bacterial paintings new art uses tiny life forms

Post on 04-Nov-2015






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Bacterial Paintings New Art Uses Tiny Life Forms


Tablourii din bacterii? Noua arta foloseste forme de viataBacterial Paintings? New Art Uses Tiny Life FormsIn Austin Texas datorita tablourilor cu bacterii si a hainelor care cresc singure, granitele dintre arta si stiinta nu mai sunt atat de clare.

Din ce in ce mai multi artisti folosesc mici creaturi vii pentru a crea arta moderna. Tentatia de a folosi alte fiinte pentru a face lucruri este destul de veche, dupa cum spune Daniel Grushkin fondatorul Genspace, din New York City: Oamenii folosesc bio-designul de la inceputul evolutiei lor, cand omul a luat primul os si l-a folosit ca unealta sau a facut prima haina din piele de animal. Ce difera acum? Nu am facut altceva decat sa ne rafinam tehnicileViata imita arta?

Prin urmare artistii incearca moduri ambitioase de a folosi forme deviata in arta lor.De exemplu, un grup de artisti au facut un fel de branza dintr-o cultura de bacterii de pe tesutul uman. Opera de arta subliniaza faptul ca sunt trilioane de bacterii in corpul nostrum dupa cum spune Wythe Marschall doctorand in istoria stiintei la Universitatea Harvard.Alti artisti au creat picturi din bacterii sensibile la lumina:Trebuie sa dai conturul cu Markerul Magic imaginii pe care o vrei desenata si apoi sa pictezi cu bacterii"You would draw with Magic Marker what you want the image to be, and then paint it with bacterial paint," said Karen Ingram, an artist and co-organizer of the Brooklyn Science Cabaret. One example? A portrait of Charles Darwin "drawn" in bacterial paint.

Another artist, Spela Petric, has conceptualized a mashup of humans and algae. The creatures would be generationally dyadic, meaning a human gives rise to a spore of algae, which then births a human child, and so forth.

"It ends with a haunting image of someone giving birth to algae. It's also kind of funny," Marschall said.

To design the artwork, Petric, who is trained in biology herself, consulted with synthetic biologists to come up with a somewhat feasible vision of how the process would work, Marschall said.

Human engineering

Another art series, by Arne Hendriks and collaborators, called "The Incredible Shrinking Man," comes up with a seemingly absurd solution to the problem of climate change.

"He has this great idea of just engineering every generation of humans to be slightly shorter and skinnier and they would just eat less and this would naturally solve a lot of problems," Marschall said.

To help people visualize how little people could reduce humans' toll on the planet, the artist portrayed a tiny portion of fries, which would be enough to feed a person who was just 20 inches (50 centimeters) tall.

But the work also extends to speculation about how things such as environment and hormones could be manipulated to change a person's height.

Body architect Lucy McRae developed a pill, alongside a synthetic biologist, that excretes a perfume when people sweat. Her artwork, Germination, also imagined a world where " you had clothes that grew throughout the day," Marschall said. And she has also developed a concept of Chlorophyll skin, which would have the ability to change color like a chameleon's skin.

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