
Post on 17-Sep-2015






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Cimpul de profil facial este situat intre planurile Simon si Dreyfuss,planuri verticale,perpendiculare pe planul Frankfurt(Suborbitale-Porion). FIGPlanul Simon(orbitofrontal) trece prin punctul suborbitar.in mod normal,pe acest plan se gasesc Gnathion si comisura buzelorPlanul Dreyfuss(nazofrontal),trece prin Nasion.Pentru un profil armonios,in cimpul de profil se situeaza buza superioara si cea inferioara,santul labiomentonier si Pogonionul. Examinarea contururilor osoase se face prin palpareEx.piramidei nazale-marime,forma.Patologic se poate observa deviatie de sept,care poate determina obstructie nazala.Ex.partilor moi:-buze -pot fi subtiri(hipertone),groase(hipotone),uscate,fisurate-la respiratorii orali-protrudate/normale/retrudate.In mod normal,din profil,buza superioara depaseste spre anterior cu 1-2 mm buza inferioaratreapta labiala.treapta labiala poate fi normala/inversata/accentuata. Fig-santurile faciale pot fi sterse/accentuate-in special santul labio-mentonier-sters in ocluzia deschisa,pronuntat in ocluzia adanca acoperitaEx.sistemului ganglionar-prin palpare-grupurile submaxilar,mentonier,mastoidian,jugulo-carotidianExamenul endobucalpreprogrammed language organ in the brain?CHOMSKY: There's a lot of linguistic evidence to support this contention. But even in advance of detailed linguistic research, we should expect heredity to play a major role in language because there is really no other way to account for the fact that children learn to speak in the first place.QUESTION: What do you mean?CHOMSKY: Consider something that everybody agrees is due to heredity -- the fact that humans develop arms rather than wings. Why do we believe this? Well, since nothing in the fetal environments of the human or bird embryo can account for the differences between birds and men, we assume that heredity must be responsible. In fact, if someone came along and said that a bird embryo is somehow "trained" to grow wings, people would just laugh, even though embryologists lack anything like a detailed understanding of how genes regulate embryological development.QUESTION: Is the role of heredity as important for language as it is for embryology?CHOMSKY: I think so. You have to laugh at claims that heredity plays no significant role in language learning because exactly the same kind of genetic arguments hold for language learning as hold for embryological development. I'm very much interested in embryology but I've got just a layman's knowledge of it. I think that recent work, primarily in molecular biology, however, is seeking to discover the ways that genes regulate embryological development. The gene-control problem is conceptually similar to the problem of accounting for language growth. In fact, language development really ought to be called language growth because the language organ grows like any other body organ.QUESTION: Is there a special place in the brain and a particular kind of neurological structure that comprises the language organ?CHOMSKY: Little enough is known about cognitive systems and their neurological basis; so caution is necessary in making any direct claims. But it does seem that the representation and use of language involve specific neural structures, though their nature is not well understood.QUESTION: But, clearly, environment plays some role in language development. What's the relationship between heredity and environment for human language?CHOMSKY: The language organ interacts with early experience and matures into the grammar of the language that the child speaks. If a human being with this fixed endowment grows up in Philade

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