acum cateva zile se spune k a scapat de la zoo un sarpe care acum misuna prin oras

Acum cateva zile se spune k a scapat de la zoo un sarpe care acum misuna prin oras. Acest sarpe “cobra”, cunoscut a fi periculos , poate pune in pericol viata locuitorilor. De cand aceasta veste a fost data, oamenii numai au liniste si nu le maid au voie copiilor sa iasa din casa. Sarpele a fost vazut de catre un barbat in zona unui parc, dar pana knd autoritatile compentente au sosit, teroristul a disparut. Barbatul a descries sarpele ca “fiind cel mai mare pe care il vazuse”. Membrii publicului sunt rugati de catre autoritati sa ii anunte imediat daca vad sarpele si sa nu se apropie de acesta pentru ca ii poate ucide. Locuitorii vor ca ingrijitorul, sa fie acuzat de neglijenta in serviciu. Oamenii cred k o asemenea reptile periculoasa nu ar fi trebuit sa scape niciodata. Choose one of the following headlines and write a short newspaper report. Include some of the expressions in the box. Escaped snake terrorizes neighbourhood Described being awakened by thought to have caused reported to have been seen Said to have escaped known to be dangerous members of the public are asked Few days ago was said to have escaped from zoo a snake who teems through town. This snake “Cobra”, known to be dangerous, could put the people’s life in jeopardy. Since this news was aired, the people has no silence and they don’t let their children out of their houses. The snake was seen by

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Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Acum cateva zile se spune k a scapat de la zoo un sarpe care acum misuna prin oras

Acum cateva zile se spune k a scapat de la zoo un sarpe care acum misuna prin oras. Acest sarpe “cobra”, cunoscut a fi periculos , poate pune in pericol viata locuitorilor. De cand aceasta veste a fost data, oamenii numai au liniste si nu le maid au voie copiilor sa iasa din casa. Sarpele a fost vazut de catre un barbat in zona unui parc, dar pana knd autoritatile compentente au sosit, teroristul a disparut. Barbatul a descries sarpele ca “fiind cel mai mare pe care il vazuse”. Membrii publicului sunt rugati de catre autoritati sa ii anunte imediat daca vad sarpele si sa nu se apropie de acesta pentru ca ii poate ucide. Locuitorii vor ca ingrijitorul, sa fie acuzat de neglijenta in serviciu. Oamenii cred k o asemenea reptile periculoasa nu ar fi trebuit sa scape niciodata.

Choose one of the following headlines and write a short newspaper report. Include some of the expressions in the box.

Escaped snake terrorizes neighbourhood

Described being awakened by thought to have caused reported to have been seen

Said to have escaped known to be dangerous members of the public are asked

Few days ago was said to have escaped from zoo a snake who teems through town. This snake “Cobra”, known to be dangerous, could put the people’s life in jeopardy. Since this news was aired, the people has no silence and they don’t let their children out of their houses. The snake was seen by a men in a park area, but until the authorities arrived, the “terrorist” had disappeared. The men described the snake as “the biggest one he has ever seen”. Members of the public are asked by authorities to call them immediately if they see the snake and do not get close to him because they can be killed. The people wants that the animal keeper should be accused of negligence at work. The people think that this kind of reptile shouldn’t never escaped .

Page 2: Acum cateva zile se spune k a scapat de la zoo un sarpe care acum misuna prin oras