001 - accesorios para ipad - estuches y pieles - ut

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  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT


    ! ! ! ATENCI ON ! ! !

    El t i em po de en t r ega es de 30 a 35 d as hb i les en cua lqu ie r com p ra , ya quelos p roduc t os son env iados desde l a m i sm a FBRI CA y dependen de l f l u j o de

    paque t es a n i ve l i n t e rnac iona l.


    ------------------------001 Accesorios para iPad-----------------------------

    Es tu ches y Pie les

    Descr ipc in resum ida de l con t en ido de l cat a logo :

    - Una completa seleccin de forros, estuches, carcasas,para todos los modelos de iPad, iPad 2 y la nueva iPad HDque tenemos a disposicin.

    Pedimos disculpas por los ttulos en Ingles en los productos, en futuras

    versiones de los catlogos estar todo en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT


    Actualizado al, 15 de Junio de 2012

    Trm inos y cond iciones pa ra ca t logos de U l t raBara to .comVersin de D ocum en t o : 1 . 0

    Trm ino s solo val idos p ara TODOS LOS PA SES.



    HACER UN PEDI DO_______________________________________________

    Muchas gracias por bajar este catalogo de productos, estamos ms que seguros queencontrara muchas cosas de su inters.

    Los catlogos contemplan todos los productos disponibles hasta el momento, desdenuestros proveedores y fbricas en China, Asia y Parte de Europa, segn la categora a la que

    un producto corresponda podr encontrar muchas mas opciones en colores, tamaos y precios,de esa manera podr hacer una mejor comparacin y eleccin del producto que deseacomprar.

    Pero recuerde que no es todo lo que podemos ofrecerle, la cantidad de productos es tanalta que constantemente estaremos actualizando nuestros catlogos con nuevos productos yofertas que no debe perder, en algunas ocasiones el numero de tems nuevos es limitado ysolo se fabrican un cierto numero de unidades, luego salen de stock as que reviseregularmente nuestras actualizaciones.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT


    En caso de verse interesado en realizar un pedido, por favor debe tomar en cuenta lassiguientes observaciones:

    1. Todo producto en el catalogo, esta sujeto a previa revisin de existencia con nuestrosproveedores, por lo que cualquier pedido deber tener nuestra confirmacin ycotizacin final, la misma que tendr una vigencia de 7 d as ca lendar io y no implicaNI NGUN COMPROMI SO de su parte, de esta manera evitamos que haya errores almomento de la compra.

    2. Los precios de cada producto estn expresados en DOLARES AMERI CANOS, y PORU N I D AD, en algunos casos por grupo o Kit de objetos, pero recuerde que la variacinde precios es constante en China, as que por favor no se alarme si nuestraconfirmacin final llega con una correccin del precio que no ser significativa.

    3. Toda compra que usted realice es TOTALMENTE SEGURA Y PRI VAD A, puedecomprar el producto que guste, en la cantidad que desee, de cualquier categora, sinpreguntas de nuestra parte, le aseguramos que sus datos personales y la de suscompras estn fuertemente resguardadas y JAMAS se revelaran a personas ajenas aUltrabarato.

    4. Nuestros clientes asiduos tendrn derecho a un descuento del 5% en el precio final,esto es a partir de la primera compra.

    5. Si usted desea hacer un pedido al por mayor, segn el numero de tems a comprar sele asignara un descuento (as sea su primera compra con nosotros):

    D e 10 a 49 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 10% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 50 a 99 u n idades el descuen t o se r de l 15% sob re e l t o t a l . D e 100 a 500 un idades e l descuen t o ser de l 20% a l 25% depend iendo

    de l t em y de l c l i en t e sob re e l t o t a l .6. En toda compra (sin importar el numero de tems), usted deber otorgar un plazo de

    30 a 3 5 d as hb i les que ta r dara e l paqu ete en l legar a su pas, desde Ch ina ;algunos pedidos llegaran en menos tiempo segn la poca del ao, esto debidonetamente al flujo de paquetes a nivel internacional, en todo caso le informaremosoportunamente de algn retraso o problema que haya con su pedido.

    7. Si el pedido supera los 30 Dlares se le asignara automticamente un NUMERO DERASTREO AEREO y el paquete llegara con el tenor de CERTI FI CADO a destino; encaso de que el pedido sea menor a 30 Dlares, el cliente tiene la opcin de PAGARUN EXTRA por la asignacin MANUAL de un NU MERO DE RASTREO AEREO, para sucontrol y comodidad.

