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1 LIMBA ENGLEZA COMUNICATIVA Lect. Univ. dr Laura-Rebeca Precup-Stiegelbauer [email protected] Tel: 0723888647

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Lect. Univ. dr Laura-Rebeca [email protected]: 0723888647

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A 1000 miles trip starts with the first step!

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Alfabetul limbii engleze este alcatuit din 26. de litere, marea

majoritate fiind din alfabetul latin. Fiecare litera a alfabetului

englez are alaturat transcrierea fonetica, iar cand acestea

se rostesc separat le citim dupa cum urmeaza:

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VERBULReguli de scriere pentru verbele limbii engleze

Pentru majoritatea verbelor limbii engleze regulile de scriere sunt simple : se adaugă -s, -ing şi -ed la forma de bază. Sunt însă câteva verbe la care se

schimbă sau se adaugă alte reguli. Vom încerca să le evidenţiem prin exemple:Dublarea consoanei

Dacă verbul la forma de bază se termină într-o singură consoană şi vocala precedentă este accentuată şi este scrisă doar printr-o singură literă, atunci se

dublează consoana înainte de a se adăuga –ing sau –ed. Ex: occur/occurring, swim/swimming, ship/shipping

Dacă vocala care precede consoana finală nu este accentuată, nu se dublează consoana.

Ex: enter/entering, visit/visiting, develop/developingDacă verbul la forma de bază se termină în –c, schimbaţi această literă în –ck

Ex: panic/panicking, picnic/picnickingSunt câteva excepţii la verbele care se termină în –l, -m, şi –p.

Ex: travel/traveling sau travelling, program/programing sau programming, worship/worshiping sau worshipping

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Ştergerea sau adăugarea literei –e Daca verbul la forma de bază se termină în litera –e care nu se pronunţă,

atunci litera –e cade odată cu adăugarea terminaţiei -ing sau –edEx: create/creating, type/typing, bake/baking

Verbele monosilabice care se termină în –ye, -oe sau –nge păstrează –e final, dar pierd litera –e înainte de adăugarea terminaţiei –ed

Ex: dye/dyeing/dyed singe/singeing/singed

Dacă forma de bază a verbului se termină în –ie sau –ee atunci cade litera –e înainte de adăugarea terminaţiei -edEx: die/died, agree/agreed, tie/tied

Dacă verbul se termină în –s, -z, -x, -sh şi -ch atunci se adaugă litera-e înainte de adăugarea literei –s pentru a marca pluralul substantivului

Ex: pass/passes, buzz/buzzes, coax/coaxes, wash/washes, watch/watches

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Regulile pentru verbele terminate în litera –yDacă forma de bază a verbului se termină în –y atunci litera –y

se schimbă în –ieEx: carry/carries, try/tries

Dacă forma de bază a verbului se termină în –ed atunci litera –y se schimbă în –i

Ex: carry/carried, try/triedDacă litera –y este precedată de o vocală sau dacă se adaugă

–ing, atunci litera –y rămăne neschimbatăEx: stay/stayed, toy/toying, carry/carrying,

Dacă forma de bază a verbului se termină în –ie, atunci –ie se schimbă în -y înainte de a se adăuga –ing

Ex: die/dying, lie/lying, tie/tying

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Verbul este partea de vorbire care arată o aciune, o stare. La această acţiune contribuie următorii « factori » care trebuie

luaţi în considerare: persoana sau persoanele care fac această acţiune, timpul când se face acţiunea, modul în

care se face acţiunea si aspectul ei, din punct de vedere al continuităţii în timp. Persoana care face acţiunea este

exact ca în limba română, subiectul propoziţiei, poate fii la singular sau la plural şi se acorda cu verbul. Timpul arată

momentul în care se desfăşoară acţiunea. Există trei timpuri principale, de bază : prezent, trecut şi viitor. Modul, ca noţiune

se împarte în moduri personale şi moduri impersonale. Modurile personale sunt : 1. Modul indicativ, 2. Modul subjonctiv,

3. Modul condiţional, 4. Modul condiţional, 5. Modul imperativ. Modurile impersonale sunt : 1. Infintiv, 2. Participiu, 3. Gerund.

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Modul indicativ, în engleză The Indicative Mood, cuprinde timpurile conjugării unei acţiuni ale verbului. Modul subjonctiv, în limba engleză The Subjonctive, are două timpuri Prezent şi Perfect. Modul condiţional, în limba engleză The Conditional, arată o acţiune care se face cu o anumită condiţie. Are două forme,

prezent şi perfect. Modul imperativ, în limba engleză The Imperative, exprimă un ordin, un îndemn, o rugăminte, o sugestie, o urare,

o recomandare, o ameninţare... .

