chestionar de inregistrare

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    1/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE


    Pentru informaii adiionale despre serviciile noastre te rugm sa vizitezi:




    Acesta list te ajut s verifici dac ai completat corect i ai furnizat documentele necesare aplicaiei. Te rugm s bifezi

    mai jos toate csuele, astfel nct s fii sigur() c ai depus toat documentaia necesar.

    Completeaz pachetul de formularecu LITERE DE TIPAR, incluz nd c t mai

    multe informaii posibil. Scaneaz saufotografiaz pachetul de formularecompletat.

    Ataeaz acestuia documentelejustificative i trimite-le pe toate la

    Dendat ce primeti estimarea, trimiteprin pot formularele fiscale ctre

    Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre,Bayford Street, London E8 3SE

    sau Taxback, str: Motilor, nr 100 A,400 370 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

    Exist multe motive pentru care ai putea findreptit s-i recuperezi taxele de la HMRC, din Marea Britanie. Noi, cei de la, timc situaia fiscal a fiecarei persoane este diferit. Din acest motiv, acest pachet de documente conine aa de multe informaii. ns, tu trebuiedoar s completezi seciunile relevante pentru tine. Dac ai nevoie de ajutor cu formularele, te rugm s ne anuni i o persoan din cadrulcompaniei, te va ajuta cu completarea acestora. Menionm c avem nevoie de pachetul de formulare completat pentru a-i putea confirmasituaia fiscal din Marea Britanie. Te rugm s te asiguri c ai completat toate sectiunile relevante i ai inclus toate documentele necesare.

    1. Completeaz toate seciunile chestionarului

    fiscal seciunile cu detalii personale, despre

    reziden, despre angajare i despre alte venituri.

    Te rugm s oferi c t mai multe informaii cu


    2. Citete i semneaz Declaraia ctre Angajator

    i Contractul cu Clientul.

    3. Ataeaz documentele tale de plat P45, P60,

    Declaraia de venit sau ultimul flutura de salariu,

    de la fiecare angajator pentru perioada relevant.

    4. Ataeaz o copie dup un document

    de identitate cu poz i semntur

    de ex. paaport, carte de identitate sau

    permis de conducere

    5. Printeaz formularele de la pagina 9

    - 12, pe o singur parte i semneaz-

    le pe fiecare n locul unde apare

    marcajul rou ( ).

    6. Trimite pachetul de documente

    completat i semnat la

    i apoi prin pot ctre cel mai

    apropiat birou

  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    2/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE



    PrenumeleFirst Name(s)


    Dl Dra Dna Data naterii

    Mr Mrs Miss Date of Birth _____ / _____ / ________


    Dac ai prsit deja Marea Britanie, te rugm s ne furnizezi ultima adres din Marea Britanie. Dacnc locuiestin Marea Britanie, te rugm s ne furnizeziadresa curent./ If you have left the UK, please insert your last address in the UK, If you are still living in the UK, please insert your current address.

    Adresa de domiciliu dac ai prsit Marea Britanie, te rugm s ne furnizezi adresa curent de domiciliu din strintateHome address if you left the UK, please insert your current residing address abroad

    National Insurance Number (NINO) din Marea BritanieUK National Insurance Number (NINO)

    Numr de telefon (inclusiv codul trii)Telephone Number (include dialling codes)

    Telefon mobilMobile


    Nu uita: Este important s te putem contacta pe parcursul procedurii, n cazul n care i schimbi datele de contact, te rugm s ne informezi!Remember: It is important that we are able to reach you throughout the process so if at any time you change your contact details be sure to let us know!

    Cum ai aflat de serviciile noastre?How did you hear about our company?

    Te rugm s ne informezi care sunt anii pentru care doreti s i depunem declaraia fiscal n vederea returnrii taxelor:Please indicate the years for which you wish to submit a tax refund claim:

    *Mentionam ca trebuie sa verificam toti anii fiscali, in care te-ai aflat in Marea Britanie.*Please note that we have to review all tax years you have been in the UK.

