compunere engleza

Post on 22-Oct-2015






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Craciunul este una dintre cele mai importante sarbatori crestine celebrata in seara de 25 decembrie; atunci este Nasterea Domnului . De Craciun, imi place cel mai mult sa impodobesc bradul, dar partea mai interesanta este atunci cand deschizi a doua zi cadourile pe care le-a adus Mos Craciun . Desi eu nu cred in Mos Craciun , imi place sa respect traditiile poporului meu .

Sa vorbim putin despre cadouri...Dupa cum stim, tuturor ne plac cadourile scumpe si elegante, ambalate in cutii uriase cu o funda mare si rosie. Cel mai frumos cadou de Craciun mi-a fost daruit de parintii mei,atunci cand avem 10 ani , o papusa Barbie inalta cat mine . Sicer pe meoment am fost foarte incantata de ea, dar dupa ceva timp s-a deteriorat si nu m-am mai jucat cu ea.

La 17 ani , am primit tot de la parintii mei o genta Gucci. Sincer, cand am vazut genta sarit in sus de bucurie. Dupa o saptamana am uitat-o intr-un taxi. Mi-am dat seama in acel moment ca nu conteaza cadourile materiale , ci conteaza cel mai mult sa ai pe cineva drag alaturi de tine si sa primesti o imbratisare calduroasa, mai ales din partea parintilor.

Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays celebrated in the evening of December 25; then it is the birth of Jesus. Christmas, I most like to adorn the tree, but the more interesting part is when you open the next day gifts that brought them to Santa. Although I do not believe in Santa Claus, I respect my people's traditions.Let's talk a little about gifts ...As we know, we all love expensive and elegant gifts, packed in huge boxes with a big red bow. The most beautiful Christmas present I was given by my parents, when we have a 10-year high as a Barbie doll. Sicer meoment I was on really excited by it, but after some time it was damaged and I haven't played with it.At 17, I got everything from my parents a genta Gucci. Frankly, when I saw genta.I jumped up with joy. After a week I looked it up in a taxi. I realized at that moment that no matter the material, but also presents matters most to have a loved one with you and receive a warm hug, especially on the part of parents.

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