 - 17 octomber 2008, IRAP083, pag. 379-382, E.D. Popescu, T. Zaharescu, S. Jipa, W. Kappel, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.49.Combustion graphology used to improve emulsions of water in heavy fuel oil, COFRET 08, Quatrieme edition du Collogue Francophone en Energie, Environnment, Economie et Thermodynamigue, Nantes, France, 11-13 juin 2008, ISBN 2-6905267-61-5, pag. 107-111, C. Moroianu, Ghe. Popescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Ghia. Vi.50.Design requirements for the electrical hidro-pneumatic stations powered by waves in west area of the Black Sea using SWAN model, International Research\Expert Conference, Trends in the development of machinery and associated technology TMT 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 aug 2008, ISBN 978-9958-617-41-6, pag. 857-860, G. Slămnoiu, N. Alexe, A. Ciuculin, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.51.Electromagnetic interferences by the form of electrostatic discharges and their effects on the ship, The 5-th International Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Predeal, 19-21 sep. 2008, ISBN 977-973-718-782-6, P 24, pag. 21, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, V Solcanu. Vi.52.A study on soft magnetic materials used in the construction of electrical ship equipment and on auxiliary currents, Joint International Conference Materials for Electrical Engineering MmdE &ROMSC 2008, 16-18 june 2008, ISBN 978-606-521-028-8, pag. 242-248, Gheorghe Samoilescu, L. Cizer. Vi.53.The waves energy – green energy in the black sea continental platform ecosystem, ECOMAT 2008-International Conference on Ecological Materials and Technologies, Bucharest, 25-26 sept. 2008, ISBN 978-606-521-079-0 , pag. 1-4, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Dorian, S. Nicolae. Vi.54Compation between two calculation methods of nonliniar currents in the case of an electronic device, International Conference on Naval and Marine Education - NAV-MAR-EDU – “Romanian Naval Academy′s 135th Anniversary “ Constanţa, November, 15 th – 17 th 2007, ISBN 978-973-8303-84-3; ISBN 978-973-8303-98-0, pag. 195-200, V. Solcanu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A Sotir.

  • Vi.55.Practical aspects regarding the level of electromagnetic field in Constanţa harbour areal, International Conference on Naval and Marine Education - NAV-MAR-EDU – “Romanian Naval Academy′s 135th Anniversary“ Constanţa, November, 15 th – 17 th 2007, ISBN 978-973-8303-84-3; ISBN 978-973-8303-98-0, pag. 201-208, V Solcanu, A Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.56.Synthesis of a full range of magnetic measurements for the components of ship equipment, International Conference on Naval and Marine Education - NAV-MAR-EDU – “Romanian Naval Academy′s 135th Anniversary “ Constanţa, November, 15 th – 17 th 2007, ISBN 978-973-8303-84-3; ISBN 978-973-8303-98-0, pag. 81-90, M. Constantinescu, A Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu,V Ignat. Vi.57.Temporary spaţial filters with remissive network, International Conference on Naval and Marine Education - NAV-MAR-EDU – “Romanian Naval Academy′s 135th Anniversary “ Constanţa, November, 15 th – 17 th 2007, ISBN 978-973-8303-84-3; ISBN 978-973-8303-98-0, pag. 15-24, N. Bădără, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.58.Real and fiction calculations of the electromagnetic field where applying the inertial co-axial rotation to bodies”, International Conference on Naval and Marine Education - NAV-MAR-EDU – “Romanian Naval Academy′s 135th Anniversary “ Constanţa, November, 15 th – 17 th 2007, ISBN 978-973-8303-84-3; ISBN 978-973-8303-98-0, pag. 149-152, F. Manea, Vi.59.Matrix tensorial equations from relativity electromechanics, International Conference on Naval and Marine Education - NAV-MAR-EDU – “Romanian Naval Academy′s 135th Anniversary “ Constanţa, November, 15 th – 17 th 2007, ISBN 978-973-8303-84-3; ISBN 978-973-8303-98-0, pag. 139-148, F. Manea, Gheorghe Samoilescu, I. Buciu. Vi.60.Radiolocation Equipment Mixer Receiver Load Circuit in Jamming Conditions, The 4th International Workshop of the Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM 2007, Baia Mare, 18-19 sept 2007, ISBN 978-973-718-782-6, pag. 156-165, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Mihai Bejan. Vi.61.Considerations regarding pollution with noise and vibration due to industrial sources, The 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, CEST 2007, Cos Island, Greece, 5-7 sept 2007, ISBN 1106-5516;978-960-7475-40-4, Scientific References Cosmos, Science Citation Index (ISI), pag. 