    6 Aprilie 2016 5 Aprilie 2017 6 Aprilie 2015 5 Aprilie 2016 6 Aprilie 2014 5 Aprilie 20136 Apr 2016 - 5 Apr 2017 6 Apr 2015 - 5 Apr 2016 6 Apr 2014 - 5 Apr2013

    6 Aprilie 2013 5 Aprilie 2014 6 Aprilie 2012 5 Aprilie 20136 Apr 2013 - 5 Apr 2014 6 Apr 2012 - 5 Apr 2013

    Ai depus deja o aplicatie sau ai primit o returnare/ calculare a taxelor, din partea autoritatiilor fiscale, pentru oricare din perioadele mentionate mai jos? Da Nu

    Have you already filed a claim or received a refund/calculation from the tax office for any of the periods listed above? Yes No

    Daca da, pentru care ani? / If yes, for which years? _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Ai folosit o agentie? / Did you use an agency? Da / Yes Nu / No

    Cum s-a solutionat cererea? Am primit returnare Datoram bani oficiului fiscal Nu am primit raspuns de la oficiul fiscal

    What was the outcome of the claim? I received a refund I owed money to the tax office I didnt hear back from the tax office

    Te-ai inregistrat ca Persoan Fizic Autorizat la HMRC sau ai solicitat sa fi

    tratat ca Self Assessed in UK? / Have you ever registered with HMRC as being self em-

    ployed or elected to be treated as Self Assessed in the UK? Da / Yes Nu / No

    Dac rspunsul este afirmativ, te rugm s ne furnizezi numrul UTR:/

    If yes, please provide your UTR number: __________________________________

    Ai primit recent coresponden din partea HMRC? / Have you received any correspon-

    dence from HMRC recently? Da / Yes Nu / No

    Dac da, te rugm s ne trimii o copie dup aceasta; ar putea fi necesar

    aplicaiei tale./ If yes, please send us a copy of the correspondence; it might be useful for

    your application.

  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    3/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE



    Te rugam s citeti fiecare ntrebare i s raspunzi la cele care sunt relevante situatiei tale, astfel nc t noi s putem identifica exact statutul tau din

    punct de vedere fiscal. Numai aa vom putea pregti o declaraie corect. / Please go through all questions and complete the ones that are relevant toyour circumstances. This will give us a clear picture of your residency position which will enable us prepare a complete and correct tax claim on your behalf.

    1. Care este ara ta de reedin? / In which country do you normally reside? _________________________________________________________________

    Dac aceasta este Marea Britanie, ai trit i ai lucratntotdeaunan Marea Britanie (except nd vacanele scurte)? Da NuIf this is the UK, have you always lived and worked in the UK (other than short holidays)? Yes No

    Dac Da, te rugm s sari lantrebarea5. / If Yes, please go to question 5.Dac rspunsul tu nu este Marea Britanie, atunci te rugm s continui cu ntrebarea numrul 2. / If other than UK, please continue to question number2.

    2. C nd ai ajuns n Marea Britanie?/ When did you arrive in the UK? _____ / _____ / ________

    Te rugm s ne oferi informaii cu privire la orice perioad petrecutn afara Marii Britanie,ncep nd cu 6. Aprilie 2012,except nd vacanele, lantrebarea5.Please give details of any periods spent out of the UK other than on holiday(s) since 06 Apr 2012 at question 5.

    3.Care a fost motivul pentru venirea ta n Marea Britanie? Loc de munc Vacan Altul (te rugm s menionezi): ________________________Please state your reason for coming to the UK? Employment Holiday Other (please specify):

    4.Ai vizitat Marea Britanie naintea datei menionate mai sus? Da Nu Ia in calcul doar zilele in care te aflai in UK la miezul noptii: _____________Have you visited the UK prior to the date of arrival above? Yes No Please only count days where you were in the UK at midnight

    5.Dacn mod normal locuietin Marea Britanie sau ai venit s trieti/ lucrezin Marea Britanie, te rugm s ne furnizezi detalii cu privire la orice perioadpetrecutn afara Marii Britanie, except nd vacanele scurte: / If you normally live in the UK or you have come to live/work in the UK, please provide details below of any

    periods you have spent out of the UK other than for short holidays:

    Ieire / Exit Intrare / Entry Motiv / Reason

    6.Ai prsit Marea Britanie acum? Da n ce data ai plecat? _____ / _____ / ________ NuHave you now left the UK? Yes On what date did you leave? No

    Intenionezi s tentorcin Marea Britanie? Da C nd? _____ / _____ / ________ NuDo you intend to return to the UK? Yes When? No

    7.Care este motivul pentru care ai prsit Marea Britanie? Cltoreti Emigrezi definitiv Loc de munca n afara rii* Altele ______________Why have you left the UK? To go travelling To emigrate permanently Employment abroad* Other

    In ce tara intentionezi sa calatoresti si sa lucrezi in continuare si pentru ce perioada de timp?Which country do you plan to work and travel in next and for how long?

    *Vom avea nevoie de informaii suplimentare n cazul n care pe durata cltoriilor tale vei lucra n afara UK, sau n cazul n care prseti UK i lucrezifull/part time n alt ar. Dac nu, treci la seciunea cu informaii referitoare la angajare./ *If there is a possibility that you will be working abroad during yourtravels, or you are in the UK to work full or part time abroad please provide further details. If no, skip to the Employment Information Section overleaf.

    8.Ai mai vizitat Marea Britanie de la data plecrii tale menionate mai sus? / Have you visited the UK since the date of departure above? Da / Yes Nu / No

    Dac da, te rugm s ne furnizezi un numr aproximativ de zile (ncepnd cu acea dat) pe care le-ai petrecut n Marea Britanie, per an fiscal (anul fiscal sencheie pe 5 aprilie):/If yes, please advise an approximate number of full days (since that date) that you spent in the UK per tax year (ending April 5th): _________________

    9.C t timp te aflain Marea Britanie, ai fostnsoit/ de soie/so, de partener sau de copii sub 18 ani? Da NuWhile in the UK, were you accompanied by your spouse, (civil) partner, or children under 18? Yes No

    Dac da, te rugm s ne oferi detaliin csua pentru informaii adiionale, de la pagina 3./ If yes, please give details in the Additional information box on page 3.

    10. Te afli nc n Marea Britanie? /Are you still in the UK?

    Da/Yes Dac da, ai stabilit o dat concret pentru prsirea definitiv a Marii Britanii? _____ / _____ / _________If yes, do you have an intended date of permanent departure?

    Nu/No Dac nu, intenionezi s te ntorci n Marea Britanie pentru a locui/ munci sau pentru vizite regulate? Te rugm s ne furnizezi detalii:If no, do you intend to return to the UK to live/work or for regular visits? Please give details:



  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    4/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE



    Ci angajatori ai avut n Marea Britanie (n anul fiscal pentru care doreti s aplici)?

    How many employers have you had in the UK (for the Tax Years you are applying for)?

    NOT: Dac ai mai mult de 1 angajator, te rugm s completezi DETALIILE ANGAJATORULUIpentru fiecare loc de munc suplimentar, pe o foaieseparat. / NOTE: If you have more than one employer please complete anEMPLOYER DETAILS for each additional employment on separate paper.

    Not:n cazul n care au existat perioade de timp n care nu ai lucrat, te rugm s ne oferi mai multe informaii pe o coal separat de hrtie. Astfel, neasigurm c HMRC va avea datele tale comp lete cu privire la perioada pe care ai petrecut-o n Marea Britanie.Important:Any gaps in employment must be detailed on a separate sheet in order to provide the HMRC with complete information.


    Numele companieiCompany Name


    Codul postalPostcode

    Datele de contact ale angajatorului (dac sunt cunoscute)Employers Contact Details(If known)

    Prima zi de muncStart Date _____ / _____ / ________

    Ultima zi de muncFinish Date _____ / _____ / ________

    Care este ocupaia ta ( de ex. profesor, chelner, specialist IT, etc)?