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Infinitivul, în limba engleză The Infinitive, numeşte verbul. Se poate recunoaşte foarte uşor dupa particula to.

Dacă aceasta lipseşte, forma se numeşte infinitivul scurt. Infinitivul poate fi infinitv prezent sau infinitiv perfect.

Participiul, în limba engleză The Participle, are trei forme : prezent, trecut si perfect. The Gerund este un mod mai special al limbii engleze, care nu trebuie confundat cu gerunziul limbii


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În limba engleză exista două aspecte : simplu şi continuu. În general, timpurile simple se folosesc atunci când accentul se pune pe acţiunea propriu zisă, iar timpurile continue se folosesc atunci când accentul se pune pe durata acţiunii, pe perioada de

timp în care aceasta are loc.În explicarea întrebuintării timpurilor continue se

va întâlni formularea „actiune în plină desfăşurare". Aceasta înseamnă că acţiunea a început înainte de

momentul la care se face referire şi va continua după acel moment.

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Verbul To Be

Afirmativ singular• I am • You are• He/She/It is

Afirmativ plural

I. We are

II. You are

III. They are

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Verbul To Be

Negativ singular

I. I am not

II. You are not

III. He/She/It is not

Prescurtat 1

I. I’m not

II. You’re not

III. He’/She’/It’s not

Negativ plural

I. We are not

II. You are not

III. They are not


I. We’re not

II. You’re not

III. They’re not

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Verbul To Be

Prescurtat 2

I. I’m not

II. You aren’t

III. He/She/It isn’t


I. We aren’t

II. You aren’t

III. They aren’t

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Verbul To Be

Interogativ singular

I. Am I?

II. Are you?

III. Is he/she/it?

Interogativ plural

I. Are we?

II. Are you?

III. Are they?

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Verbul To Have

Afirmativ singular

I. I have

II. You have

III. He/She/It has

Afirmativ plural

I. We have

II. You have

III. They have

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Verbul To Have

Negativ singular

I. I have not

II. You have not

III. He/She/It has not


I. I haven’t

II. You haven’t

III. He/She/It hasn’t

Negativ plural

I. We have not

II. You have not

III. They have not


I. We haven’t

II. You haven’t

III. They haven’t

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Verbul To Have

Interogativ singular

I. Have I?

II. Have you?

III. Has he/she/it?

Interogativ plural

I. Have we?

II. Have you?

III. Have they?

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Present Tense Simple

Presentul Simplu se foloseşte pentru a exprima o acţiune prezentă,

generală, repetitivă, o stare permanentă şi o idee de viitor.

Presentul Simplu este considerat a fi timpul naraţiunii, adică dacă dorim să povestim o înşiruire de acţiuni care

se întâmplă în present trebuie folosit acest timp.

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Se formează la afirmativ:

SB + Verb Coloana I (la persoana III sg se adaugă –s, -es)

Exemplu: I go to school every day. (Merg la şcoală în fiecare zi.) He goes to school every day.

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Se formează la negativ:

SB + DO NOT/DOES NOT (persoana III sg) + Vb I (la coloana I)

Exemplu: I do not go to school every day. I don’t go to school every day. He does not go to school every

day. He doesn’t go to school every


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DO/DOES + SB + Vb I ?

Se formează la interogativ:

Exemplu: Do I go to school every day? Does he go to school every day?

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Present Tense Continuous

Presentul Continuu se foloseşte pentru a exprima o

acţiune care este în desfăşurare în momentul vorbirii, o intenţie, o acţiune temporară şi o stare de


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SB + am, are, is + Vb I + ing

Se formează la afirmativ:

Exemplu: I am going to school now. (Merg la şcoală acum)

I’m going to school now.

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Se formează la negativ:

SB + am, are, is + not + Vb I + ing

Exemplu: I am not going to school now.

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Am, are, is + SB + Vb I + ing

Se formează la interogativ:

Exemplu: Am I going to school now?

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Past Tense SimpleTrecutul Simplu se foloseşte pentru

a exprima o acţiune care s-a desfăşurat într-un moment bine definit în trecut şi

s-a încheiat. Este timpul trecut al naraţiunii, adică dacă dorim să

povestim o înşiruire de acţiuni care s-au întâmplat în trecut trebuie folosit acest


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SB + Vb II, ed (pentru vebele regulate)

Se formează la afirmativ:

Exemplu: I went to school yesterday. (Am mers la şcoală ieri.)