    8. El pago puede ser realizado por los siguientes medios: PayPal (de preferencia),deposito en cuenta de banco internacional autorizada, pago electrnico medianteInternet y Tarjeta de Crdito, giro de dinero por medio de Western Union o MoneyGram, etc. Ning n ped i do ser env iado has ta CONFI RMAR el pago to ta l .

    9. Podr realizar cambios en su pedido dentro las 2 4 h o r a s siguientes a la confirmacinde su pago, de lo contrario, se proceder a encargar y enviar a su pas los temscomprados.

    10. En caso de que en un pedido, todos o un tem no llegaran a destino, hasta un mximode 65 das hbiles desde la fecha oficial de envo, segn el acuerdo de la compra,U l t r aBara t o devo lve r e l mon t o de d ine ro co r respond ien t e a l numero de t ems f a l t an t es , en f o rma de c rd i t o en nues t r a pg ina w eb , PR EVI A

    con f i rmac in de pa r t e de nu es t r o p roveedor y ve r i f i cac in con las comp a asde Cor r eos de cada pas , de que su paquet e es ta perd ido . 11. Cualquier falla de fbrica en los productos deber ser reportada I NMEDI ATAMENTE

    a la Gerenc ia de U l t raBara to con f o togra f as y descr ipc in deta l lada delproblema, en un lapso de 2 4 h o r a s dependiendo del producto para que le sea enviadauna respuesta y posible solucin al caso.

    12. Los clientes que tengan cierta antigedad con UltraBarato podrn realizar sus pedidoscon el deposito de solo el 50% de l pago y paga r el saldo a a l en t r ega de lp roduc t o .

    13. Una vez que el pedido del cliente este confirmado con el proveedor y la orden ya esteen camino al destino acordado con el comprador, U l t r aBara t o no esta en laobligacin de devolver ningn monto de dinero sobre la compra en caso de que el

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT


    comprador se retracte de la misma, ya que el pedido esta en transito y ya espropiedad del Cliente.

    14. En caso de que el cliente desee devolver un producto por X o Z motivo y obtener elreembolso parcial o completo, la Gerencia de UltraBarato dar una respuesta alrequerimiento de devolucin, segn la razn que el cliente plantee, si esta tiene fuerzay merece una devolucin, se proceder a la AUTORI ZACI ON DE LA DEVOLUCI ONDEL PRODUCTO, con la consideracin de que e l c l ien te cor rer con los gas tos dereenv o de l p r oduc t o has t a e l p r oveedor en C h ina , una vez que el producto llegueal proveedor y este CONFI RME su recepcin, se esperara a que el proveedor haga elreembolso monetario correspondiente sobre los tems recibidos, siendo este despusdevuelto al comprador segn los trminos en los que se quedaron al momento de laautorizacin por parte de UltraBarato, debe tomar en cuenta que este procesogeneralmente toma hasta m as de 6 m eses en concretarse.

    La Gerencia de Ultrabarato le pide considerar los puntos anteriores y lo invita a disfrutarde nuestros catlogos y convertirse muy pronto en uno de nuestros clientes.

    Si decide hacer un pedido por algn o varios tems de nuestros catlogos, realice elmismo a nuestra cuenta de correo: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com con los siguientes datoscomo M I N I M O :

    - CODI GO de l o los p rodu c tos .- El num ero de t em s a com pra r .- Direcc in y da tos persona les .- Lugar de des t i no .

    Para su comodidad a continuacin de este documento, encontrara un ejemplo de HOJADE PEDI DO, donde podr realizar un requerimiento de cotizacin sobre productos de suinters, sintase libre de modificarlo de ser necesario, pero tome como referencia los datosque solicitamos como M I N I M O.

    Ultrabarato al momento de responder a su pedido, har una confirmacin de stock, losmedios de pago sugeridos, descuentos que se apliquen, etc. segn cada caso

    Nuestra compaa tambin podr ayudarlo con la importacin todo tipo de materiales,

    repuestos, electrnicos, maquinarias, etc. desde las fbricas en China, por lo que si noencuentra lo que necesita en nuestros catlogos, envenos su requerimiento o consulta anuestra direccin de e-mail: gerenc ia@ul t rabara to .com

    Los catlogos sern actualizados regularmente con nuevos productos y precios, lo mismoque este (documento de ser necesario). Le recomendamos LEERLO CON ATENCI ON antesde proceder con su compra.