    What was your occupation(e.g. teacher, waitress, IT specialist, etc.)?

    Ai primit vreun beneficiu sau plati pentru cheltuielile legate de locul de munca, precum: autoturism de serviciu, asigurare / tratament medical, indemnizatie de

    cazare, etc.?/ Have you received any benefits or expense payments from this employment: such as company car, medical insurance/treatment, accommodation allowance, etc.?

    Da / Yes Nu / No

    * Toate aceste informaii se pot gsi pe documentul numit P11D primit de la angajatorul tu.If applicable these details can be found on a form P11D which would have been provided to you by your employer.

    Avea acest loc de munc o caracteristic internaional? De ex, i s-a cerut s cltoreti n alte ri sau ai fost detaat din ara de origine ctre un loc de munc temporar?

    Did this employment have any international aspects? For example, were you globally mobile or were you seconded from your home country to a temporary workplace?

    Da / Yes Detalii: / Please give details: __________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Nu /No

    Documente de plat / Payment Documents

    Eu am: / I have a: P60 / P60 P45 / P45 Ultimul flutura de plat / Final Payslip P11D / P11D

    Nu am nici unul din documentele menionate i a dori ca s ncerce s obin aceste documente n numele meu. Da NuI do not have the above and would like to try obtain them on my behalf. Yes No

    * Menionm c un comision se va percepe pentru acest serviciu. / * Please note a fee will be charged for this service.

    Informaii Importante Documente de Plat:Te rugm s ne trimii prin post, n original, documentele de plat de mai sus deoarece copiile acestora pot fi refuzate de autoritile fiscale (poipstra o copie pentru tine n schimb).Important Information re Payment Documents:Please note if you have any of the payment documents listed above please send us the original versions(keeping a copy for yourself) as photocopies may not be accepted.

    NOT: Fiecare angajator are obligaia legal de a furniza documentele P45 i/sau P60. n cazul n care nu ai primit aceste documente de la ei, poi s icontactezi n vederea obinerii documentelor echivalente, numite i Statement of Earnings.NOTE:Your employer is legally obliged to provide you with P45 or P60. If you havent received one for each employment you can ask your employer for anofficial statement of earnings.

  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    5/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE


    *Dac deii documentele P45U sau P60U de la Agenia de Munc, te rugm s ni le furnizezi.*If you have supporting documents P45U or P60U, from the Job Centre, please send them to us.


    Este important s rspunzi la ntrebrile din aceast seciune cu informaii detaliate cu privire la sumele primite din alte surse pentru perioada pentrucare aplici. Dac rspunzi cu Da la vreuna dintre categorii, te rugm s ne furnizezi mai multe informaiin csua de mai jos.It is important that you answer this section with information on income received from anywhere in the world for the period you are cl aiming for.Should you answer with Yes to any of the categories, please provide more information in the box below.

    Dobnzi bancare Da Nu Suma ______________________Bank Interest Yes No Amount

    Dividende Da Nu Suma ____________________Dividends Yes No Amount

    Venituri din nchirieri Da Nu Suma ______________________Rental Income Yes No Amount

    Indemnizaie de omaj* Da Nu Suma _____________________Jobseekers allowance* Yes No Amount

    Venituri obinute ca Persoan Fizic AutorizatSelf-employment Da Nu Suma ______________________

    Yes No Amount

    Venituri din strintate Da Nu Suma _____________________Foreign Income Yes No Amount

    Venituri din pensie Da Nu Suma ______________________

    Pension Income Yes No Amount

    Alte venituri Da Nu Suma _____________________

    Other Income Yes No Amount


    Dup primirea chestionarului fiscal completatn totalitate, a Declaraiei ctre Anjator i a Contractului cu Clientul semnate ( paginile 6, 7 i 8 ale acestuidocument) i a tuturor documentelor tale de plat, vom putea si pregtim o estimarea a situaiei tale fiscale din Marea Britanie. / Upon receipt of a fullycompleted Tax questionnaire, signed Declaration to employer and Customer agreement (pages 6, 7 and 8 of this document) and all your payment documents, we would be in position to

    prepare an estimate of your income tax position in the UK.