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Se formează la negativ:

SB + DID + NOT + Vb I

Exemplu: I did not go to school yesterday. I didn’t go to school yesterday.

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DID + SB + Vb I

Se formează la interogativ:

Exemplu: Did I go to school yesterday?

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Past Tense Continuous

Trecutul Continuu se foloseşte pentru a exprima o acţiune care s-a desfăşurat în

mod continuu într-o perioadă de timp bine definită din trecut sau în acelaşi timp

cuuna sau mai multe acţiuni tot din trecut. În limba română se traduce prin


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SB + was/were + Vb I + ing

Se formează la afirmativ:

Exemplu: I was going to school when you came. (Mergeam la şcoală când tu ai venit.)

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Se formează la negativ:

SB + was/were + not + Vb I + ing

Exemplu: I was not going to school when you came. I wasn’t going to school when you came.

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Was/were + SB + Vb I + ing

Se formează la interogativ:

Exemplu: Was I going to school when you came?

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Future Tense Simple

Viitorul Simplu se foloseşte pentru a exprima o acţiune care

se va petrece în viitor. Se foloseşte shall la persoana I

singular şi plural şi will la persoana II şi III singular şi


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Exemplu: I shall do my homework tomorrow. (Îmi voi face tema mâine.)

SB + Shall/Will +Vb I

Se formează la afirmativ:

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Se formează la negativ:

SB + Shall/Will + not + Vb I

Exemplu: I shall not do my homework tomorrow.

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Shall/Will + SB + Vb I

Se formează la interogativ:

Exemplu: Shall I do my homework tomorrow?

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Infinitive Past Past Participle Romanian Translation

To BeWas / were Been A fi

To Begin Began Begun A începe

To Break Broke Broken A rupe, a sparge

To Bring Brought Brought A aduce

To BuyBought Bought A cumpăra

To ChooseChose Chosen A alege

To ComeCame Come A veni

To Cost Cost Cost A costa

To CutCut Cut A tăia

To DoDid Done A face

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To DrawDrew Drawn A desena

To Drink Drank Drunk A bea

To DriveDrove Driven A conduce

To EatAte Eaten A mânca

To FallFell Fallen A cădea

To FeedFed Fed A hrăni

To FeelFelt Felt A simţi

To FindFound Found A găsi

To FlyFlew Flown A zbura

To ForgetForgot Forgotten A uita

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To GetGot Got, gotten (AE) A lua

To Give Gave Given A da

To Have had Had A avea

To HearHeard Heard A auzi

To HitHit Hit A lovi

To HurtHurt Hurt A răni

To KeepKept Kept A ţine, a păstra

To KnowKnew Known A ştii

To LeaveLeft Left A lăsa, a părăsi

To LightLit Lit A aprinde

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To LoseLost Lost A pierde

To MakeMade Made A face

To MeanMeant Meant A însemna

To MeetMet Met A întâlni

To OvertakeOvertook Overtaken A depăşi

To PayPaid Paid A plăti

To PutPut Put A pune

To ReadRead Read A citi

To RideRode Ridden A călări

To Run Ran Run A fugi

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To SaySaid Said A spune

To SeeSaw Seen A vedea

To SendSent Sent A trimite

To ShakeShook Shaken A scutura,

To SingSang Sung A cânta

To SinkSank Sunk A se scufunda

To sitSat Sat A sta jos

To SleepSlept Slept A dormi

To SpeakSpoke Spoken A vorbi

To StandStood stood A sta în picioare

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To Stick Stuck Stuck A (se) lipi

To SwimSwam Swum A înota

To TakeTook Taken A lua

To TeachTaught Taught A învăţa pe cineva

To TellTold Told A spune

To ThinkThought Thought A gândi

To UnderstandUnderstood Understood A înţelege

To Wake upWoke up Woken up A se trezi

To WearWore Worn A purta

To WinWon Won A câştiga

To WriteWrote Written A scrie

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0-9 11-19 10, 20, ...., 90 21-29, ..., 91-99

0 – zero 11 – eleven 10 – ten 21 – twenty one

1 – one 12 – twelve 20 – twenty 22 – twenty two

2 – two 13 – thirteen 30 – thirty 23 – twenty - three

3 – three 14 - fourteen 40 - forty 24 – twenty - four

4 – four 15 – fifteen 50 – fifty 25 – twenty - five

5 – five 16 – sixteen 60 – sixty 26 – twenty - six

6 – six 17 - seventeen 70 – seventy 27 – twenty - seven

7 – seven 18 – eighteen 80 – eighty 28 – twenty - eight

8 – eight 19 – nineteen 90 - ninety 29 – twenty - nine

9 - nine


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100 – one hundred / a hundred101 – one hundred and one325 – three hundred and twenty – five 1000 – one thousand / a thousand1 504 – one thousand five hundred and four1 000 000 – one million / a million

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I am a student in Arad and I am 19 years old. Maria is a student, too.