    Nuevamente muchas gracias por su tiempo, confianza e inters en nuestra tienda enlnea.

    Gerenc ia Adm in i s t r a t i va - U l t r aBara t oh t t p :/ / w w w .u lt r ab ar at o .co m---------------------------La mejor tienda de gadgets en espaol.

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT







    FECH A DE PED I D O: __ / __ / __

  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3001EP9.7" inch Soft Protec tive Sleeve Cove r Neoprene Inner Bag Case for

    Apple iPad Tab let Lap top Ne tbook Blue$6.05

    I3002EP9.7" inch Soft Protec tive Sleeve Cove r Neoprene Inner Bag Case 4

    App le iPad Tab let Lap top Netbook Black$6.15

    I3003EP9.7" inch Soft Protec tive Sleeve Cove r Neoprene Inner Bag Case for

    Apple iPad Tab let Lap top Ne tbook Red$5.87

    I3004EP Clear Smo ke TPU Soft Case Cover for Ap ple iPad Tab let PC $11.08

    I3005EPStylish Tree Line Skin Soft Silicone Gel Cover Case for Ap ple iPad

    Tab let Lap top Grey$8.32

    I3006EPSoft Silicone Skin Case Protec tive Cover for Ap ple iPad Lap top

    Com puter Hot Pink$8.53

    I3007EP Pleasant Light Blue PC Hard Skin Cover Case 4 Apple iPad ClearCrystal Transparent Washab le Plastic Shell Protec tor $8.62

    I3008EPJubilant Bright Red PC Hard Cove r Case 4 Ap ple iPad Clea r Crystal

    Transparent Washab le Plastic Rubber Shell Protec tor$10.20



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3009EPBrilliant Violet Color PC Hard Cover Case 4 Apple iPad Purple

    Crystal Transparent Washab le Plastic Shell Protec tor$9.39

    I3010EPProtec tive Hard Case Cover Shell Protec tor for App le iPad Tab let

    PC - Blac k$9.41

    I3011EPHard Silicone Skin Case Cover Protec tor for App le iPad with Brand

    New Bright Red High Qua lity Treated Rubbe r$8.12

    I3012EPHard Silicone Skin Case Cover Protec tor for App le iPad with Brand

    New Pure White High Qua lity Treated Rubber$9.42

    I3013EPHard Silicone Skin Case Cover Protec tor for App le iPad with Brand

    New Coo l Blac k High Quality Treated Rubb er$9.58

    I3014EPHard Silicone Skin Case Cover Protec tor for App le iPad with Brand

    New Brilliant Purple High Qua lity Treated Rubbe r$9.66

    I3015EP Stylish Premium Protec tive Faux Lea ther Skin Cover Case for Ap pleiPad Table t PC with Black Cla sp Fold ing Pouc h $17.84

    I3016EPStylish Premium Protec tive Faux Lea ther Skin Cover Case for Ap ple

    iPad Table t PC with White Clasp Fold ing Pouc h$17.21



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3017EPSynthetic Lea ther Skin Case Cover Protec tor for Apple iPad Tab let

    Lap top PC Brand New Blac k High Qua lity$13.16

    I3018EPTPU Skin Case Cover Protec tor for Ap ple iPad Table t Lap top PC with

    Brand New Orang e High Qua lity Treated Rubb er$8.32

    I3019EPBrand New High Quality Silicone Skin Ca se Cove r Protec tor for

    Apple iPad with Tree Line Orang e$7.33

    I3020EPBrand New Dark Blue High Qua lity Silicone Skin Case Cover

    Protec tor for Ap ple iPad w ith Tree Line$9.16

    I3021EPBrand New Red Silicone Skin Ca se Cove r Protec tor for Apple iPad

    with Tree Line High Quality$9.16

    I3022EPNew Stylish Pink Soft Silicone Skin Case Cover Protec tor for Ap ple

    iPad with Tree Line High Qua lity$9.16

    I3023EP Brand New Blac k Silicone Skin Ca se Cove r Protec tor for App le iPadwith Tree Line High Quality $9.16