213-220, R. Gillich, F.C. Berinde, N. Potoceanu, C. M. Gruescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, C.P.Chioncel. Vi.62.The simulator of the magnetic field made by a linear rhombic electric circuit, The 12th International Conference „The knowledge based organisation”, Sibiu, 11-14 june 2007, M. Constantinescu, ISBN 978-973-7809-71-1, pag. 100-107, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir. Vi.63.The electromagnetic field in the Black Sea Area, The 12th International Conference „The knowledge based organisation”, Sibiu, 11-14 june 2007, ISBN 978-973-7809-71-1, pag.93-99, GheorgheSamoilescu, A.Sotir,M. Constantinescu, A. Barbu. Vi.64.The analysis of the electromagnetic field measurements results act on the EMC existing standards, on a military ship, The first workshop of bio-electromagnetic compatibility. Methods of characterisation and shielding materials, Timişoara, 25-26 may 2007, ISBN 978-973-718-753-6, pag. 106-112, A.Sotir, C. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Solcanu. Vi.65.Research regarding effects of the electromagnetic field against human body on a military ship, The Third Workshop of Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM 2006, Iaşi, 20-21 sept. , pag. 79-84, A.Sotir, C. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Solcanu. Vi.66.The analysis of the electromagnetic field measurements results given the EMC existing Standards, on a navy, the 37st International Scientific of the Military Equipment Technologies Research Agency, 25-26 may,2006, ISBN 973-0-04429; ISBN 978-973-0-04429-4, P-11, pag. 27, A.Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V.Solcanu. Vi.67.Consideration concerning simulation of a dispersing perturbation magnetic field produced by some electromagnetic system frequently used on ships, The 37th International Scientific Symposium of

  • the Military Equipment and Technologies Rescarche Agency-METRA, Bucharest, may 25-26 2006, ISBN 973-0-04429; ISBN 978-973-0-04429-4, P-7, pag. 26, A.Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu. Vi.68.The modeling of the secondary radiation emitted by the different material metallic walls, on board the military ship, International Scientific Committee of MmdE – 2006 & ROMSC 2006, 15-17 june, pag. 144-147, A.Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V.Solcanu. Vi.69.Some questions regarding the shielding on the naval contruction, The 31st Internationally Attended Scienty Conference of the Military Tehnical Academy „Modern Technologies” in the 21st Century, 3-4 november, 2005 Bucharest, Romania, pag. 1394-1397, A. Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Solcanu. Vi.70.Some questions regarding the distribution of the electromagnetic field on a military ship, The Second WORKSHOP of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Technical University Cluj-Napoca, september 22-23, 2005,ISBN 973-718-307-X, pag. 62-67, A.Sotir, M. Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Solcanu. Vi.71.Materials used in mineswepper ship’s building, The first WORKSHOP of Electrical Engineering Materials and Applications, september, 21, 2005, Bucharest, ISBN 973-718-308-8, pag. 126-130, M.Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Sotir, V. Solcanu. Vi.72.The influence of the electromagnetic field on the metals characteristics, The 4th National Conference „New Research Trends in Material Science”, ARM-4, september 4-6, 2005, Constanţa, ISBN 973-718-299-5, pag. 45, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M.Constantinescu, A.Sotir. Vi.73. A focus on the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human environment onboard al symposium „Advanced topics in Electrical Engineering”2004-ATEE 2004, Bucureşti, 25 ships with advanced technologies, 4th International Symphosium „Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering” 2004-ATEE 2004, Bucureşti, 25-26 november, S 9.10, pag. 21, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.74.