She is 20 years old. I am from Arad and Maria is from Timisoara. We are friends. Tom and Mihai are friends. They are students, too. Tom is from Britain and he is in Arad now.

Mihai is from Romania, from Iasi. Today is our first day at the faculty. We are happy to meet

our colleagues. 'Hello! I'm Helen. What's your name?' 'My name is Maria. Where are you from?'

'I am from Arad, and you?' 'I am from Timisoara. Nice to meet you.' 'Nice to meet you. '

There are many students at the faculty today. They are happy to meet new people and make new friends.

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day = zi first = primul, prima

friend = prieten from = de la, din happy = fericit make = a face

meet = a (se) intillni name=nume

new = nou, noua, noi now=acum

people = oameni that = aceea,acela

there are = sunt, se afla, exista there is = este, se afla, exista

these = acestea, acestia this = aceasta, acesta those = acelea, aceia

today = astazi

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Formule de prezentare.

How do you do? = ce mai faceti? Nice to meet you = imi face placere sa te

cunosc Nice meeting you = …………

Let me introduce to you…… = da- mi voie sa-ti prezint pe ……..

This is …..( prenumele persoanei) = se foloseste informal, intre prieteni, colegi

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Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________TEST 11 Change the sentences into negatives sentences or questions.0 It’s Thursday today. (question) Is it Thursday today?1 She is at home. (negative) ___________________________________________2 Anna is hungry. (question) __________________________________________3 This answer is wrong. (negative) _____________________________________4 Your sister works in the morning. (question) ____________________________5 Katy likes tennis. (negative) _________________________________________6 They watch T.V. in the afternoon. (negative) ____________________________7 They eat vegetables. (question) _______________________________________8 Mehmet drinks coffee. (question) _____________________________________9 We play basketball at the weekend. (negative) ___________________________10 George wants to go to the cinema. (question) ____________________________

2 Underline the correct word in each sentence.0 Alice goes/go to school by bus.1 They is/are in the living-room. 2 Harry and Peter works/work in Manchester.3 My uncle sings/sing in a rock group.4 Joe don’t/doesn’t like chocolate.5 Peter is/am Australian.6 I have/has a new CD.7 My cat is/are thirsty.8 Jane get up/gets up at 7 o’clock.9 The children often play/plays in the park.10 It rains/rain a lot in Dublin.

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3. Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.My name (0) B David Jackson. I (1) ______ in an office in the city. I (2) ______ work at 9.00 and usually (3) ______ at 4.30. I sometimes (4) ______ lunch with my friend, Karen. She works in the same office as me. We always (5) ______ to the same café. I (6) ______ a sandwich and Karen (7) ______ hamburger. We both (8) ______ coffee with our lunch. After lunch Karen and I often (9) ______ for a walk in the park, but we always (10) ______ back at the office by 2.00.0 A are B is C am1 A work B working C works2 A starts B start C started3 A finishes B finishs C finish4 A eats B eaten C eat5 A goes B go C gone6 A has B having C have7 A has B having C have8 A drinks B drink C drinking9 A going B go C goed10 A arrive B arrives C arrived

4 Change the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.0 It (rain) is raining today. 1 I (read) ________________ a very good magazine at the moment.2 Joe and Ron (play) ________________ football.3 The police officer (talk) ________________ to us.4 I (make) ________________ a cup of coffee.5 The train (arrive) ________________ .6 Bob (come) ________________ to school early today.7 We (study) ________________ for our tests.8 Lots of people (listen) ________________ the radio at the moment.9 You (stand) ________________ on my foot!10 Hurry up! The bus is (leaving) ________________ .

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5 Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.0 I (finish) finished my exams last week.1 Yesterday, Simon (walk) ________________ to the supermarket.2 The plane (arrive) ________________ on time.3 We (play) ________________ tennis for two hours.4 A bird (fly) ________________ into the window.5 It (begin) ________________ to snow.6 My family (go) ________________ to Spain for a holiday.7 Clare (bring) ________________ her new book to school.8 The children (wear) ________________ their best clothes.9 I (have) ________________ to talk to the teacher after school.10 Graham was ill so he (stay) ________________ at home all day.