    I3024EPBrand New Light Blue Silicone Skin Case Cover Protector for Apple

    iPad w/ Tree Line High Qua lity$9.16



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3025EPBrand New White Silicone Skin Case Cover Protec tor for App le iPad

    with Tree Line High Quality$9.16

    I3026EPBrand New Green Treated Silicone Skin Case Co ver Protec tor for

    Ap ple iPad with Tree Line High Qua lity$8.90

    I3027EPGenuine Cow Skin Lea ther Cove r Case for App le iPad Tab let

    Laptop PC with Insert Style Clasp Protective Pouch Holder$14.11

    I3028EPProtec tive Faux Lea ther Skin Cover Case for Ap ple iPad Tab let PC

    with Insert Style& Drawstring Black Pouch Holder$11.44

    I3029EPProtec tive Faux Lea ther Skin Cove r Case for App le iPad Tab let

    Laptop PC with Insert Style Clasp Protective Pouch Holder$11.45

    I3030EPStylish Premium Protec tive Faux Lea ther Skin Cover Case for Ap ple

    iPad Table t PC with Blac k Clasp Fold ing Pouch& Snap$17.84

    I3031EP Stylish Premium Protec tive Faux Lea ther Skin Cover Case for Ap pleiPad Table t PC with Brown Clasp Fold ing Pouc h& Snap $18.66

    I3032EPSoft Knit Wool Sock Skin Cover Case Bag Pouch Container for

    Apple iPad Tab let Lap top$6.36



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3033EPTransparent Clear Crystal Hard Case Co ver Shell w ith Frame Plate

    Stand Bracke t Compa c t Design for App le iPad Tab let$11.67

    I3034EPSoft Knit Wool Sock Skin Cover Case Bag Pouch Container for

    Apple iPad Tab let Lap top$6.36

    I3035EPSoft Knit Wool Sock Skin Cover Case Bag Pouch Container for

    Apple iPad Tab let Lap top$6.36

    I3036EPSoft Synthetic Lea ther Ca se Cover Shell w ith Frame Stand Plate

    Bracke t Hold for Apple iPad Tab let Notebook$15.30

    I3037EPSynthetic Leather Case Cover Shell with Frame Stand Plate Bracket

    for Apple iPad Tab let Notebo ok$15.61

    I3038EPCozy Convenient Velve t Floc king Sleeve Ca se Cover Bag Pouc h w

    String for App le iPad Tab let Lap top Noteb ook PC$6.11

    I3039EP 3-piece Soft Protec tive Sleeve Cover Neop rene Inner Bag Case forApple iPad Tab let Lap top Ne tbook PC $14.38

    I3040EP3-piece Soft Knit Woo l Soc k Skin Cover Ca se Bag Pouc h Container

    for App le iPad Tab let Lap top$15.13



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3041EPCozy Convenient Velve t Floc king Sleeve Ca se Cover Bag Pouc h w

    String for App le iPad Tab let Lap top Noteb ook PC$5.81

    I3042EPCozy Convenient Velve t Floc king Sleeve Ca se Cover Bag Pouc h w

    String for App le iPad Tab let Lap top Noteb ook PC$5.89

    I3043EPFashionab le Design Flowe r Shap ed Bac k Hard Cove r Case

    Protec tor fo r Apple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$12.59

    I3044EPFashionab le Design Flowe r Lea ves Shap ed Bac k Hard Cover Case

    Protec tor fo r Apple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$12.69

    I3045EPNew Fashionab le Design Bac k Hard Co ver Case Protec tor for

    Ap ple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$12.77

    I3046EPFashionab le Bac k Hard Cove r Case White& Blac k Leopa rd Pattern

    Design for Apple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$12.77

    I3047EP Fashionab le Anti-Gla re Bac k Hard Cove r Case Protec tor for App leiPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G $7.33