    Dac eti mulumit de rezultate, te vom ruga s printezi, pe pagini individuale, Formularele fiscale ataate, s semnezi toate csuele marcate cu bifa roie is ni le trimii prin pot ctre cel mai apropiat birou /If you are satisfied with the results, we will need you to print on a single page each, sign on all boxes markedwith a red tick and post the originals of the attachment called Tax forms to us at your closest office.

    Dup primirea acestora, vom putea si pregtim i sti depunem aplicaia PAYE de returnare a taxelor la HMRC. / Upon receipt of that we would be in position toprepare and submit your PAYE repayment claim to HMRC.

    Dup primirea acesteia de ctre HMRC, nu ar trebui sa dureze mai mult de 8 sptm ni p n c nd aplicaia este procesat cu condiia ca informaiilefurnizate de ctre noi s fie complete i corecte si s fien concordan cu detaliile din sistemul lor. / Once it is received at HMRC, it should not normally take them morethan 8 weeks to process the claim provided that all data we provide is complete and correct and it matches the details on their system.

    Dup ce aplicaia este finalizat, HMRC-ul va emite suma returnat ctre noi i dendat ce procesm plata, unul dintre colegii nostri de la Departamentul de

    Pli te va contacta pentru a afla ce modalitate de plata doreti. / Once the claim is processed, HMRC will issue a repayment claim to ourselves and as soon as the payment isprocessed, someone from our Payment Options department will contact you to obtain your instructions as to how you wish to receive your tax refund.


    Te rugm s foloseti spaiul pentru a ne furniza orice fel de informaie adiional care ar putea fi relevant pentru situaia ta fiscal.Please use this space to tell us about any additional information that may be relevant to your tax affairs.

  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    6/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE


    P L E A S E P R I N T Y O U R N A M E

    grant full authority to to act as my agent in dealing with my United Kingdom income tax return

    application. In order to facilitate the submission of my application I therefore authorise you to provide information to pertaining to my employment., Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE

    Signed Date _____ / ______ / _________


    IMPORTANT This is the legal document that you must sign in order for us to proceed with your refund.Please only fill out the fields where you see the indicated.

  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare

    7/, Unit 11, Bayford St Industrial Centre, Bayford Street, London E8 3SE


    Confirm c: / I confirm that:

    1. Sunt contient de faptul c este numele comercial al serviciilor oferite de ctre Taxback Inc., Chicago, SUA, iar prin prezentamputernicesc Taxback Inc. s ndeplineasc serviciile descrise n felul acesta./ I understand that is a trading name for the services of Taxback Inc.Chicago, USA and hereby contract with Taxback Inc. to carry out the services described herewith.

    2. Sunt contient de faptul c Taxback Inc. va recurge la compania mam Taxback i filialele si reprezentanele acesteia pentru a obine informaiilenecesare serviciului unde este necesar i ca in continuare contractul rmne prin Taxback Inc. pe durata serviciului. / I understand that Taxback Inc. willutilise its parent company Taxback and its subsidiary and affiliate companies to gather information regarding the services where necessary and that the contact remains withTaxback Inc. for the duration of the service.

    3. Sunt de acord i accept termenii i condiiile serviciului aa cum sunt afiate pe site-ul, ct i schimbrile ce pot fi aplicate termenilori condiiilor la anumite intervale de timp de ctre, la fel i comisioanele agentului care reprezint plata serviciilor solicitate de minei furnizate de i/ sau companiile afiliate. /I agree and accept the terms and conditions of service as written online at and to anychanges in the terms and conditions which Taxback.commay effect from time to time and to the fees of the agent which represents the services I have requested and whichare provided by and/or its affiliate companies.