6 Underline the correct word in each sentence.0 Do/Did/Don’t Sue want to go shopping?1 The shop do/didn’t/don’t open at 9.30.2 I does/didn’t/don’t answer the question.3 Do/Did/Don’t you see him yesterday?4 Does/Did/Don’t they come to the disco?5 He do/didn’t/don’t wash the clothes.6 Do/Did/Don’t your Mother cook your lunch?7 My dog do/didn’t/don’t do it!8 I do/doesn’t/didn’t go to the cinema.9 I doesn’t/do/didn’t hear you.10 Does/Did/Doesn’t you go to bed early?

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TEST 21 Change the sentences into negatives sentences or questions.0 It’s Friday today. (question) Is it Friday today?1 He is at home today. (question) _______________________________________ 2 Alice is happy. (negative) ___________________________________________3 Your mum wants an apple. (question) _________________________________4 Your father works in the evening. (question) ____________________________5 Roma likes basketball. (negative) _____________________________________6 He eats fruit. (question) _____________________________________________7 This answer is correct. (negative)) ____________________________________8 They drive to the match. (question) ___________________________________9 Miguel likes reading. (negative) ______________________________________10 They watch videos in the morning. (negative) ___________________________

2 Underline the correct word in each sentence.0 Anna goes/go to school on foot.1 It rains/rain a lot in Manchester.2 We is/are in the house.3 My cousin play/plays in a band.4 Sue is/am American.5 My cats is/are hungry.6 I want/wants a new jacket.7 Ella doesn’t/don’t like coffee.8 Henry and Carla works/work in Paris.9 She go/goes to bed late.10 The girls sometimes paint/paints at school.

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3 Read the paragraph. Choose the best word for each space.My name (0) A Sandra Marshall. I (1) _____ in a big shop in Oxford. I (2) _____ work early, at 7 0’clock, but I (3) _____ early too, at 3 0’clock. I (4) _____ my lunch at midday, with my friends. We sometimes (5) _____ to a restaurant, but usually we (6) _____ in a café. My friend Leo usually (7) _____ pasta and I (8) _____ a sandwich. On the way home from work I often (9) _____ at the baker’s and(10) _____ a cake for my tea. I never get a big one though!!0 A is B am C are1 A works B working C work2 A starts B start C started3 A finishes B finish C finished4 A have B having C had5 A goes B gone C go6 A eat B ate C eats7 A have B having C has8 A had B have C has9 A stop B stopped C stops10 A buying B by C buy

4 Change the verbs in brackets into the present continuous.0 It (rain) is raining again.1 I (sit) ________________ on the sofa.2 We (study) ________________ for our exams.3 The teacher (shout) ________________ to us.4 Mum is (cook) ________________ the dinner.5 The bus (arrive) ________________ .6 George (come) ________________ to school late today.7 I (read) ________________ a very good book at the moment.8 William and Ali (play) ________________ basketball.9 The children (go) ________________ to the park now.10 He (make) ________________ a cup of tea.

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5 Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple.0 I (finish) finished my book last week.1 A plane (fly) ________________ over our house.2 Peter (have) ________________ a sandwich for lunch.3 The bus (arrive) ________________ two hours late.4 My sister (make) ________________ a big cake for my birthday.5 John always (wear) ________________ a uniform to school.6 Kevin (run) ________________ to school, yesterday.7 It (begin) ________________ to rain.8 We (play) ________________ football for hours.9 My family (go) ________________ to Portugal for a holiday.10 We (jump) ________________ into the swimming pool.

6 Underline the correct word in each sentence.0 Do/Did/Don’t James want to go home?1 My cat do/didn’t/don’t do it!2 Rosie do/didn’t/don’t answer the telephone.3 Does/Did/Don’t they go to the party?4 Do/Did/Don’t you hear me?5 The library do/didn’t/don’t close at 5.00.6 Does/Doesn’t/Did you have a good time?7 He do/didn’t/don’t wash the dishes.8 You do/doesn’t/didn’t go to school.9 Do/Did/Don’t your father cook your dinner?10 They do/didn’t/doesn’t catch the bus.

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Pentru examen (data probabila ianuarie 2013, ora , SUPA)

• Verbele To BE, To HAVE• Lista verbele neregulate• Toate cele 4 timpuri studiate (Present Simple,

Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple)

• Traducere text studiat din engleza in romana• Numeralul• Cele 2 teste aduse pe foaie separat, fiind luate

in considerare ca studiu pe parcursul semestrului