    I3048EPFashionab le Anti-Gla re Bac k Hard Cove r Case Protec tor for App le

    iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$7.33



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3049EPFashionab le Anti-Gla re Bac k Hard Cove r Case Protec tor for App le

    iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$7.75

    I3050EPFashionab le Anti-Gla re Bac k Hard Cove r Case Protec tor for App le

    iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$7.75

    I3051EPFashionab le Anti-Gla re Bac k Hard Cove r Case Protec tor for App le

    iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$7.33

    I3052EPGray Stylish Handy Soft Poc ke t Pac ka ge Bag Protec tive Pouc h

    Sleeve Ca se Holder for Mini Lap top No tebook Ap ple iPad$5.72

    I3053EPWhite& Black Insert Style Protective Synthetic Leather Case Cover

    for App le iPad$14.74

    I3054EPWhite Insert Style Protec tive Cover Lea ther Ca se for 9.7" App le iPad

    Tablet PC$14.74

    I3055EP Dual-mode Fashionab le Hard Case Co ver with Frame PlateBracket Support Stand Yellow& Hot Red for Apple iPad $26.01

    I3056EPDual Mod e Hard Cover Case with Frame Plate Brac ke t Supp ort

    Stand fo r App le iPad Lapto p PC Table t$26.01



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3057EPDual-mode Stylish Hard Ca se Cove r Shell w ith Kickstand Frame

    Plate for Apple iPad$26.01

    I3058EPCute Hello Kitty Pattern Bac k Hard Cover Ca se Shell Protec tor for

    Ap ple iPad Laptop 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G$15.33

    I3059EPWhite Hello Kitty Pattern Cute Fashionable Hard Case Cover Shell

    for Apple iPad Tab let PC$16.32

    I3060EPPink Vein Insert Style Protective Synthetic Leather Case Cover for

    9.7" Apple iPad$14.74

    I3061EPFashiona ble Pink Protec tive PU Lea ther Ca se Cover Bag Skin fo r

    Ap ple iPad Table t PC$14.74

    I3062EPInsert Style Shee pskin Skin Soft Bag Protec tive Cover Case Pouc h

    for Apple iPad PC Tab let Lap top Noteboo k Computer$17.02

    I3063EP Fashionab le Design Tree Shap ed Design Bac k Hard Cover Ca seProtec tor fo r Apple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi+ 3G $13.58

    I3064EPBlac k Insert Style Protec tive Lea ther Case for 9.7" Apple iPad Tab let




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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3065EPHard Protec tive Bac k Shell Skin Case Co ver w ith a Frame Plate

    Stand for Apple iPad$11.86

    I3066EPProtec tive Hard Back Shell Skin Case Cover with Blac k Fea ther

    Pattern for Apple iPad 16GB 32GB 64GB WiFi/ WiFi + 3G$12.57

    I3067EPTransparent Clear Crystal Hard Case Co ver Shell w ith Frame Plate

    Stand Bracke t Com pa c t Design for Apple iPad Tab let PC$11.86

    I3068EPFlower Pattern Synthetic Leather Case Cover Protector w Insert

    Style for Apple iPad PC Laptop$14.74

    I3069EPSoft Knit Woo l Soc k Skin Cover Case Bag Pouch Conta iner for 9.7"

    App le iPad Tab let Lap top Noteboo k$4.59

    I3070EPSoft Knit Woo l Soc k Skin Cover Case Bag Pouch Conta iner for 9.7"

    App le iPad Tab let Lap top Noteboo k$5.74

    I3071EP Protec tive Meta l Cover Ca se Washab le Plastic Shell Protec tor for9.7" Ap ple iPad Table t PC $52.03

    I3072EPCozy Velvet Floc king Sleeve Ca se Co ver Bag Pouc h w String for

    Ap ple iPad Table t PC - Pink$6.08



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3073EPCozy Velvet Floc king Sleeve Ca se Co ver Bag Pouc h w String for

    Ap ple iPad Table t PC - Purple$5.52

    I3074EPCozy Velvet Floc king Sleeve Ca se Co ver Bag Pouc h w String for

    Ap ple iPad Table t PC - Off-White$5.52

    I3075EPProtec tive Soft Floc king Sleeve Case Bag Pouc h w String for Apple

    iPad Table t PC - Grey$5.52

    I3076EPProtec tive Soft Floc king Sleeve Case Bag Pouc h w String for Apple

    iPad Table t PC - Orang e$5.52

    I3077EPProtec tive Soft Floc king Sleeve Case Bag Pouc h w String for Apple

    iPad Tablet PC - Blue$5.39

    I3078EPCozy Velvet Floc king Sleeve Ca se Co ver Bag Pouc h w String for

    Ap ple iPad Table t PC - Yellow ish$5.52

    I3079EP Natural Bam boo Stripe Textured Case Hard Bac kside Skin Cove rProtector for Apple iPad - Moso Bam boo Color $70.88

