alimentare sanatoasa

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Alimentare sanatoasa


    Oamenii de tiin au fost surprini derezultatele acestui studiu. Pericolul din

    alimentele pe care le considerai sntoaseD.D.| 05 Mar 2013, 11:57

    Oferta pentru persoane juridice: Fluence PRO de

    la 11,850 fara TVA, prin Renault BusinessSolutions.

    Din ce n ce mai multe persoane renun la alimentele pregtite sau conservate cu ajutorul

    materialelor plastice n favoarea celor organice, creznd c aceast decizie le va mbunti

    starea de sntatea.

    Un studiu al oamenilor de tiin americani relev, ns, un lucru ngrijortor. Cercettorii de la

    Universitatea din Washington au scos la lumin rezultate surprinztoare.

    Dup ce au studiat mai multe familii care se hrneau numai cu alimente organice au constatat c

    nivelul de chimicale din corpurile respectivelor persoane era chiar mai mare dect al celor care se

    hrneau cu alimente obinuite.

    Am fost foarte surprini de rezultate a declarat autorul studiului, doctorul Sheela


    Studiul a artat c i alimentele considerate sntoase pot fi o surs de expunere la substane

    chimice i c este extrem de dificil ca oamenii s evite n totalitate alimentele care le fac ru,|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=;268748020;94823637;s|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=;268748020;94823637;s|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=;268748020;94823637;s|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=;268748020;94823637;s|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//|03|0|Pitesti||0|&x1guid=115642119201984000&x1prf=RJjSWOOCSjkwjGy567fna01JGEDfCOdyximC8AdUf4hycunx7LkftnzS44iVcrE+/C3tTGw18GBhDuQ7pFY+wTmvbB/DlQbPg6T7xxN18Nv79cfHBNJ8FU4YC5zAGwBqB4SO43ZmcY5jvHIANm9jTj4EtywOjOORwwE4JqSZFqhVRjh0TNsXxYKyMUx37Qc8mn/0xCK47QpW9olf0kYk+g==&sclickurl=http%3A//
  • 8/13/2019 Alimentare sanatoasa


    Produsele chimice comune, care se gsesc n fiecare gospodrie, pot provoca boli precum

    cancerul, astma i infertilitatea, avertizeaz Organizaia Mondial a Sntii.

    OMS a elaborat i publicat un raportcare avertizeaz c substanele chimice sintetice pot

    avea efecte negative asupra corpului uman, relateazThe Telegraph.Effects of human exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicalsexamined in landmark UN report

    News release

    19 FEBRUARY 2013 | GENEVA -Many synthetic chemicals, untested for their disrupting effects on thehormone system, could have significant health implications according to the State of the Science of Endocrine

    Disrupting Chemicals, a new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and WHO.We urgently need more research to obtain a fuller picture of the health and environment

    impacts of endocrine disruptors

    Dr Maria Neira, WHOs Director for Public Health and Environment

    The joint study calls for more research to understand fully the associations between endocrine disrupting

    chemicals (EDCs)found in many household and industrial productsand specific diseases and disorders. The

    report notes that with more comprehensive assessments and better testing methods, potential disease risks could

    be reduced, with substantial savings to public health.Some substances can alter the hormonal system

    Human health depends on a well-functioning endocrine system to regulate the release of certain hormones that

    are essential for functions such as metabolism, growth and development, sleep and mood. Some substances

    known as endocrine disruptors can alter the function(s) of this hormonal system increasing the risk of adverse

    health effects. Some EDCs occur naturally, while synthetic varieties can be found in pesticides, electronics,personal care products and cosmetics. They can also be found as additives or contaminants in food.The UN study, which is the most comprehensive report on EDCs to date, highlights some associations between

    exposure to EDCs and health problems including the potential for such chemicals to contribute to the

    development of non-descended testes in young males, breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men,

    developmental effects on the nervous system in children, attention deficit /hyperactivity in children and thyroid

    cancer.Human exposure can occur in a number of ways

    EDCs can enter the environment mainly through industrial and urban discharges, agricultural run-off and the