„Electrostatic field and cleaning of ships components from oil products” 4th Internation-26 november, S 9.9, pag. 21, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.75.Requirements regarding the materials and construction of naval shieldings, Fourth International Scientific Workshop Materials for Electrical Engineering, MmdE – 2004, Bucureşti 26 – 28 may, 2004, M-P-E21, pag. 11, Alexandru Sotir, Mircea Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Ion Buciu, Vasile Solcanu. Vi.76.Tribo–powder plated materials – a step – by – step analysis, Fourth International Scientific Workshop Materials for Electrical Engineering, MmdE – 2004, Bucureşti 26 – 28 may, 2004, D-P-01, pag. 3, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Ion Buciu, Mircea Constantinescu, Alexandru Sotir. Vi.77.Finite element analysis particularity for impulsive loading, ELFIN 6th, International Conference on Boundary and finite element Timişoara 16-19 oct., 2003, ISBN 973-625-90-3, pag. 45-52, P. Balogh, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.78.The felling-out of combustible fluids on board secified ships, ISIRR 2003 The VII th International Symposium of Interdisciplinary Regional Research, Hunedoara 25-26 sept. 2003, ISSN 1584-2665, Annals of the faculty of engineering, tome II, fascicule 2, pag. 61-66, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Alina Barbu, Mircea Constantinescu , Vergil Grădinaru. Vi.79.Display program in real time of the electric potential when filling a specialized ship whit oil, TAINN 2003, International Twelfth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, ISSN 1300 - 0632, 02 - 04 july, 2003, Canakkale, Turkiye, A 18, pag. 89-92, Gheorghe Samoilescu.. Vi.80.Technologies designed to remove pollution with oil products in berths and terminals, ATDC 2003, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25/28 iunie, 2003, ISBN 9958-609-14-2, ISBN 3- 901509-35-6, pag. 255-258, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu, A. Sârbu. Vi.81.Insuring high-qouality maritime environment by means of pollution prevention regulations, ATDC 2003, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25-28 iunie, 2003,ISBN 9958-609-14-2,ISBN 3-901509-35-6, pag. 421-424, A.Sârbu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu.

  • Vi.82.The man and the sea -how to optimize the relation ship between man – engine - environment” The 28 th ARA Congress, Târgu-Jiu, 3-8 june, 2003, ISBN 2-553-01137-7, pag. 851-854, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.83.Coils of the magnetic compensation set of the floating parts of the ship, The 34rd International Scientific Symposium of the Military Equipment and Technology Research Agency, Bucharest, 29-30 may,2003, ISBN 973-0-03046-4, pag. 211-215, M. Constantinescu , Gheorghe Samoilescu, Al. Sotir, , V. Solcanu. Vi.84.The problem of the electromagnetic interference on board pf maritime ship, The 34rd International Scientific Symposium of the Military Equipment and Technologys Research Agency, Bucharest, 29-30 may, 2003, ISBN 973-0-03046-4, pag. 171-174, Al. Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu, M. Constantinescu, V. Solcanu. Vi.85.Prevention of pollution of the marine environment-regulations and contributions, International Symposium Marine and Inhand Pollution Control and Prevention, B.E.N.A., Istambul, Turkey, 15-18 may, 2003, pag. 343, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei Radu, Diana Nicolescu. Vi.86.Procedures and methods for retention of oil residues on board ships, International Symposium Marine and Inhand Pollution Control and Prevention, B.E.N.A., Istambul, Turkey, 15-18 may, 2003, pag. 335, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Serghei Radu, Diana Nicolescu. Vi.87.The role of water in the occurrence of electrostatic discharge on tankers, 5 th International Conference of the Balkan Environmental Association on Transboundary Pollution, 7 – 10 november 2002, Belgrade - Yugoslavia, P VI-21, pag. 184, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Diana Nicolescu. Vi.88.Transport conditions of oil products by sea and measures to be taken for prevemting sea pollution” 5 th International Conference of the Balkan Environmental Association on Transboundary Pollution, 7 – 10 november 2002, Belgrade- Yugoslavia, P VI-22, pag. 185, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Diana Nicolescu. Vi.89.The orthogonal model of the synchronous machine and the modelling of the assynchronous machine, ICATE (International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricaty), Craiova, oct. 17 – 18, 2002, pag. 129-136, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Silviu Gheorghiu. Vi.9o.Human community protection against electromagnetic fields - ICATE (International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity), Craiova oct. 17 – 18, 2002, pag. 491-496, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.91.The calculation of the electrical field for the ships, 2 nd International Conference Research and development in mechanical industry” RaDMI 2002, 02-04 september, 2002, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, vol. 2, pag. 1o63-1068, Gheoghe Samoilescu. Vi.92.A method for increasing the eficiency in case of the electromagnetic energy transport through cables, 33 rd International Scientific