    I3080EPNatural Bam boo Stripe Textured Case Hard Bac kside Skin Cove r

    Protector for Apple iPad - Moso Bam boo Color$70.88



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3081EPNatural Wooden Stripe Textured Case Hard Bac kside Skin Cove r

    Protector with Base Support for Apple iPad$80.23

    I3082EPNatural Bam boo Stripe Textured Case Hard Bac kside Skin Cove r

    Protector with Base Support for Apple iPad$71.41

    I3083EPBlac k Silicone Protec tive Flexib le Skin Soft Bac kside Case Cove r

    Shell for App le iPad 2nd Generation$10.68

    I3084EPWhite Silicone Protective Flexible Skin Soft Backside Case Cover

    Shell for Apple iPad 2$10.68

    I3085EPLea ther Slim Convertib le Flip Folio Ca se Protec tive Book Typ e

    Cove r with Cleaning Cloth for Apple iPad$42.10

    I3086EPBlue Silicone Protective Flexible Skin Soft Backside Case Cover

    Shell fo r Apple iPad Table t PC$9.63

    I3087EP Silicone Protective Flexible Skin Soft Backside Case Cover Shell forAp ple iPad Table t PC $9.77

    I3088EPYellow Silicone Protec tive Flexib le Skin Soft Bac kside Case Cover

    Shell fo r Apple iPad Table t PC$9.77



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3089EPWhite Silicone Protective Flexible Skin Soft Backside Case Cover

    Shell fo r Apple iPad Table t PC$9.77

    I3090EPDelicious Choc ola te Bar Style Flexib le Snap -on Silicone Case

    Protec tive Bac kside Cover for App le iPad$10.08

    I3091EPLaser Rhom bic Design Ma tt Skin Plastic Snap-on Hard Ca se

    Protec tive Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$7.80

    I3092EPLaser Baske t Textured Skin Plastic Snap-on Hard Case Protec tive

    Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$7.80

    I3093EPLaser Baske t Textured Skin Plastic Snap-on Hard Case Protec tive

    Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$7.80

    I3094EP3D Patte rn Hard Case Co ver Protec tive Shell for Apple iPad Table t

    PC - Red$8.39

    I3095EP 3D Patte rn Hard Case Co ver Protec tive Shell for Apple iPad Table tPC - White $8.39

    I3096EP3D Patte rn Hard Case Co ver Protec tive Shell for Apple iPad Table t

    PC - Golden$8.39



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3097EPLeopa rd Grain Lea ther Hard Case Cove r Shell with Blac k Flannel

    for Apple iPad Tab let PC - Brown$10.28

    I3098EPColorful Water Wave Painted Plastic Snap -on Hard Case Protec tive

    Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$9.50

    I3099EPColorful Chec ke red Painted Plastic Snap -on Hard Case Protec tive

    Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$9.50

    I3100EPWhite & Blue Checkered Painted Plastic Snap -on Hard Ca se

    Protec tive Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$9.50

    I3101EPStylish Rhinestone Wave Patte rned Hard Ca se Cover Shell for Ap ple

    iPad Tablet PC$11.59

    I3102EPStylish Rhinestone Co la Word Patterned Hard Ca se Cover Shell for

    Ap ple iPad Table t PC$11.59

    I3103EP Stylish Colo rful Rhinestone Hard Case Cover Shell for Apple iPadTablet PC $11.59

    I3104EPFish-scale Patte rn Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad Table t PC -




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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3105EPFish-scale Patte rn Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad Table t PC -


    I3106EPFish-scale Patte rn Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad Table t PC -

    Peach Red$7.53

    I3107EPCord Design Hard Ca se Cove r Shell with Blac k Flanne l for App le

    iPad Tablet PC - Red$10.28

    I3108EPCord Design Hard Ca se Cove r Shell with Blac k Flanne l for App le

    iPad Tab let PC - Golden$10.28

    I3109EPWhite Fine Snake skin Textured PU Lea ther Snap- on Hard Case

    Protec tive Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$10.28

    I3110EPBlac k Fine Snakeskin Textured PU Lea ther Snap-on Hard Case

    Protec tive Shell Cover for Ap ple iPad$10.28

    I3111EP Decorative Protec tion Bac k Ca se Sticker with Glitter for Apple iPadTab let - Dark Blue $4.23