    burning and release of waste. Human exposure can occur via the ingestion of food, dust and water, inhalation of

    gases and particles in the air, and skin contact.Chemicalproducts are increasingly part of modern life and support many national economies, but the unsound

    management of chemicals challenges the achievement of key development goals, and sustainable development

    for all,said UN Under Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. Investingin new testing methods and research can enhance understanding of the costs of exposure to EDCs,

    and assist in reducing risks, maximizing benefits and spotlighting more intelligent options and alternatives that

    reflect a transition to a green economy,added Mr Steiner.More research is needed

    In addition to chemical exposure, other environmental and non-genetic factors such as age and nutrition could be

    among the reasons for any observed increases in disease and disorders. But pinpointing exact causes and effects

    is extremely difficult due to wide gaps in knowledge. Weurgently need more research to obtain a fuller picture of the health and environment impacts of endocrinedisruptors,said Dr Maria Neira, WHOsDirector for Public Health and Environment. Thelatest science shows
  • 8/13/2019 Alimentare sanatoasa


    that communities across the globe are being exposed to EDCs, and their associated risks. WHO will work with

    partners to establish research priorities to investigate links to EDCs and human health impacts in order to

    mitigate the risks. We all have a responsibility to protect future generations."The report also raises similar concerns on the impact of EDCs on wildlife. In Alaska in the United States,

    exposure to such chemicals may contribute to reproductive defects, infertility and antler malformation in some

    deer populations. Population declines in species of otters and sea lions may also be partially due to theirexposure to diverse mixtures of PCBs, the insecticide DDT, other persistent organic pollutants, and metals such

    as mercury. Meanwhile, bans and restrictions on the use of EDCs have been associated with the recovery of

    wildlife populations and a reduction in health problems.Recommendations

    The study makes a number of recommendations to improve global knowledge of these chemicals, reduce

    potential disease risks, and cut related costs. These include: Testing: known EDCs are only the tip of the iceberg and more comprehensive testing methods are required to

    identify other possible endocrine disruptors, their sources, and routes of exposure. Research: more scientific evidence is needed to identify the effects of mixtures of EDCs on humans and wildlife

    (mainly from industrial by-products) to which humans and wildlife are increasingly exposed.

    Reporting: many sources of EDCs are not known because of insufficient reporting and information on chemicalsin products, materials and goods. Collaboration: more data sharing between scientists and between countries can fill gaps in data, primarily in

    developing countries and emerging economies.

    Researchhas made great strides in the last ten years showing endocrine disruption to be far more extensive and

    complicated than realized a decade ago,said Professor ke Bergman of Stockholm University and Chief Editor

    of the report. Asscience continues to advance, it is time for both management of endocrine disrupting

    chemicals and further research on exposure and effects of these chemicals in wildlife and humans.For more information please contact:

    Nick Nuttall

    UNEP Spokesperson and Director of Communications (Nairobi)

    Telephone: +41 79 596 5737 / +254 733 632 755E-mail:nick.nuttall@unep.orgGlenn Thomas

    WHO Communications Officer, Department of Communications

    Telephone: +41 22 791 3983

    Mobile: +41 79 509 0677

    E-mail:thomasg@who.intNada Osseiran

    WHO Communications Officer, Public Health and Environment

    Telephone: +41 22 791 4475

    Mobile: +41 79 445 1624

    Instituia aprecizat c mai multe substane prezente n jucrii, pardoseli din PVC i chiar n crile

    de credit pe care le utilizm cu toii ar trebui interzise pentru protejarea viitoarelor generaii.

    Cercettorii trebuie ns s aprofundeze acest studiu, pentru a nelege mai bine legtura dintre

    chimicalele care perturb sistemul endocrin (care se gsec n numeroase produse industriale) i

    anumite boli.

    Pn n prezent, oamenii de tiin au descoperit legturi ntre expunerea la aceste chimicale i

  • 8/13/2019 Alimentare sanatoasa


    probleme grave de sntate precum cancerul de tiroid i afeciuni ale sistemului nervos la copii

    (deficitul de atenie i hiperactivitatea).

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