    4. Am semnat documentele necesare pentru a autoriza Taxback. Inc i/ sau companiile sale subsidiare cunoscute ca i, s-mi organizezeaplicaia de returnare a taxelor i s m reprezinte n faa HMRC-ului. nteleg c formularul de mputernicire 64-8, permite HRMC-ului, printrealtele, s trimit corespondena legat de situaia mea financiar ctre Dac nu cer n mod specific altfel, va retrageaceast clauz din dosarul meu HMRC, dendat ce finalizeaz cu succes serviciile care fac obiectul prezentului contract. / I have signed the necessarydocuments to authorise Taxback. Inc and /or its subsidiary undertakings trading as, to prepare this tax refund application and represent me before HMRC. Iunderstand that the UK authority form 64-8, allows HMRC, amongst other things, to send correspondence about my tax affairs to Unless I specifically request

    otherwise, will endeavour to remove such authority from my HMRC file, upon successful completion of the services covered under this customer agreement.

    5. n cazuln care au fost fcute ncercri anterioare pentru soluionarea situaiei mele fiscale, pentru oricare din anii fiscali inclui n prezentulcontract, de exemplu, de ctre mine, un consilier anterior, HMRC, etc., Taxback.comi rezerv dreptul de a-mi revizui cazul pentru a determinamodalitatea de aciune potrivit. Iau la cunotin c, n cazul n care serviciul pentru returnarea taxelor PAYE al nu este cel adecvat, i rezerv dreptul de a conveni o tax separat i / sau termenii i condiiile pentru acest nou serviciu. / To the extent that any previousattempt has been made to reconcile my position for any of the tax years covered by this agreement, for example, by myself, a previous advisor, HMRC or any combinationthereof, may review my case to determine the appropriate course of action. I acknowledge that to the extent that Taxback.coms usual PAYE refund claim servicesare not appropriate, they reserve the right to agree a separate fee and/or terms and conditions for this work.

    6. Nu am depus i nici nu stiu ca trebuie sa depun o declaratie fiscala de tip Self-Assessed in Marea Britanie, pentru niciunul dintre anii relevanti inaceasta aplicatie si nici nu am autorizat vreo persoana sa faca acest lucru in locul meu. Inteleg, ca daca sunt anuntat de catre caHMRC-ul doreste ca situatia mea fiscala sa fie clarificata prin depunerea unei declaratii fiscale, in locul unei aplicatii de returnare a taxelor, atunciam obligatia legala sa depun o astfel de declaratie. De asemenea inteleg ca orice servicii ulterioare declaratiei fiscale depuse suntproceduri distincte, acoperite de catre un contract cu clientul separat. /I have not filed, nor am I aware that I am required to file, a UK self-assessment incometax return for any of the tax years concerned in this claim, nor have I authorised any person to do so on my behalf. I understand that if I am advised by thatHMRC want my affairs dealt with via the completion of a tax return rather than a refund claim, then I have a legal obligation to file such a return. I also understand that anysubsequent tax return services are a distinct process, to be covered under a separate customer agreement and fee arrangement.

    7. Am furnizat informaii adevrate, precise i complete referitoare la veniturile, impozitele, bunurile i situaia mea personal i sunt uniculresponsabil pentru orice discrepan dintre informaiile furnizate i evidena fiscal anual a HMRC. / I have provided true, accurate and completeinformation regarding my income, taxes, assets and personal circumstances to and I am duly responsible for any discrepancies in the information provided andmy annual tax records with HMRC.

    8. neleg c n absena pachetului complet de formulare i/ sau a cooperrii mele (prin rspunderea la toate ntrebrile referitoarela informaiile furnizate), acetia ar putea s nu poat s-mi proceseze aplicaia de returnarea a taxelor PAYE. /I understand that in the absence of acompleted pack and/or my full cooperation in answering any of Taxback.coms queries in relation to the information provided, they may be unable to proceed with my PAYErefund claim.

    9. M oblig s pstrez toate chitanele i documentele care atest cheltuielile deductibile incluse n aplicaia mea de returnare a taxelor PAYE. / Icommit that I hold receipts and documents on file to support any allowable expenses included in this PAYE refund claim.