    I3112EPDecorative Protec tion Bac k Ca se Sticker with Glitter for Apple iPad

    Tab let - Silver$4.23



  • 7/31/2019 001 - Accesorios Para iPad - Estuches y Pieles - UT


    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3113EPDecorative Protec tion Bac k Ca se Sticker with Glitter for Apple iPad

    Tablet - Red$4.23

    I3114EPDecorative Protec tion Bac k Ca se Sticker with Glitter for Apple iPad

    Tab let - Blac k$4.23

    I3115EPWoode n Pattern Vinyl Co lor Sticker Skin Cover Decal for 9.7" Apple

    iPad - Wooden$4.08

    I3116EPWoode n Pattern Vinyl Co lor Sticker Skin Cover Decal for 9.7" Apple

    iPad - Blac k$4.08

    I3117EPProtec tive Case Synthetic Lea ther Shell Co ver Trave ling

    Com pa nion for App le iPad Tab let PC$18.93

    I3118EPFull Protec tive Case Synthetic Lea ther Shell Cover Trave ling

    Com pa nion for App le iPad Tab let PC - Red$18.52

    I3119EP Blac k PU Lea ther Pad folio Ca se with Kickstand Protec tive CarryingCover for 9.7-inch Tab let PC Com puter iPad $14.91

    I3120EPLea ther Slim Convertib le Flip Folio Ca se Protec tive Book Typ e

    Cover for 9.7-inch Tab let PC Com puter iPad$14.32



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3121EPSilicone Protective Flexible Soft Backside Case Cover Shell Skin for

    Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC - Red$10.06

    I3122EPSilicone Protective Flexible Soft Backside Case Cover Shell Skin for

    Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC - Pea ch Red$9.30

    I3123EPSilicone Protective Flexible Soft Backside Case Cover Shell Skin for

    Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC - Blue$10.06

    I3124EPSilicone Protective Flexible Soft Backside Case Cover Shell Skin for

    Apple iPad 2 Tab let PC - Blac k$10.06

    I3125EPSilicone Protective Flexible Soft Backside Case Cover Shell Skin for

    Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC - White$10.06

    I3126EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tablet PC - Tan$14.23

    I3127EP Synthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2Tablet PC - Silve r $14.23

    I3128EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tab let PC - Blac k$14.23



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3129EPProtec tive Synthetic Lea ther Case Cover & Stand with Magne tic

    Clip for Apple iPad 2 2nd$19.00

    I3130EPProtec tive Synthetic Lea ther Case Cover & Stand with Magne tic

    Clip for Apple iPad 2 2nd$19.08

    I3131EPTranspa rent Clea r Protec tive Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad

    2 Tab let PC - Gray$7.72

    I3132EPTranspa rent Clea r Protec tive Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad

    2 Tab let PC - Pea ch Pink$7.72

    I3133EP Protec tive Hard Ca se Cover Shell for App le iPad 2 Tab let PC - Blue $7.72

    I3134EPProtec tive Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC -


    I3135EP Protec tive Hard Case Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC -Pea ch Pink $7.72

    I3136EPProtective Soft Silicone Case Protector Cover Shell for Apple iPad 2

    2nd - Green$8.82



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3137EPGrey Protec tive Silicone Case Protec tor Cover Shell for Apple iPad

    2 2nd$9.97

    I3138EPTransparent Protec tive Soft Silicone Case Protec tor Cover Shell for

    Apple iPad 2 2nd - White$10.00

    I3139EPProtec tive Synthetic Lea ther Case Cover Shell & Stand for Apple

    iPad 2 2nd - Baby Blue$15.86

    I3140EPProtec tive Synthetic Lea ther Case Cover Shell & Stand for Apple

    iPad 2 2nd - Pink$15.14

    I3141EPProtective Synthetic Leather Case Cover Shell & Stand with Lichee

    Pattern for Apple iPad 2 2nd$16.38

    I3142EPProtec tive Side long Insert Mod e Synthetic Lea ther Case Cover

    Protec tor with Clip Closure for App le iPad 2 2nd$10.70

    I3143EP Protec tive Straig ht Insert Mod e Synthetic Lea ther Case CoverProtec tor with Magnetic Closure for App le iPad 2 2nd $13.35