Symposium of the Military Equipment and Technology Research Agency, Bucharest, may 23-24, 2002, vol. II, 21, pag.215-217, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Alexandru Sotir, Radu Serghei, Mircea Constantinescu, Vasile Solcanu. Vi.93.The flat electromagnetic wave in the sea water and the screening of the non- stationary field, The 33 rd International Scientific Symposium of the Military Equipment and Technology Research Agency,Bucharest, may 23-24, 2002, vol III, pag. 38-43, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Alexandru Sotir, Radu Serghei, Mircea Constantinescu, Vasile Solcanu. Vi.94.The dinamic statistical analysis of correlations between the electromagnetic disturbances and the on board computers, The 33 rd International Scientific Symposium of the Military Equipment and Technology Research Agency, Bucharest, may 23-24, 2002, vol III, pag. 33-37, Al Sotir, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.95.Stabilisers and stabilising systems on ships – 8–th International Scientific Conference, University “Constantin Brâncuşi”, Tg. Jiu, may 24-26, 2002, pag. 86, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Radu. Vi.96.Control engineering on board – 8–th International Scientific Conference, University “Constantin Brâncuşi, Tg. Jiu, may 24-26, 2002, pag. 87, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S Radu.

  • Vi.97.Influence of the discartinuous transmission on Radio-Enerquency exposure, The 4th International Conference of Electroenergetic, Timişoara, 9-11 nov., 2001, pag. 366-368, Gheorghe Samoilescu, E Dragomir. Vi.98.Noulinear static magnetic field analysis by integral equation method, The 4th International Conference of Electroenergetic, Timişoara, 9-11 nov., 2001, pag. 363-365, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.99.Environmental compliance afloat in naval fleet, ECO – Conference 2001, Environment protection in cities and suburban, areas, Novi Sad, 26–30 septembrie, 2001, pag. 171-176, Fl Nicolae, Al Dragalina, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi.100.One possible sollution prevention and action of naval diesel engines, ECO – Conference 2001, Environment protection in cities and suburban areas, Novi Sad, 2 –30 septembrie 2001, pag. 61-66, Al Dragalina, Gheorghe Samoilescu, F Nicolae. Vi.101.The electrostatic fild and the polluation caused by oil tankers, ECO – Conference 2001, Environment protection in cities and suburban areas, Novi Sad, 26–30 septembrie,2001, pag. 117-122, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Al Dragalina, F Nicolae. Vi.102.Magnetic compensation of a Diesel engine, The 32 ND International Scientific Symposium of the Defence Research Agency, april 12 – 13, 2001, pag. 203-210, M Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Al Sotir. Vi.103.The electromagnetic compatibility of a maritime ship, The 32ND International Scientific Symposium of the Defense Research Agency, april 12–13, 2001, Bucureşti, pag .217-221, Al Sotir, M Constantinescu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi 104.Study on the process of covering objects with tribo – powder, The 32ND International Scientific Symposium of the Defense Research Agency, april 12 – 13, 2001, Bucureşti, pag. 96-103, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Alexandru Sotir, Mircea Constantinescu. Vi 105.Prevention of marine pollution due to electrostatic field, 3rd Internatinal Conference of Balkan Environmental Association on “TRANSBOUNDARY POLLUTION “, Bucharest, 23 – 27 noiembrie 2000, III.50, pag. 252, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Cojocaru S. Vi 106.The influence of sea water upon explosion on board of oil carriers and avoidance methodes, 3rd Internatinal Conference of Balkan EnvironmentalAssociation on “ TRANSBOUNDARY POLLUTION “, Bucharest, 23 – 27 noiembrie 2000, III.49, pag. 251, Gheorghe Samoilescu, Cojocaru S. Vi 107.The research of the electromagnetic disturbances on a maritime ship by a Dynamic Statical Methodology, S.C.C.S.T.M – 2000, Constanza, may 25-27, 2000, , pag. 146–152, Al. Sotir, A. Constantin, T. Moşoiu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi 108.Study upon the removal of electrical discharge wich appear during the cargo tank washing, I.C.A.T.E. (International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity) Craiova, 25 – 26 may 2000, pag. 133–135, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vi 109.Sources of the electrostatic efect of the tanker ships, I.C.A.T.E. (International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity) Craiova, 25 – 26 may 2000, pag. 129–132, Gheorghe Samoilescu.