    10. neleg c pentru a stabili statutul meu general al returnrii taxelor PAYE pentru o anumit perioad de timp, poate s-mi verificeveniturile i impozitele i pentru ali ani fiscali, contract. n msura n care alte aplicaii sunt necesare sau recomandatepentru ani fiscali adiionali, sunt de acord s pltesc comisioanele de procesare relevante. / I understand that in order to ascertain my overall PAYE refundclaim position for any particular period, may review my earnings and tax paid position, for tax years outside of the originally mandated tax year(s). To the extentthat further applications are required or recommended for additional tax years, I agree I will pay the relevant processing fees.

    11. Autorizez s recupereze documentele mele P45/ P60/ SOE, dac nu le dein, m angajez s pltesc taxa aferent pentru recuperareafiecrui document. / I authorise to retrieve my P45/P60/SOE documents, if I do not have them, and agree to pay an administrative fee for each documentsuccessfully retrieved.

    Prezentul contract cu clientul reglementeaz relaia dintre i tine. Te rugm s citeti cu atenieinformaiile de mai jos i s te asiguri c le nelegi, nainte de a semna. / The customer agreement forms the basis ofthe relationship between Taxback and you. It is an important document, please read the points in full and ensure youunderstand them, before signing.


  • 7/25/2019 Chestionar de Inregistrare



    12.n msurancare acest lucru este posibil, avnd n vedere intervalele de timp, etc, va face tot posibilul s-mi ofere o estimarepreliminar a situaiei mele nainte de completarea i depunerea cererii mele finale ctre HMRC. Dac decid s nu continui cu cererea final la

    aceast etap, voi anuna Taxback.comn cel mai scurt timp posibil. / To the extent possible, given timeframes etc, will endeavour to provide mewith a preliminary estimate of my refund position prior to completing and submitting my final claim to HMRC. If I decide I do not wish to proceed with the final claim at thisstage, I will let know as soon as possible.

    13. neleg c autoritile britanice vor lua decizia final n ceea ce privete valoarea oricrei returnri datorate i estimarea furnizat de Agent estedoar o estimare, nu o garanie. / I understand that the UK authorities will make the final decision on the value of any refund due and the refund estimation given by the

    Agent is estimation only, not a guarantee.

    14. M oblig s ntiinez despre orice schimbri care apar n detaliile mele de contact, astfel nct s m poat ine la curent n oricemoment cu procesarea solicitrii mele i a balanei mele fiscale./ I commit to updating of any changes in my contact details so that they can providefull information at all times to me about the progress of my claim and my tax affairs.

    15. Am luat la cunotin: comisioanele serviciilor furnizate de reprezint un procentaj al sumei rambursabile, sub rezerva unui comision minim (pentru fiecare an fiscal) i sunt de acord ca orice rambursare s fie pltit ctre n prima faz, astfel nct ei

    s-i poat deduce comisionul. / I am aware that Taxback.coms tax refund service fees are based on a percentage of the refund amount received, subject to a minimumfee (for each tax year) and I agree that any refund shall be payable to in the first instance so that their fee can be deducted.

    16. n oricare din urmtoarele situaii, m oblig s pltesc direct ctre comisionul minim, pentru completarea i depunerea solicitriimele, chiar i n cazul n care nu se primete nicio returnare:/ In any of the following circumstances I commit to pay the minimum charge directly, inrespect of a completed and submittedclaim, even where no refund is received:a.cnd HMRC-ul declar c nu mi poate procesa aplicaia de returnare a taxelor, deoarece balana mea fiscal este tratat ca fiind self-assessed ipentru c am fost neglijent n a constata acest fapt anterior. /where HMRC declare that they cannot process a tax refund claim because my affairs are dealt withvia self-assessment and I have been careless or neglectful in previously ascertaining this.b.cnd HMRC-ul necesit clarificri asupra oricrui aspect al unei solicitri prezente sau anterioare iar eu nu cooperez cu HMRC-ul. / where HMRCrequire clarification on any aspect of a completed and submitted claim and I am not cooperative in helping to facilitate HMRC in this regard.

    c.cnd doresc s anulez aplicaia mea dei aceasta a fost completat i depus la HMRC. n astfel de circumstane, voi contacta ncel mai scurt timp posibil in ciuda faptului c se vancerca retragerea aplicaiei, sunt contient c acest lucru s-ar putea s nu fie posibil. /whereI wish to cancel my application following completion and submission to HMRC. In such a circumstance, I will contact immediately and whilst every effort will bemade to recall the application, I am aware this may not possible.