    I3144EPTransparent Protec tive Glossy Hard TPU Case Protec tor Cover Shell

    for App le iPad 2 2nd - Blue$8.15



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3145EPTransparent Protec tive Glossy Hard TPU Case Protec tor Cover Shell

    for Apple iPad 2 2nd - Hot Pink$8.15

    I3146EPTransparent Protec tive Glossy TPU Case Protec tor Cover Shell for

    Apple iPad 2 2nd - Purple$8.15

    I3147EPTransparent Protec tive Glossy Hard TPU Case Protec tor Cover Shell

    for App le iPad 2 2nd - Grey$8.15

    I3148EPTransparent Protec tive Glossy Hard TPU Case Protec tor Cover Shell

    for App le iPad 2 2nd - White$8.15

    I3149EPProtective Synthetic Leather Case Cover Shell & Stand with Lichee

    Pattern for Apple iPad 2 2nd$13.76

    I3150EPFold ab le PU Lea ther Ca se Design Exte rnal Battery Power Statio n

    Battery Case with 5-Ada pter for iPad iPhone Cell Phone$136.15

    I3151EP 2-in-1 Portab le Protec tive Synthetic Lea ther Case + 7000mAhRec hargeab le Battery for Apple iPad Tab let - Blac k $110.27

    I3152EPProtec tive Hard Ca se Super Thin Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad 2 Table t

    PC - Milk White$7.49



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3153EPProtec tive Hard Ca se Super Thin Cover Shell for Ap ple iPad 2 Table t

    PC - Blac k$7.49

    I3154EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tab let PC - Blac k$20.80

    I3155EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tablet PC - Pink$20.80

    I3156EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tablet PC - Silve r$15.39

    I3157EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd$29.42

    I3158EPChec kered Patte rn Protec tive Ca se Synthetic Lea ther Shell Cover

    Traveling Com pa nion for Ap ple iPad 2 iPad 2 Tab let PC$15.10

    I3159EP Mult- use Protec tive Case Synthetic Lea ther Shell Co ver Trave lingCom pa nion for Apple iPad 2 iPad 2 Tab let PC $25.03

    I3160EPAlligator Skin Pattern Protective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover

    Traveling Com pa nion for App le iPad 2 iPad 2$16.79



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3161EPAlligator Skin Pattern Protective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover

    Traveling Com pa nion for App le iPad 2 iPad 2$15.75

    I3162EPCross Pattern Synthetic Lea ther Ca se Protec tive Shell Cover Skin fo r

    Ap ple iPad 2 Tab let PC$10.23

    I3163EPCreative Jean Style Protec tive Sleeve Inner Bag Case for Apple

    iPad 2 Tablet PC$13.78

    I3164EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tablet PC$9.16

    I3165EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin for Apple iPad 2

    Tablet PC$9.30

    I3166EPSynthetic Leather Case Protective Shell Cover Skin with Clip-stand

    for Apple iPad 2 2nd Tab let PC$15.79

    I3167EP Protective Synthetic Leather Case Cover Shell & Stand with LicheePattern for Apple iPad 2 2nd $22.55

    I3168EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd - Orange$32.92



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3169EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd - Green$32.92

    I3170EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for Apple iPad 2 2nd - Grey$32.92

    I3171EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for Apple iPad 2 2nd - Blac k$32.92

    I3172EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd - Pink$32.92

    I3173EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd - Blue$32.92

    I3174EPHigh Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se Shell

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd - Green$27.42

    I3175EP High Quality Protec tive Wake -Up/ Sleep Sma rt Cover Ca se ShellProtec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd - Blue $26.52

    I3176EPEnvelop Pouch Protective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover Skin

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd + Docume nts - Khaki$9.95



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    Cdigo Fotografa Desc ripc in del produc to Prec io

    I3177EPEnvelop Pouch Protective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover Skin

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd + Docume nts - Blac k$9.95

    I3178EPEnvelop Pouch Protective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover Skin

    Protec tor for App le iPad 2 2nd + Docume nts - Red$9.95

    I3179EPProtective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover Skin Protector for

    App le iPad 2 2nd - Orange$13.28

    I3180EPProtective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover Skin Protector for

    App le iPad 2 2nd - Blac k$13.28

    I3181EPProtective Case Synthetic Leather Shell Cover Skin Protector for

    Apple iPad 2 2nd - Pink$13.28