    d. volumele unor manifestări ştiinţifice naţionale

    Vn 1 Cerinţe impuse la nave privind echipamentele electrice, Woekshop-Realizări şi perspective ale cercetării în Centrul de Cercetare Ştiinţifică pentru Forţele Navale, 23.octombrie 2013, ISSN 1842-3418, pag.37-42, Gheorghe Samoilescu, S. Radu Vn 2 Rolul centrelor de cercetare din Academia Navală Mircea cel Bătrân privind securitatea şi apărarea prin centre de cercetare şi tehnologie, A 40 a Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice a Agenţiei de Cercetare pentru Tehnică şi Tehnologii Militare, 20 oct. 2011, ISSN 2069-1157, pag. 1-4, Gheorghe Samoilescu, V. Chiţac.

  • Vn 3 Dispozitive explozive subacvatice_trecut, prezent, viitor, Simpozion Ştiinţific Aniversar 35 de ani de cercetare în domeniul subacvatic, 30 sept, 2011, A. Toma, Gheorghe Samoilescu Vn 4 DC and AC drives used for vessels propulsion, OptoTech 2011, A II-a Conferinţă Naţională “Aplicarea metodelor optoelectronice de măsurare şi monitorizare în sistemul energetic din România”, 2011, 8-9 iunie , Călimăneşti-Căciulata, ISBN 978-973-0-10856-9, pag. 20-21, S. Radu, Gheorghe Samoilescu. Vn 5 Rolul cercetării ştiinţifice în domeniul securităţii naţionale, A X-a Sesiune de comunicări ştiinţifice cu participare internaţională „ Impactul evoluţiei relaţiilor internaţionale asupra mediului de securitate ”, Universitatea Naţională de Apărare CAROL I, 18-19 noiembrie, 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-755-8, pag. 60-63, Gheorghe Samoilescu Vn 6 Liquid residues discharge monitoring and control systems onboard seagoing vessels, 3.rd Symposium with international participation Durability and Reliability of Mechanical Systems, Sibiu, 20-21 may 2010, ISBN 978-973-144-350-8, pag. 15-20, Gheorghe Samoilescu Vn 7 The correlation between ship endowment with specific installations and procedures to retain oil residues onboard, 3.rd Symposium with international participation Durability and Reliability of Mechanical Systems, Sibiu, 20-21 may 2010, ISBN 978-973-144-350-8, pag. 8-14, Gheorghe Samoilescu Vn 8 Microcentrală hidropneumatică pentru captarea şi conversia energiei valurilor, AFACES 2008, Academia Forţelor Aeriene Braşov, 16-17 mai 2008, ISBN 978-973-8415-56-0,vol 1, pag. 606-611, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu. Vn 9 Pătrunderea şi modelarea câmpului electromagnetic din diferite medii ale unei nave maritime, AFACES 2008, Academia Forţelor Aeriene Braşov, 16-17 mai 2008, ISBN 978-973-8415-56-0,vol. 1, pag. 612-618, Gheorghe Samoilescu, A. Barbu. Vn 10 Ambarcaţiune electrică bazată pe resurse regenerabile, Contract CE

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