    17. n cazul n care primesc returnarea direct, din orice alt surs n afar de, m angajez s contactez i s pltesccomisionul relevant pentru munca depus de-a lungul a 14 zile. Mai mult dect att, deoarece am solicitat ca s organizeze i sdepun aplicaia de returnare a taxelor n numele meu, sunt de acord s pltesc comisioanele aferente muncii efectuate, fr a lua n considerarefaptul c HMRC ar putea concomitent i independent s verifice situaia mea fiscal / Should I receive the refund directly from any other source other, I agree that I will contact and pay the appropriate fee due for the work completed within 14 days. Further, as I have requested that Taxback.comorganise and submit a tax refund claim for me, I agree to pay the appropriate fees for work completed, notwithstanding that it may subsequently become apparent that HMRChave independently/simultaneously reviewed my position

    18. n ceea ce privete clauzele 16 si 17, neleg c va cuta modal iti legale de a recupera aceste comisioane n cazul n care nu le voi plti de bunvoie. / In respect of clauses 16 and 17, I understand that Taxback may seek recovery of any such fees through the appropriate legal channels if my

    payment is not forthcoming.

    19. Am luat la cunotin c o taxa de transfer internaional e posibil s se aplice,n functie de modalitatea prin care doresc ca s miplteasc suma rambursabil; se oblig s efectueze transferul n trei zile lucrtoare, din momentul n care am confirmat opiunilede plat i datele mele bancare, printr-o metod securizat. / I am aware that an overseas bank transfer fee may apply, depending on how I would to pay the balance of my refund and that commits to such a transmittal within three working days, once they have confirmed the payment optionsand my bank details, through a secure method.

    20. Am luat la cunotin c acest contract se refer doar la aspectele fiscale din Marea Britanie i c trebuie s solicit consultan separat pentru aafla ce impact poate avea returnarea primit asupra situiei mele fiscalen alte jurisdicii. /I understand that this customer agreement covers UK taxes onlyand I should seek separate advice on how any refund received or claim made may impact my tax position in other jurisdictions.

    21. neleg c orice informaie colectat n scris/ sau verbal de la mine poate fi utilizat n scopuri de audit intern de ctre Agent. De asemenea nelegc, conform legislaiei de protecie a datelor, va coopera n totalitate cu HMRC-ul pentru a le furniza informaiile obinute de la mine,fie verbal sau n scris, n legtur cu situaia mea fiscal, i c informaiile pot fi utilizate n scopuri de audit extern de ctre HMRC. / I understand thatany information collected in writing/or verbally from me may be used for internal auditing purposes by the Agent. I also understand that, subject to relevant data

    protection legislation, will cooperate fully with requests from HMRC to provide them with information collected from me either verbally or in written form in connection withmy tax affairs, and that the information may be subject to external audit by HMRC.

    22. neleg c i rezerv dreptul de a refuza procesarea solicitrii mele, fr a numi vreun motiv. / I understand that reserves theright to refuse to process my claim without reason

    23. Niciuna din clauzele de mai sus, nu mi afecteaz drepturile legale. / None of the above clauses affect my statutory rights.

    24. Angajamentul / Commitment: a. Ne obligm s punem la dispoziia clientului informaii complete referitoare la situaia sa fiscal,n orice moment, prin diferite mijloace contul

    securizat Tax Tracker, telefon, email i fax. / We commit to providing full information at all times to the customer about his/her tax affairs, through multiple media secure Tax Tracker Account, telephone, email and fax. va pstra i proteja informaiile mele personale n conformitate cu legislaia relevant de protecie a datelor. / will retainand protect my personal data as per the relevant data protection legislation.

    Numele cu MAJUSCULEName in print


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